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FOLIO module acting as a proxy for the Harvester configuration back-end

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Harvester Admin is an Okapi service that can be put in front of a legacy software product called localindices or Harvester. Harvester Admin provides FOLIO based access to control the workings of the Harvester, as well as a log history database that will retain harvest job logs and error reports beyond the short-lived logs that legacy Harvester provides.

The Harvester is a collection of modules that can read data from a variety of data sources like FTP servers, local file systems, OAI-PMH servers and web pages, transform those data through highly configurable XSLT based transformation pipelines and store the transformed data to storage systems like Solr databases or FOLIO Inventory. Its primary use is harvesting of bibliographic records.

Harvest job definitions, scheduling, and transformation pipelines are configured in a MySQL database. The Harvester has an XML based REST service that gives clients access to read and update the configurations and the Harvester then has a JSF based admin UI for admins to create and update configurations through the REST API.

Mod-harvester-admin provides an alternative, FOLIO/JSON based interface to the configuration database that FOLIO clients (like a Stripes UI) can then use for managing harvest jobs and monitoring logs and error reporting.


The module's access to the legacy harvester service is configured by the following environment variables:

  • harvester_protocol -- the protocol by which to contact the legacy service. Default http; https is also supported.
  • harvester_host -- the hostname or IP address on which the legacy service is running. Must be provided.
  • harvester_port -- the port on which to contact the harvester host. Defaults to 80 if the protocol is http, 443 if it is https.
  • harvester_auth_basic_username -- if provided, a username to submit as part of HTTP Basic authentication
  • harvester_auth_basic_password -- if provided, a username to submit as part of HTTP Basic authentication. If neither username nor password is provided, then HTTP Basic authentication is not used at all.

In addition, if the acl_filter_by_tenant environment variable is set to the string value "false", then tenant-filtering is turned off, and all tenants' harvesting jobs are available to any tenant. Do not use this in production.

Provided Interfaces

Mod-harvester-admin provides two sets of APIs, firstly the administration APIs that are passed through to/from the legacy Harvester APIs, and secondly a number of APIs for retaining the harvest job history.

Refer to the source API description and to the generated API documentation.

The pass-through APIs are adapted to FOLIO conventions as much as possible but still differs somewhat from typical FOLIO back-end APIs. All legacy IDs (primary keys) are numeric for example, whereas FOLIO APIs typically use UUIDs for primary keys. Mod-harvester-admins own APIs for the job history use the FOLIO convention of UUIDs for identifiers. See more details regarding ID schemes below the API descriptions.

APIs for creating a harvest job configuration


In order to configure a harvest job from scratch through the API, following API interactions are required:

  1. Create the storage configuration to use for persisting harvested records.
  2. Create the transformation steps that the job will use to transform incoming records to the desired format before storage.
  3. Create the transformation pipeline. Possibly including the steps, otherwise do 4)
  4. If steps where not assigned in 3) then assign transformation steps to the pipeline in the desired order of execution.
  5. Finally, create the harvest job configuration referencing the newly created transformation pipeline and storage definition.

1) Create storage definition

POST storage object to /harvester-admin/storages, for example a FOLIO inventory storage using Inventory Update's upsert-by-hrid API:

  "name" : "FOLIO Inventory Storage",
  "type" : "inventoryStorage",
  "description" : "Inventory storage at localhost",
  "enabled" : "true",
  "json" : {
    "folioAuthPath" : "bl-users/login",
    "folioTenant" : "diku",
    "folioUsername" : "diku_admin",
    "folioPassword" : "admin",
    "inventoryUpsertPath" : "inventory-upsert-hrid",
    "inventoryBatchUpsertPath" : "inventory-batch-upsert-hrid",
    "logHistoryStoragePath" : "harvester-admin/harvestables/{id}/log/store"
  "url" : "http://okapi:9130/"

This is an example of a Solr storage definition:

  "name" : "Solr @ localhost",
  "type" : "solrStorage",
  "description" : "Solr at localhost:8983",
  "enabled" : "true",
  "url" : "http://localhost:8983/solr/lui/"

