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Open Hospital Patient Portal (WIP)


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Open Hospital Patient Portal

The Patient Portal will allow patients to safely and intentionally (informed consent) access their data from outside the hospital that is using Open Hospital software.

⚠️ The current project is a work in progress (WIP) and it is not ready for production.


Table of contents generated with markdown-toc


Prepare the environment (.env)

First copy dotenv to .env and set up your variables and locations.

Add in the hosts file the following entry develop.ohpp.local api-develop.ohpp.local matomo-develop.ohpp.local

Export the new .env into variables

export $(grep -E 'ENVIRONMENT_NAME|BASE_DOMAIN' .env | xargs)

Create the folder structure using the .env variables

mkdir -p data/$ENVIRONMENT_NAME/database data/$ENVIRONMENT_NAME/database-matomo data/$ENVIRONMENT_NAME/logs/mysql data/$ENVIRONMENT_NAME/logs/mysql-matomo data/$ENVIRONMENT_NAME/logs/nginx data/$ENVIRONMENT_NAME/logs/nginx-matomo data/$ENVIRONMENT_NAME/run data/$ENVIRONMENT_NAME/sql/migrations data/$ENVIRONMENT_NAME/letsencrypt


1. build images from sources

docker compose -f docker-compose-ops.yaml -f docker-compose.yaml build --build-arg ENVIRONMENT_NAME --build-arg BASE_DOMAIN build-api --no-cache

2. copy the DB scripts

When starting API, they will be used by Flyway to create the actual DB:

cp patient-portal/sql/migrations/* data/$ENVIRONMENT_NAME/sql/migrations

3. build the ui

docker compose -f docker-compose-ops.yaml -f docker-compose.yaml build --build-arg ENVIRONMENT_NAME --build-arg BASE_DOMAIN ui


4. start the app mode with output in the terminal

Start MySQL database/service (in background):

docker compose -f docker-compose-ops.yaml -f docker-compose.yaml up -d mysql

(optional) Start Matomo instance (in background):

docker compose -f docker-compose-matomo.yaml up -d

Start the Traefik (loadbalancer), API and UI with output in the terminal. At the first boot, API will create the DB using the scripts copied at Step 2.

docker compose -f docker-compose-ops.yaml -f docker-compose.yaml up loadbalancer api ui

Demo data (optional)

From another window, with everything started, run:

docker compose -f docker-compose-ops.yaml -f docker-compose.yaml run --rm demo-data

Demo users

USER                USERNAME          PASSWORD           ROLE
admin               admin             admin              ADMIN
hospital admin      [email protected]   hospadmin2023      ADMIN
doctor              [email protected]  doctor2023         DOCTOR
Justin Frederick    701010            justin2023         PATIENT
Anthon Geremy       701011            anthon2023         PATIENT
Veronique Fountain  701012            veronique2023      PATIENT
Cypher Marica       701013            cypher2023         PATIENT
Serena Levinson     701014            serena2023         PATIENT
Bardsley Zenaida    701015            bardsley2023       PATIENT
Graney Almedan      701016            graney2023         PATIENT
Ackman Sammy        701017            ackman2023         PATIENT
Pohlman Margot      701018            pohlman2023        PATIENT
Jeana Bennett       701019            jeana2023          PATIENT
Abramo Oliver       701020            abramo2023         PATIENT

To repeat the import, see Clean the DB only (data)

5. available services

  • API will be available at https://api-develop.ohpp.local/swagger-ui/ and http://localhost:18080/swagger-ui/

    • use the first one to connect and allow insecure connections for the swagger UI
    • use the second one to actually call the API and avoid 'Mixed Content' error
  • Patient Portal (UI) will be available at https://develop.ohpp.local/

  • Loadbalancer dashboard (traefik) will be available at http://localhost:8080

  • Matomo will be available at http://matomo-develop.ohpp.local/ and http://localhost:28080/

  • Instructions for Matomo (please read it carefully):

    • connect and configure the first time (installation) from http://develop-matomo.ohpp.local/
    • setup DB and users like in .env file
    • setup super user as root and choose a password (main user, don't forget!)
    • Website name: "Open Hospital Patient Portal"
    • Website URL: http://develop.ohpp.local
    • Untick "Enable Do Not Track support" or (after) in Administration > Privacy > Users opt-out, under “Support Do Not Track preference” disable

Patient Portal (ui) graphics:


Interrupt with CTRL-C in the terminal from 4. start the app mode with output in the terminal

docker compose -f docker-compose-matomo.yaml stop
docker compose -f docker-compose-ops.yaml -f docker-compose.yaml stop

Clean everything

Use the one you need most.

