Heimdall is an advanced EVM toolkit which aims to make dealing with smart contracts on EVM based chains easier.
Ensure that Rust & Cargo are installed:
curl https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | sh
Heimdall's update and installation manager, bifrost
, can be installed using the following command:
curl -L http://get.heimdall.rs | bash
Alternatively, you can install through GitHub directly using the following command:
curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Jon-Becker/heimdall-rs/main/bifrost/install | bash
If you want to manually install bifrost, you can download the latest release from here.
Once you have installed bifrost
, you can use it to install Heimdall using the following command from a new terminal:
After compilation, the heimdall
command will be available to use from a new terminal. For advanced options, see the bifrost documentation.
Having trouble? Check out the Troubleshooting section in the wiki.
Documentation for all of heimdall-rs is available in the wiki.
Examples for heimdall-rs modules are available in the wiki.
If you'd like to contribute to Heimdall or add a module, please open a pull-request with your changes, as well as detailed information on what is changed, added, or improved.
For more detailed information, see the contributing guide.
If you've found an issue or have a question, please open an issue here. All issues must follow their respective templates.
- Jonathan Becker <[email protected]>
A list of all contributors can be found in the wiki.