Assuming the shell has protocol, host, tenant and token for a FOLIO session defined, a curl script to create the storage definition could be

curl -i -w '\n' -H "x-okapi-tenant: $tenant" -H "x-okapi-token: $token" -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '
  "name" : "FOLIO Inventory Storage",
  "type" : "inventoryStorage",
  "description" : "Inventory storage at localhost",
  "enabled" : "true",
  "json" : {
    "folioAuthPath" : "bl-users/login",
    "folioTenant" : "diku",
    "folioUsername" : "diku_admin",
    "folioPassword" : "admin",
    "inventoryUpsertPath" : "inventory-upsert-hrid",
    "inventoryBatchUpsertPath" : "inventory-batch-upsert-hrid",
    "logHistoryStoragePath" : "harvester-admin/harvestables/{id}/log/store"
  "url" : "http://okapi:9130/"
' $protocol://$host/harvester-admin/storages

Response should be something like:

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json
Location: http://localhost:9130/harvester-admin/storages/250767295269321
transfer-encoding: chunked

  "acl" : "diku",
  "bulkSize" : "1000",
  "currentStatus" : "NEW",
  "description" : "Inventory storage at localhost",
  "enabled" : "true",
  "id" : "250767295269321",
  "json" : {
    "folioAuthPath" : "bl-users/login",
    "folioTenant" : "diku",
    "folioUsername" : "diku_admin",
    "folioPassword" : "admin",
    "inventoryUpsertPath" : "inventory-upsert-hrid",
    "inventoryBatchUpsertPath" : "inventory-batch-upsert-hrid",
    "logHistoryStoragePath" : "harvester-admin/harvestables/{id}/log/store"
  "name" : "FOLIO Inventory Storage",
  "url" : "http://okapi:9130/",
  "type" : "inventoryStorage"

2) Create transformation steps

A pipeline can be composed of multiple steps and each step can be an XSLT transformation or a custom Java-based transformation.

POST step objects to /harvester-admin/steps. It can include the transformation XSLT which must be escaped to be embedded in JSON. Alternatively just the step metadata can be posted, followed by a PUT of the transformation script as an XSLT document.

  "name": "Copy XML",
  "description" : "Minimal step",
  "inputFormat" : "XML",
  "outputFormat" : "XML",
  "type" : "XmlTransformStep"


HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json
Location: http://localhost:9130/harvester-admin/steps/563244948367770
transfer-encoding: chunked

  "acl" : "diku",
  "description" : "Minimal step",
  "inputFormat" : "XML",
  "name" : "Copy XML",
  "outputFormat" : "XML",
  "script" : "",
  "id" : "563244948367770",
  "testData" : "",
  "testOutput" : "",
  "type" : "XmlTransformStep"

Say the XSLT script has this content:

<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
    <xsl:template match="node()|@*">
        <xsl:apply-templates select="node()|@*"/>

Then this XSLT can be PUT to /harvester-admin/steps/{step-id}/script?name=Copy+XML, here /harvester-admin/steps/563244948367770/script, and the result would be

GET /harvester-admin/steps/563244948367770:

  "acl" : "diku",
  "description" : "Minimal step",
  "inputFormat" : "XML",
  "name" : "Copy XML",
  "outputFormat" : "XML",
  "script" : "<xsl:stylesheet version=\"1.0\"\n xmlns:xsl=\"\">\n    <xsl:template match=\"node()|@*\">\n      <xsl:copy>\n        <xsl:apply-templates select=\"node()|@*\"/>\n      </xsl:copy>\n    </xsl:template>\n</xsl:stylesheet>\n",
  "id" : "563244948367770",
  "testData" : "",
  "testOutput" : "",
  "type" : "XmlTransformStep"

The response on the GET above shows the stylesheet included in the step JSON, with quotes escaped and line feeds inserted. Sending this object instead would have had the same effect as sending first the step and then the script.