Clean the DB (only data)

With MySQL database/service running, do:

docker compose -f docker-compose-ops.yaml -f docker-compose.yaml run --rm delete-all-data

(optional) reload demo data:

docker compose -f docker-compose-ops.yaml -f docker-compose.yaml run --rm demo-data

Destroy and recreate the DB

Stop api (loadbalancer, matomo and ui can stay)

docker compose -f docker-compose-ops.yaml -f docker-compose.yaml stop api

Remove mysql container, volumes and folders

docker compose rm --stop --volumes --force mysql
docker volume rm oh-patient-portal_mysql_data
docker volume rm oh-patient-portal_mysql_logs
rm -rf data/$ENVIRONMENT_NAME/database/*

Restart mysql

docker compose -f docker-compose-ops.yaml -f docker-compose.yaml up -d mysql

Restart api (will create the db structure using the already existing scripts at data/$ENVIRONMENT_NAME/sql/migrations)

docker compose -f docker-compose-ops.yaml -f docker-compose.yaml up -d api

(optional) Reload demo data

docker compose -f docker-compose-ops.yaml -f docker-compose.yaml run --rm demo-data

Remove all containers and volumes

docker compose rm --stop --volumes --force
docker compose -f docker-compose-matomo.yaml rm --stop --volumes --force
docker volume rm $(docker volume ls --format '{{.Name}}' | grep ${PWD##*/})

Clean all previous data









Create DB script from code (init-api)

Start mysql database/service (in background):

docker compose -f docker-compose-ops.yaml -f docker-compose.yaml up -d mysql

Wait several seconds to finish the startup.

Let Hibernate to create the script in data/sql/migrations folder.

docker compose -f docker-compose-ops.yaml -f docker-compose.yaml run --rm init-api

Interrupt with CTRL-C after finish (don't mind the errors)

In folder data/$ENVIRONMENT_NAME/sql/migrations you will find the V1__ddljpacreate.sql script with all needed tables. When started, API will use the scripts to create the DB.

To repeat the process, destroy and recreate the DB and delete the generated script first:

rm data/$ENVIRONMENT_NAME/sql/migrations/*

Generate migration scripts after changes to API codebase (update-api)

Start mysql database/service (in background):

docker compose -f docker-compose-ops.yaml -f docker-compose.yaml up -d mysql

Wait several seconds to finish the startup.

1. build images from sources the let Hibernate to create the script in data/$ENVIRONMENT_NAME/sql/migrations folder:

docker compose -f docker-compose-ops.yaml -f docker-compose.yaml run --rm update-api

Interrupt with CTRL-C after finish (don't mind the errors)

In folder data/$ENVIRONMENT_NAME/sql/migrations you will find the update.sql script with all new tables and changes, rename it to V2__name.sql.

When started normally, API will use the new script to update the actual DB and track the migration changes with Flyway.


Api available at https://develop-api.ohpp.local/ and http://localhost:18080/

Swagger UI available at https://develop-api.ohpp.local/swagger-ui/ and https://develop-api.ohpp.local/v3/api-docs

See also ppoh.postman_collection.json

Develop the ui (React)

Just cd into patient-portal-ui and run (ui available at http://localhost:3000/)

npm install
npm start

Codebase in patient-portal-ui/src

Connector (WIP)

A scaffolding for the connector that will retrieve data from an Open Hospital instance (DB) and feed the Patient Portal DB

It uses openhospital-core and it expects the OPENHOSPITAL_CORE_VERSION to point a tagged version

1. Setup using a test db

First create connector settings based on .env



rm -rf deps
export $(grep OPENHOSPITAL_CORE_VERSION .env | xargs)
mkdir deps && pushd deps && git clone --depth=1 -b v$OPENHOSPITAL_CORE_VERSION && popd

Start the database container with:

docker compose -f docker-compose-connector.yml up -d database

Install demo data with:

docker compose -f docker-compose-connector.yml run oh-database-init

2. Build from sources

docker compose -f docker-compose-connector.yml build connector

3. Start the connector with the output in the terminal

docker compose -f docker-compose-connector.yml up connector

4. Using a production db

You can setup the connector to use an existing Open Hospital DB with real data

In docker-compose-connector.yml, comment:

#    networks:
#      - hospital-net

and uncomment:

    network_mode: host

In .env set up variables in [oh connector] section then run make

Rebuild and start with docker compose -f docker-compose-connector.yml up --build connector