MERN Stack starter template with Feathers.
This starter template is aimed towards SaaS apps. It constitutes of Feathers, MongoDB, React and Redux Toolkit. It was bootstrapped with Create React App and Feathers Generator. It contains a pre-configured REST API with local authentication, authentication management and permissions/role management in the server and state management in the web app.
- ant-dev : React Web App customized with Ant Design
- tailwind-dev : React Web App customized with Tailwind CSS (WIP)
Clone the repository or use the Github CLI and create a new repository using this template.
git clone git checkout 'branch-name'
Use yarn or npm to install all the dependencies.
cd directory (web / server) yarn / npm install
Web :
Server :
Database :
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
- Released under the MIT License.
- Use it for personal and commercial projects, but please don’t republish, redistribute, or resell the boilerplate.
- Attribution is not required, although it is really appreciated.