The following curl script would POST two steps and PUT the XSLTs. It uses jq to capture the IDs of the steps, which would not be necessary with the XSLT included in the step JSON.

curl -i -w '\n' -H "x-okapi-tenant: $tenant" -H "x-okapi-token: $token" -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '
  "name": "Copy XML",
  "description" : "Minimal step",
  "inputFormat" : "XML",
  "outputFormat" : "XML",
  "type" : "XmlTransformStep"
' $protocol://$host/harvester-admin/steps

STEP_ID_1=$(curl --silent \
-H "x-okapi-tenant: $tenant" -H "x-okapi-token: $token" \
$protocol://$host/harvester-admin/steps?query=name=Copy+XML 2>&1 | jq -r -c '.transformationSteps[0].id')

curl -i -w '\n' --http1.1 -X PUT \
-H "x-okapi-tenant: $tenant" -H "x-okapi-token: $token" -H "Content-Type: application/xml" \
$protocol://$host/harvester-admin/steps/$STEP_ID_1/script?name=Copy+XML \
--data-binary '
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
    <xsl:template match="node()|@*">
        <xsl:apply-templates select="node()|@*"/>

curl -i -w '\n' -H "x-okapi-tenant: $tenant" -H "x-okapi-token: $token" -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '
  "name": "Copy XML Again",
  "description" : "Minimal step",
  "inputFormat" : "XML",
  "outputFormat" : "XML",
  "type" : "XmlTransformStep"
' $protocol://$host/harvester-admin/steps

STEP_ID_2=$(curl --silent \
-H "x-okapi-tenant: $tenant" -H "x-okapi-token: $token" \
$protocol://$host/harvester-admin/steps?query=name=Copy+XML+Again 2>&1 | jq -r -c '.transformationSteps[0].id')

curl -i -w '\n' --http1.1 -X PUT \
-H "x-okapi-tenant: $tenant" -H "x-okapi-token: $token" -H "Content-Type: application/xml" \
$protocol://$host/harvester-admin/steps/$STEP_ID_2/script?name=Copy+XML+Again --data-binary '
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
    <xsl:template match="node()|@*">
        <xsl:apply-templates select="node()|@*"/>

3) Create the transformation pipeline

The transformation pipeline can be created in two ways: Either create a minimal transformation object through /harvester-admin/transformations and subsequently assign steps to it through /harvester-admin/tsas or post a composite transformation object with all the steps already embedded to /harvester-admin/transformations.

The option to POST a composite transformation object is a convenience when exporting/GETting the composite from one service and importing/POSTing it to another.

  "name" : "A transformation",
  "description" : "transformation pipeline with two XSLT steps",
  "enabled" : "true",
  "parallel" : "false",
  "stepAssociations" : [ {
      "position" : "1",
      "step": {
        "name" : "Copy XML"
    }, {
      "position" : "2",
      "step": {
        "name" : "Copy XML again"
  "type" : "basicTransformation"

This curl script should create the transformation pipeline:

curl -i -w '\n' -H "x-okapi-tenant: $tenant" -H "x-okapi-token: $token" -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '
  "name" : "A transformation",
  "description" : "transformation pipeline with two XSLT steps",
  "enabled" : "true",
  "parallel" : "false",
  "stepAssociations" : [ {
      "position" : "1",
      "step": {
        "name" : "Copy XML"
    }, {
      "position" : "2",
      "step": {
        "name" : "Copy XML again"
  "type" : "basicTransformation"
' $protocol://$host/harvester-admin/transformations

The response should be something like

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json
Location: http://localhost:9130/harvester-admin/transformations/313200596498197
transfer-encoding: chunked

