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Builder for Imhotep that turns actions in a JIRA instance (create, update, comment) into an Imhotep dataset


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Archived 8/16/21

Jira Actions Imhotep Builder

The Jira Actions Imhotep Builder is a command line tool designed to create an Imhotep index from actions taken in an instance of JIRA. Each document in an index is a single action (create, update, or comment) taken on an issue. It does this by asking the API for each issue that could conceivably be part of the given time range, and decomposing that issue into a series of actions. Those actions are then written to a series of .tsv (tab-separated value) files that are uploaded to an Imhotep shardbuilder.

We have included some apachejira sample queries here. These allow you to gain insights about JIRA projects such as which users report the most bugs, which projects have the most bugs, what users contribute the most to a project, how many unique contributors a project has, what the average number of contributions per user is, etc.

Build Status Lifecycle


The builder runs in a loop over a series of batches. First it makes a single API call to see how many issues fall into its time period. It will break this up into batches (normally 25, but it will temporarily scale back batch sizes when it gets rate limited). For each batch, it will make an API call to get the JSON representation of the issues, decompose them into a series of actions, filter out actions that don't fall within the period, and write the correct actions to the TSV file for that date. Then it will repeat on the next batch. When the last batch finishes, it will upload all the TSV files that have data to the Imhotep IUpload URL.

We can't know definitively which issues were modified during a specific time period. There are two values we can use to calibrate: the create date and the last modified date. So the builder has to consume many many more issues than it actually needs in order to guarantee it finds every issue that was actually modified during the period. It will exclude issues that were created after the end date or last modified before the start date. These are the only issues we know can't be modified during the period.

Understanding the JIRA API Response

One of the quirks of the JIRA API is that a field can show up in two different places. The API response has two sections: it has a "Fields" section, followed by a History. The Fields section contains a lot of information about what the current state of the issue, and the History section contains a changelog for all the modifications to the issue. But it's not quite that simple. If an issue was created with a custom field set, it will show up only in the Fields section only. If it was changed during the lifetime of the issue, it will instead show up in the History section. The only way you can find out the starting value is to find the first time it was modified in the History section and see what it was changed from.

These two sections are represented totally differently. The Fields section is formatted JSON. It will also refer to the field by the name of the field. The History section, by contrast, will use the internal representation (customfield_XXXXX). The History section just has a From, a string representation of that From, and corresponding To and string representation of that To. The To and To String (or From and From String) are JIRA's way of handling things like Primary Keys. Imagine a field with a limited number of options (like country). Each of those countries would have their own ID. So the To field would have the ID, and the ToString field would contain the name of the country. The builder usually (but not always) wants the String representation of the field.

As an example, the Fields section might contain this:

  "self": "",
  "value": "Misconfiguration",
  "id": "20661",
  "child": {
    "self": "",
    "value": "App Config","id":"20669"

The History section might instead contain this:

  "from": null,
  "fromString": "",
  "to": "TODO",
  "toString": "Parent values: Escaped bug(20664)Level 1 values: Latent Code Issue(20681)"

This becomes complicated when you've heavily customized JIRA, as we have at Indeed. All the built-in JIRA fields are represented by POJOs matching the field names that come back from the API. But there are artifacts of several different attempts to handle custom fields. To make this more complicated, some custom fields are either parsed weirdly or transformed. It's not as simple as just taking a value from a field and putting it somewhere else.

The correct and best way to do this is to define these values in a .json file (see src/main/resources/customfields/example-custom-fields.json). We have some examples of older code-based ways of custom field handling in this codebase (TODO: reference examples). We should clean up the older ways to use the JSON approach instead. Creating a new, simple field should be as easy as including another definition in a .json file. More complicated fields may require defining new types of transformations. The principle value of this approach is that it lets us support different custom fields for different JIRA instances.

Jiraissues Index

The jiraissues index is a daily snapshot of a JIRA ticket/issue's current state where each document is a unique issue. Jiraissues complements jiraactions by making up for jiraactions' weakness of not being able to see the current state of an issue until it gets updated/changed. This index runs alongside jiraactions but will upload a separate TSV file into its own index.

Jiraissues Architecture

The jiraissues index builds alongside the jiraactions index, borrowing some of jiraactions' fields while adding its own. Although the additional jiraissues fields are added to the same Action class jiraactions uses, jiraactions won't use it unless you set the headers to do so. Jiraissues uses a toCurrent() method to update the latest action of an issue from jiraactions to fit the fields of jiraissues. This method allows for both jiraactions and jiraissues to build at the same time without drastic and complex changes to the code. Jiraissues will store all of the issues in a list while jiraactions writes them to the TSV. The list is then passed in to the jiraissues builder after jiraactions finishes and jiraissues will start building off of the previous day's TSV file using these new/updated issues.

The jiraissues builder uses a TSV parser to parse through yesterday's downloaded TSV file for every issue and compares that old issue to all the updated ones from jiraactions. There are 3 things that happen when it compares the old issue:

  1. Replace - If the updated issues contain the issuekey of the old one, then it writes the new one instead.
  2. Update - If the issue isn't in the new issues, it will update its time-related fields in a method, then write that.
  3. Add - After going through all the old issues, any new issues that aren't replaced are added.

To Run Locally

  1. Create a file called (see for the basic template). Properties are:
    • jira.username (required): username for JIRA instance
    • jira.password (required): password for JIRA instance
    • jira.baseurl (required): Base URL for JIRA instance
    • jira.fields (required): Base fields to use from JIRA. Recommended: assignee,comment,creator,issuetype,project,status,resolution,summary,reporter,created,category,fixVersions,duedate,components,labels,priority,updated
    • jira.expand (required): Expand parameter for JIRA issues API. Recommended: changelog
    • jira.project (optional): Comma-separated list of JIRA project keys to examine. Default of "" (blank) means all projects
    • jira.projectexcluded (optional): Comma-separated list of JIRA project keys to omit.
    • iupload.url (required): URL to Imhotep iupload instance.
    • iupload.username (required): username for Imhotep iupload
    • iupload.password (required): password for Imhotep iupload
    • indexname (required): name of Imhotep dataset to update (we used to call a dataset an "index")
    • customfieldsfile (optional): relative path to custom field definitions, e.g. customfields/example-custom-fields.json
  2. Build the source.
  git clone [email protected]:indeedeng/imhotep-builder-jira.git
  cd imhotep-builder-jira
  mvn package test
  1. Invoke com.indeed.jiraactions.JiraActionsIndexBuilderCommandLine with arguments :
  --start <start time (ISO-8601), for example 2016-09-21>
  --end <end time (ISO-8601), for example 2016-09-22>
  --props <path to>
  --jiraBatchSize <batchSize, for example 10 or 25>

The easiest way to invoke might be to use the Maven exec plugin for Java:

  mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="com.indeed.jiraactions.JiraActionsIndexBuilderCommandLine" \
    -Dexec.args="--props --start $START_DATE --end $END_DATE --jiraBatchSize=25"

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This project is governed by the Contributor Covenant v 1.4.1


Apache License Version 2.0


Builder for Imhotep that turns actions in a JIRA instance (create, update, comment) into an Imhotep dataset



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