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various cleaning in vv macro. fix sb-ext compat issue in tests.
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inconvergent committed May 19, 2023
1 parent 61c4a80 commit 3ed1167
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Showing 9 changed files with 129 additions and 155 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions
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sbcl --quit \
--eval '(handler-case (ql:quickload :veq :verbose t)
(error (c) (format t "STAGE1FAIL: ~a" c)
(sb-ext:quit :unix-status 2)))'\
(uiop:quit 2)))'\
--eval '(ql:quickload :prove)'\
--eval '(handler-case (asdf:test-system :veq)
(error (c) (format t "STAGE2FAIL: ~a" c)
(sb-ext:quit :unix-status 3)))'
(uiop:quit 3)))'

21 changes: 8 additions & 13 deletions src/array-utils.lisp
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:adjustable nil))))

(defmacro new-stride ((from to type &optional (v 0)) arr)
(declare (fixnum from to) (symbol arr))
(declare (fixnum from to))
"shift arr from stride to stride."
(unless (> to from 0) (error "NEW-STRIDE: must have (> to from 0)"))
(let ((n (/ (,(vvsym type 1 :$num) ,arr) ,from))
(v* (coerce ,v ',(psymb :veq type))))
(declare (fixnum n))
(,(vvsym type 1 :with-arrays)
(:n n :cnt c :itr i
:arr ((arr* ,from ,arr)
(res ,to (,(vvsym type nil :$zero) (* ,to n))))
:fxs ((fx ((:va ,from o)) (values o ,@(loop repeat (- to from)
collect 'v*))))
:exs ((res c (fx arr*))))
`(fvprogn ; TODO: to less than from
(let ((v* (coerce ,v ',(psymb :veq type))))
(declare (,(psymb :veq type) v*))
(labels ((fx ((:va ,from x))
(values (:vr x ,@(loop for i from 0 repeat from collect i))
,@(loop repeat (- to from) collect 'v*))))
(,(vvsym type 1 (mkstr from to :_@$fx)) ,arr)))))

(defmacro define-constr (type)
(labels ((nm (n) (vvsym type 1 n)))
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/generic-utils.lisp
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Expand Up @@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ returns (values c sym*), where sym* is sym with the padding characters removed"
do (setf s (the string (subseq s 1))) (incf c))
(values c (if rht (reverse s) s)))

(defun edge-chars-str (ch s &optional rht)
(defun edge-str (ch s &optional rht)
(declare (optimize speed) (character ch) (string s) (boolean rht))
"count number of padding characters ch in s from the left (or right)
returns (values c sym*), where sym* is s with the padding characters removed"
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91 changes: 42 additions & 49 deletions src/ops-vv-helpers.lisp
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; (declare (optimize speed (safety 2)) (list p keys))
(every (lambda (k) (= (gk p k) 0)) keys))

(defun vverr (expr msg)
(error "~&VV error at~%sym: ~a~%msg: ~a~%expr:~s~&" (car expr) msg expr))

(defun car-match-modifier (mod b)
(declare (optimize speed (safety 2)) (symbol mod))
Expand All @@ -41,43 +43,46 @@
(second b))
(values nil nil nil b))))

; -- ARRAY CONF -----------------------------------------------------------------

(defun fx-strip (fx pkg)
(when fx (psymb pkg (strip-symbols fx *vv-special*))))
(defun niloutconf (p b) (values `((:out . nil) ,@p) b))

; -- ARRAY CONF -----------------------------------------------------------------
(defun tailconf (p b &aux (b2 (subseq b 2)))
(declare (optimize speed) (list p b))
(mvb (ismod ind) (car-match-modifier *vv-?@* (car b2))

(defun vvconf (b &key (vv-sym *vv-!@*))
(declare (optimize speed (safety 2)) (list b))
(mvb (short-ty fx-full-str dim dimout) (unpack-vvsym (car b)
:s vv-sym :symout nil)
(values `((:rht . ,(if ismod (cdar b2) b2)) (:@modrht . ,ismod)
,@(when (and ismod (> (the pn ismod) 0)) `((:ind . ,ind)))
,@p) b)))

(defun fx-strip (fx pkg) (when fx (psymb pkg (strip-symbols fx *vv-special*))))