  "acl" : "diku",
  "description" : "transformation pipeline with two XSLT steps",
  "enabled" : "true",
  "name" : "A transformation",
  "parallel" : "false",
  "stepAssociations" : [ {
    "id" : "464431555010095",
    "position" : "1",
    "step" : {
      "entityType" : "xmlTransformationStep",
      "acl" : "diku",
      "description" : "Minimal step",
      "inputFormat" : "XML",
      "name" : "Copy XML",
      "outputFormat" : "XML",
      "script" : "<'script' omitted from nested displays>",
      "id" : "873913596204614",
      "testData" : "",
      "testOutput" : ""
    "transformation" : "313200596498197"
  }, {
    "id" : "773419215379837",
    "position" : "2",
    "step" : {
      "entityType" : "xmlTransformationStep",
      "acl" : "diku",
      "description" : "Minimal step",
      "inputFormat" : "XML",
      "name" : "Copy XML Again",
      "outputFormat" : "XML",
      "script" : "<'script' omitted from nested displays>",
      "id" : "194799646936121",
      "testData" : "",
      "testOutput" : ""
    "transformation" : "313200596498197"
  } ],
  "id" : "313200596498197",
  "type" : "basicTransformation"

4) Assign transformation steps to the pipeline in the desired order of execution.

In the example above, the steps where included with the POST of the pipeline but alternatively the steps could be added one by one using the /harvester-admin/tsas (transformation-step-associations) endpoint.

Say, the transformation POST body was instead:

  "name" : "A transformation",
  "description" : "transformation pipeline with two XSLT steps",
  "enabled" : "true",
  "parallel" : "false"
  "type" : "basicTransformation"

then the steps could be added through tsas afterwards. Likewise for the transformation pipeline that was created with two steps. The following scripts will add a third step in second position.

Create the new step:

curl -i -w '\n' \
-H "x-okapi-tenant: $tenant" -H "x-okapi-token: $token" -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '
  "name": "New Second Step",
  "description" : "Minimal step",
  "inputFormat" : "XML",
  "outputFormat" : "XML",
  "type" : "XmlTransformStep"
' $protocol://$host/harvester-admin/steps

STEP_ID=$(curl --silent \
-H "x-okapi-tenant: $tenant" -H "x-okapi-token: $token" \
$protocol://$host/harvester-admin/steps?query=name=Copy+XML 2>&1 | jq -r -c '.transformationSteps[0].id')

curl -i -w '\n' --http1.1 -X PUT \
-H "x-okapi-tenant: $tenant" -H "x-okapi-token: $token" -H "Content-Type: application/xml" \
$protocol://$host/harvester-admin/steps/$STEP_ID/script?name=New+Second+Step \
--data-binary '
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
    <xsl:template match="node()|@*">
        <xsl:apply-templates select="node()|@*"/>

Insert it in second position:

curl -i -w '\n' -H "x-okapi-tenant: $tenant" -H "x-okapi-token: $token" -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '
  "position" : "2",
  "step" : {
    "name" : "New Second Step"
  "transformationName": "A transformation"
' $protocol://$host/harvester-admin/tsas

The resulting transformation pipeline would be something like:

  "acl" : "diku",
  "description" : "transformation pipeline with two XSLT steps",
  "enabled" : "true",
  "name" : "A transformation",
  "parallel" : "false",
  "stepAssociations" : [ {
    "id" : "713325705981288",
    "position" : "1",
    "step" : {
      "entityType" : "xmlTransformationStep",
      "acl" : "diku",
      "description" : "Minimal step",
      "inputFormat" : "XML",
      "name" : "Copy XML",
      "outputFormat" : "XML",
      "script" : "<'script' omitted from nested displays>",
      "id" : "926226260562339",
      "testData" : "",
      "testOutput" : ""
    "transformation" : "770158869141425"
  }, {
    "id" : "570064169942393",
    "position" : "2",
    "step" : {
      "entityType" : "xmlTransformationStep",
      "acl" : "diku",
      "description" : "Minimal step",
      "inputFormat" : "XML",
      "name" : "New Second Step",
      "outputFormat" : "XML",
      "script" : "<'script' omitted from nested displays>",
      "id" : "600615164767587",
      "testData" : "",
      "testOutput" : ""
    "transformation" : "770158869141425"
  }, {
    "id" : "373552657153015",
    "position" : "3",
    "step" : {
      "entityType" : "xmlTransformationStep",
      "acl" : "diku",
      "description" : "Minimal step",
      "inputFormat" : "XML",
      "name" : "Copy XML Again",
      "outputFormat" : "XML",
      "script" : "<'script' omitted from nested displays>",
      "id" : "823703256263144",
      "testData" : "",
      "testOutput" : ""
    "transformation" : "770158869141425"
  } ],
  "id" : "770158869141425",
  "type" : "basicTransformation"

