PHP Eval() Shell and Testing Kit v1.0.0 Created by infodox - Insecurety Research
This is designed to be a rather simple way to remotely check (via an uploaded "eval() shell") which of PHP's "system" functions are available to a remote attacker during a pentest. takes the URL of the uploaded shell as its only arguement, and tells you which functions seem to be enabled, and which appear to be disabled. It does this in a bruteforce manner. takes the URL of the uploaded shell, and offers you a selection of different code execution methods to use. It then emulates a "terminal" on the remote host, giving you command execution.
The reason for writing this software was as a possible extension for "webhandler". If you want a real PHP backdooring framework, check out webhandler or Weevely.
Maybe I will develop this some more, maybe not. It was as a test. ~infodox
LICENCE: "Buy Me A Beer and Give Me Credit" licence. i.e. if you like it, consider getting me a beer if we ever meet, and if you reuse this code in some project, give credit (or beer!) ;)