(defun vvconf (b vv-sym &aux (s (car b)))
(declare (optimize speed (safety 2)) (list b) (symbol s))
(mvb (short-ty sfx-full dim dimout) (unpack-vvsym s :s vv-sym :symout nil)
(declare (pn dim dimout))
(let* ((pkg (symbol-package (car b)))
(fx-str (nth-value 1 (edge-chars-str *vv-bang* fx-full-str t)))
(fx (psymb pkg fx-str))
(fx* (fx-strip fx-str pkg))
(ldots (edge-chars-str *vv-dot* fx-str))
(rdots (edge-chars-str *vv-dot* fx-str t))
(larrs (edge-chars-str *vv-arr* fx-str))
(rarrs (edge-chars-str *vv-arr* fx-str t))
(bangs (edge-chars-str *vv-bang* fx-full-str t)))
(declare (symbol fx) (string fx-str)
(pn ldots rdots larrs rarrs bangs))
(when (and (> bangs 0) (not (= dim dimout))) ; resulting array must be new
(error "!: inconsistent outdim with !: ~a" b))
(when (< (length fx-str) 1) (error "vv: missing fx name in: ~a" b))

`((:dim . ,dim) (:dimout . ,dimout) (:pkg . ,pkg) (:! . ,bangs)
(:fx . ,fx) (:fx* . ,fx*)
(:ty . ,(type-from-short short-ty t))
(:aty . ,(arrtype short-ty 'vector))
(:$l . ,larrs) (:.l . ,ldots) (:$r . ,rarrs) (:.r . ,rdots)
(:dots . ,(max ldots rdots)) (:arrs . ,(max larrs rarrs))
(let* ((pkg (symbol-package s))
(sfx (nth-value 1 (edge-str *vv-bang* sfx-full t)))
(fx (psymb pkg sfx)) (fx* (fx-strip sfx pkg))
(ldots (edge-str *vv-dot* sfx)) (rdots (edge-str *vv-dot* sfx t))
(larrs (edge-str *vv-arr* sfx)) (rarrs (edge-str *vv-arr* sfx t))
(bangs (edge-str *vv-bang* sfx-full t)))
(declare (symbol fx) (string sfx) (pn ldots rdots larrs rarrs bangs))
(when (and (> bangs 0) (not (= dim dimout))) (vverr b "bad outdim"))
(when (< (length sfx) 1) (vverr b "missing fx name"))
(when (> (* larrs rarrs) 1) (vverr b "too many arrays ($)"))
(when (> (* ldots rdots) 0) (vverr b "broadcasting (.) on both sides"))

`((:dim . ,dim) (:dimout . ,dimout) (:pkg . ,pkg) (:fx . ,fx) (:fx* . ,fx*)
(:ty . ,(type-from-short short-ty t)) (:aty . ,(arrtype short-ty 'vector))
(:.l . ,ldots) (:.r . ,rdots) (:dots . ,(max ldots rdots))
(:$l . ,larrs) (:$r . ,rarrs) (:! . ,bangs)
; defaults:
(:ind . ind) (:out . t) (:lft-sym . ,(gensym "LFT")) (:rht-sym . ,(gensym "RHT"))
(:itr-lft-sym . ,(gensym "ITR-LFT")) (:itr-rht-sym . ,(gensym "ITR-RHT"))
(:itr-out-sym . ,(gensym "ITR-OUT")) (:out-sym . ,(gensym "OUT"))
(:rep-sym . ,(gensym "REP"))))))
(:rep-sym . ,(gensym "REP"))
(:mode . ,vv-sym) (:sym . ,s)))))

(defun ?@-index-type (o) (ecase o (:l 'list) (:p 'pvec) (:i 'ivec) (:v 'vector)))
(defun ?@-loop-type (o) (ecase o (:l 'in) ((:p :i :v) 'across)))
Expand All @@ -90,10 +95,10 @@
(declare (list slice) )
(case (length slice)
(0 `(0 ,n)) (1 `(,(car slice) ,n)) (2 slice)
(otherwise (error "?@ (lft): bad # of elements: ~a" b)))))
(otherwise (vverr b "?@ (lft): bad # of elements")))))
(mvb (ismod opt slice expr) (car-match-modifier *vv-?@* (second b))
(declare (ignore ismod))
(unless expr (error "?@ (lft): missing arg in ~a" b))
(unless expr (vverr b "?@ (lft): missing arg"))
(let ((opt (kv opt)))
(case opt
Expand All @@ -117,20 +122,20 @@
with ,(gk p :rep-sym) of-type pn = (- ,lmod-b ,lmod-a)
for ,(gk p :itr-lft-sym) of-type pn from ,lmod-a)
(otherwise (error "?@ (lft): unexpected option: ~a~%in ~a" opt b)))
(otherwise (vverr b "?@ (lft): unexpected option")))