In order to fix the description of this transformation, take the JSON response above, change the description to " transformation pipeline with three XSLT steps" and PUT it to /harvester-admin/transformations/770158869141425. When doing that, the contents of each step, like the XSLT, is ignored, whereas the PUT would change the number and positions of steps if the PUT JSON changed any of that.

5) Create the harvest job configuration

Once the required storage definition and transformation pipeline are configured, a harvest job can be created that will use them.

The minimal harvestable JSON object that the service will accept would contain the name for the job, the type (oaiPmh or xmlBulk), whether the job is enabled to run as scheduled (enabled; this boolean would not affect whether the job can be started on demand), whether the job should run immediately harvestImmediately, what storage and what transformation pipeline to use, and the url it should fetch data from. If the job is of type oaiPmh the object should also contain the properties oaiSetName and metadataPrefix.

In the POST, the transformation and the storage can be referenced by name or by ID. If both are present, the ID will be used and the name ignored.

  "name": "My Harvest Job",
  "type": "xmlBulk",
  "harvestImmediately": "false",
  "enabled": "false",
  "url": "http://localhost:8080/test/marc-xml-files/",
  "transformation": {
    "name": "A transformation"
  "storage": {
    "name": "FOLIO Inventory Storage"

This curl script should create the job configuration:

curl -i -w '\n' -H "x-okapi-tenant: $tenant" -H "x-okapi-token: $token" -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '
  "name": "My Harvest Job",
  "type": "xmlBulk",
  "harvestImmediately": "false",
  "enabled": "false",
  "url": "http://localhost:8080/test/marc-xml-files/",
  "transformation": {
    "name": "A transformation"
  "storage": {
    "name": "FOLIO Inventory Storage"
' $protocol://$host/harvester-admin/harvestables

The response should be something like:

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json
Location: http://localhost:9130/harvester-admin/harvestables/930117057636685
transfer-encoding: chunked

  "acl" : "diku",
  "allowErrors" : "false",
  "cacheEnabled" : "false",
  "currentStatus" : "NEW",
  "diskRun" : "false",
  "enabled" : "false",
  "failedRecordsLogging" : "CLEAN_DIRECTORY",
  "harvestImmediately" : "false",
  "id" : "734110994458146",
  "lastUpdated" : "2023-02-14T23:04:12.755Z",
  "laxParsing" : "false",
  "logLevel" : "INFO",
  "mailLevel" : "WARN",
  "maxSavedFailedRecordsPerRun" : "100",
  "maxSavedFailedRecordsTotal" : "1000",
  "name" : "My Harvest Job",
  "openAccess" : "false",
  "overwrite" : "false",
  "retryCount" : "2",
  "retryWait" : "60",
  "storage" : {
    "entityType" : "inventoryStorageEntity",
    "acl" : "diku",
    "bulkSize" : "1000",
    "currentStatus" : "NEW",
    "description" : "Inventory storage at localhost",
    "enabled" : "true",
    "id" : "634323009732878",
    "idAsString" : "634323009732878",
    "json" : {
      "folioAuthPath" : "bl-users/login",
      "folioTenant" : "diku",
      "folioUsername" : "diku_admin",
      "folioPassword" : "admin",
      "inventoryUpsertPath" : "inventory-upsert-hrid",
      "inventoryBatchUpsertPath" : "inventory-batch-upsert-hrid",
      "logHistoryStoragePath" : "harvester-admin/harvestables/{id}/log/store"
    "name" : "FOLIO Inventory Storage",
    "url" : "http://okapi:9130/"
  "storeOriginal" : "false",
  "timeout" : "300",
  "transformation" : {
    "entityType" : "basicTransformation",
    "acl" : "diku",
    "description" : "transformation pipeline with three XSLT steps",
    "enabled" : "true",
    "name" : "A transformation",
    "parallel" : "false",
    "stepAssociations" : [ {
      "id" : "713325705981288",
      "position" : "1",
      "step" : {
        "entityType" : "xmlTransformationStep",
        "acl" : "diku",
        "description" : "Minimal step",
        "inputFormat" : "XML",
        "name" : "Copy XML",
        "outputFormat" : "XML",
        "script" : "<'script' omitted from nested displays>",
        "id" : "926226260562339",
        "testData" : "",
        "testOutput" : ""
      "transformation" : "770158869141425"
    }, {
      "id" : "570064169942393",
      "position" : "2",
      "step" : {
        "entityType" : "xmlTransformationStep",
        "acl" : "diku",
        "description" : "Minimal step",
        "inputFormat" : "XML",
        "name" : "New Second Step",
        "outputFormat" : "XML",
        "script" : "<'script' omitted from nested displays>",
        "id" : "600615164767587",
        "testData" : "",
        "testOutput" : ""
      "transformation" : "770158869141425"
    }, {
      "id" : "373552657153015",
      "position" : "3",
      "step" : {
        "entityType" : "xmlTransformationStep",
        "acl" : "diku",
        "description" : "Minimal step",
        "inputFormat" : "XML",
        "name" : "Copy XML Again",
        "outputFormat" : "XML",
        "script" : "<'script' omitted from nested displays>",
        "id" : "823703256263144",
        "testData" : "",
        "testOutput" : ""
      "transformation" : "770158869141425"
    } ],
    "id" : "770158869141425"
  "allowCondReq" : "false",
  "passiveMode" : "false",
  "recurse" : "false",
  "url" : "http://localhost:8080/test/marc-xml-files/",
  "type" : "xmlBulk"

If the configuration details are otherwise correct, this should complete the configurations required to run the harvest job.

APIs for storing and viewing harvest job logs and error reports.

Legacy Harvester keeps logs and error reports for the most recent harvest run with a given configuration. It only retains them until the configuration changes or the next job is run, but mod-harvester-admin is then able to retrieve the logs and store them in a harvest job history.

The legacy Harvester can be configured to have Harvester Admin pull the current configuration and logs to the log history for a Harvest job when it finishes.

Storing logs and error reports to log history

The end-point for requesting that mod-harvester-admin stores a current harvest configuration with logs and record errors is /harvester-admin/harvestables/{harvestable-id}/log/store. The Harvester can be configured to invoke this API once a job completes. This is in other words the legacy Harvester telling mod-harvester-admin to pull the logs from the legacy Harvester. Harvester is instructed to initiate this process by providing the API path in the storage config's json property like this:

"json" : {
    "folioAuthPath" : "bl-users/login",
    "logHistoryStoragePath" : "harvester-admin/harvestables/{id}/log/store"

This is all that's needed to get the log history populated.

Just for completeness, there is an alternative way to get the logs stored on demand, but it will only make sense to use that if the Harvester is not configured to store them automatically.

A client can use the request GET /harvester-admin/harvestables/{id}/log/store to ask mod-harvester-admin to pull the current harvest configuration plus the logs and failed records for a job, and store them in mod-harvester-admin's log history. Now, using this GET request is fine if the request is made a few seconds or more after a job completes, as would probably be the case if the request is made manually. However, the Harvester has an internal delay in writing the correct job status and finish time to the database, which means that the GET request risks pulling the information prematurely and get out-of-date information, since the Harvester will initiate it in milliseconds after the job finishes. Harvester thus needs to use the POST version instead, POST /harvester-admin/harvestables/{id}/log/store, because it allows Harvester to push the correct, up-to-date status information in the POST body to the history.

Automatic clean up of past job runs and job logs

The module has a scheduled process for cleaning up old job runs together with their logs and any failed records saved for the jobs. By default, the job is set to run each night at 2 AM in the Central European time zone (CET), and it will then by default remove jobs that are more than three months old.

The timer process can be disabled with

curl -XPATCH -d'{"id":"mod-harvester-admin_0","routingEntry":{"delay":"0"}}' \

The age at which old jobs should be deleted can be changed by posting a configuration like this to settings/entries :

  "id":  <UUID>,
  "scope": "mod-harvester-admin",
  "key": "PURGE_LOGS_AFTER",
  "value": "2 MONTHS"

This setting would have the timer process delete jobs that were started over 2 months ago, to the minute.

To set this, the user must have mod-settings write permissions to the module scope and, for convenience, presumably read permissions too:

The format for value is an integer followed by a time unit that can be any of "DAY[S]", "TAG[E]", "WEEK[S]", "WOCHE[N], "MONTH[S]", or "MONAT[E]". It can be uppercase or lowercase.

Alternatively, a configuration can be posted to configurations/entries, but note that configuration entries are not guarded by module scope permissions:

  "module": "mod-harvester-admin",
  "configName": "PURGE_LOGS_AFTER",
  "value": "2 MONTHS"

The setting in settings/entries would take precedence over the setting in configurations/entries if both were set.

View current and historic harvest job logs and error reports

If the logs are saved to history, there are thus two sets of APIs for retrieving configurations and logs; one for current configs and jobs, and another for historic configs and jobs.

Viewing the current logs will mostly be relevant when performing large harvest jobs, for example if migrating data to a new FOLIO Inventory. This will be long running jobs and through the APIs that are fetching current jobs and logs, it's possible to follow the progress. For day to day updates on the other hand, the historic logs are probably more useful, at least if updates happens several times a day in which case the current logs will frequently be overwritten by new, current logs.

Current configs, logs, error reports. Historic configs, logs, error reports
API ./harvestables ./previous-jobs
Content JSON array of harvestableBriefs. JSON array of previousJobs.
Query syntax Exact: query=name="My harvest job"
Exact, with masking: query=name="\*harvest\*"
Exact: query=name=="My harvest job"
Exact with masking: query=name=="\*harvest\*"
Word search: query=name=harvest
Queryable fields name, message, currentStatus, amountHarvested, enabled, allowErrors (etc) harvestableId, name, type, transformation, storage, status, message, amountHarvested
The time stamp finished can be searched by the date range parameters from/until: from=2023-03-30T00:00:00&until=2023-03-31T00:00:00
Sort syntax Ascending: orderby=currentStatus
Descending: orderBy=~currentStatus
Ascending: query="cql.allRecords=1+sortBy+status"
Descending: query="cql.allRecords=1+sortBy+status/sort.descending"
Sortable fields name, currentStatus, lastHarvestStarted, lastHarvestFinished, lastHarvestStartedOrFinished harvestableId, name, type, transformation, storage, status, message, started, finished, amountHarvested
API ./harvestables/:{recId} ./previous-jobs/:{uuid}
Content JSON object with full job configuration including storage config and transformation steps. JSON object with select properties from the full configuration.
Identifier id (numeric), 15 digit if generated through Harvester Admin. id (UUID)
Mutating? Yes, a running job might update properties of the config; an administrator could change the configuration. No. It’s possible to store it for a running job but storing the same job again will create a new previous-job entry. It makes sense to store it just for completed jobs, and that’s what the Harvester will do if configured for it.
API ./harvestables/:{recId}/log ./previous-jobs/:{uuid}/log
Content Log4j log lines in text/plain. Parsed log4j log-lines; only lines that comply with the general line format are included. The response will be in text/plain unless the request is made with the Accept header "application/json", in which case the API will return a logLines collection of logLine objects.
Query syntax Without any parameters the API will retrieve log4j logs from the start time of the most recent harvest run. It's possible to override this starting point, however, by specifying the from time, for example to retrieve log statements from previous run (until they are rolled out by log4j):
from="YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS"
Exact: query=line=="Begin+processing+of+sample.xml"
Exact with masking: query=name=="*sample*"
Word search: query=line="sample.xml"
Queryable fields timestamp (parameter from) harvestJobId (uuid), logLevel (text), jobLabel (text), line (text)
Identifier There is no identifier for each log line. id Each line of the log has a UUID although there is currently no obvious use for that.
Mutating? Yes, the log file will grow as the job proceeds. No, it's written once. Harvester will only store the log once to mod-harvester-admin, if configured to do it at all, but it is possible to do it on request as well. This probably doesn't makes sense to do in normal operation but a renewed request to store the log for the same job run would create a whole new job entry in history, with the same initial log lines as the existing history entry, plus potentially some more if the job is still running.
API ./harvestables/:{recId}/failed-records ./previous-jobs/:{uuid}/failed-records
Content JSON array of error reports for records that failed to update, wholly or partially, in the most recent run of the harvest configuration. JSON array of error reports for records that failed to update, wholly or partially, in a previous job run.
Query syntax Queries not supported Exact: query=harvestableName=="My harvest job"
Exact with masking: query=harvestableName=="\*harvest\*"
Word search: query=harvestableName=harvest
Failed records can be searched by their time stamp using the time range parameters from and until: ?from=2023-04-12T23:59:59&until=2023-04-13T23:59:59
Queryable fields harvestableId, harvestableName, recordNumber, timeStamp.
Note that since error reports can be quite large, the default limit for results is 100.
Mutating? Yes, the result set can grow as the job proceeds or be overwritten by the next job run. No, it's written once. A renewed request to store the log for the same job run would create a whole new job entry in history, with all the same reports and potentially some more.
API ./previous-jobs/failed-records
Content JSON array of error reports for records that failed to update, wholly or partially, across multiple previous job runs.
Query syntax Exact: query=harvestableName=="My harvest job"
Exact with masking: query=harvestableName=="\*harvest\*"
Word search: query=harvestableName=harvest
Failed records can be searched by their time stamp using the time range parameters from and until: ?from=2023-04-12T23:59:59&until=2023-04-13T23:59:59
Queryable fields harvestableId, harvestableName, recordNumber, timeStamp.
Note that since error reports can be quite large, the default limit for results is 100.
Mutating? Yes, depending on the query parameters (for example a date range) the list can continue to grow as more jobs are completing.
API ./harvestables/:{recId}/failed-record/:{recNum} ./previous-jobs/failed-records/:{uuid}
Content Error report for a single incoming record Error report for a single incoming record
Identifier harvestableId and recordNumber id (uuid)
Mutating? Yes, the error report can disappear with next job run. No. Unless the administrator decides do delete old logs and error reports.

Running harvest jobs


Convenience end-point to start a harvest job with the given harvest configuration ID. It is equivalent to PUTting a harvestable object with harvestImmediately set to true and lastUpdated set to now.


Convenience end-point to stop a running harvest job. It is equivalent to PUTting a harvestable object with lastUpdated set to now for a running job.

IDs for primary keys

When posting configuration objects to the Harvester through mod-harvester-admin, objects will be assigned a 15-digit random number for its ID if no ID is provided in the posted JSON. Currently, the APIs allow the client to set ID in a POST, and it can be set to any numeric ID. However, a large random number is advised because multiple FOLIO tenants may be accessing the same legacy Harvester, and would thus write to the same primary key index for each object type whereas each tenant may only be able to see the records for that tenant through the API. The tenant cannot see which IDs are already taken by some other tenant, only that a collision occurred. This is most likely only a concern when posting data through the API directly, outside a UI. A UI will probably depend entirely on the API generating the IDs internally.

The module has a convenience API /harvester-admin/generate-ids that will generate and return as plain text a 15-digit random number using the same logic as the module uses internally for creating primary keys. These IDs might be used to define the IDs client side before POSTing. Up to a hundred IDs can be generated at a time: /harvester-admin/generate-ids?count=100.

As mentioned, the new APIs on top of the module's own storage use the standard FOLIO identifier scheme of UUIDs, which will ensure uniqueness at any time (as long as no generated ID is reused of course).


FOLIO module acting as a proxy for the Harvester configuration back-end