(defun rconf (p b)
(declare (optimize speed) (list p b))
(awg (rmod-a)
(labels ((pad-slice (slice) ; we never need the second slicer for rht
(declare (list slice) )
(declare (list slice))
(case (length slice) (0 `(0)) ((1 2) `(,(first slice)))
(otherwise (error "?@ (rht): bad # of elements in: ~a" b)))))
(otherwise (vverr b "?@ (rht): bad # of elements")))))

(mvb (ismod opt slice expr) (car-match-modifier *vv-?@* (third b))
(declare (ignore ismod))
(unless expr (error "?@ (rht): missing arg in ~a" b))
(unless expr (vverr b "?@ (rht): missing arg"))
(let ((opt (kv opt)))
(case opt
Expand All @@ -144,33 +149,21 @@
(:rht-mod with ,rmod-a of-type pn = ,(first slice)
for ,(gk p :itr-rht-sym) of-type pn from ,rmod-a)
(otherwise (error "?@ (rht): unexpected option: ~a~%in ~a" opt b)))
(otherwise (vverr b "?@ (rht): unexpected option")))

(defun tailconf (p b &aux (b2 (subseq b 2)))
(declare (optimize speed) (list p b))
(mvb (ismod ind) (car-match-modifier *vv-?@* (car b2))

(values `((:rht . ,(if ismod (cdar b2) b2)) (:@modrht . ,ismod)
,@(when (and ismod (> (the pn ismod) 0)) `((:ind . ,ind)))
,@p) b)))

(defun niloutconf (p b) (values `((:out . nil) ,@p) b))

; -- ARRAY HELPERS --------------------------------------------------------------

(defun $row (p i arr)
(declare (keyword arr i))
`(-$ ,(gk p :dim) ,(gk p arr) :inds (,(gk p i)) :atype ,(gk p :aty)))

(defun vec-select-itr (p)
(declare (optimize speed))
(let ((with-out (if (gk+ p :!) (gk p :lft-sym)
`($make :n (* ,(gk p :dimout) ,(gk p :rep-sym))
:type ,(gk p :ty) :v ,(type-default (gk p :ty) nil)))))
`(,@(gk p :lft t)
,@(gk p :rht-mod t) ; rep, lft, rht itr via lconf/rconf
`(,@(gk p :lft t) ,@(gk p :rht-mod t) ; from lconf/rconf
,@(when (gk p :out t) ; output array
`(with ,(gk p :out-sym) of-type ,(gk p :aty) = ,with-out))
repeat ,(gk p :rep-sym) ; repeat, via lconf
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128 changes: 55 additions & 73 deletions src/ops-vv.lisp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -214,88 +214,70 @@ expecting ~a or ~a, got: ~a)" b dim (1+ dim) l))
(values ,@row))))))
finally (return ,(gk p :out-sym)))))

(defmacro vverr-len (b wanted got)
`(unless ,wanted
(vverr ,b (format nil "bad # of elements. wanted ~a, got: ~a" ',wanted ,got))))

(defun vv-proc (body)
(declare (optimize speed (safety 2)))
((err (p b msg) (error (format nil "VV: ~a, for: ~s~%in: ~s " msg (gk p :fx) b)))
(tx-m@ (b &aux (p (vvconf b :vv-sym #.(mkstr *vv-m@*)))) (procm@fx b p)) ; m@
(tx-r@ (b &aux (p (vvconf b :vv-sym #.(mkstr *vv-r@*)))) (procr@$fx b p)) ; r@

(tx-!@ (b &aux (p (vvconf b)))
((> (the pn (gk p :arrs)) 1) (err p b "!@: invalid input, too many $"))
((gk+ p :.l :.r) (err p b "!@: vec broadcasting on both sides"))
((gk+ p :.l :$r) (err p b "!@: .fx$ not implemented"))

((gk+ p :$l :$r)
(unless (= 3 (length b)) (err p b "!@: bad # of elements"))
(proc!@$fx$ b p))

((gk+ p :$l :.r)
(unless (> (length b) 2) (err p b "!@: missing vecs"))
(proc!@$fx. b p))
((gk+ p :$r) (err p b "!@: fx$ not implemented"))

((gk+ p :$l)
(unless (> (length b) 2) (err p b "!@: missing vecs"))
(proc!@$fx b p))
((gk+ p :.r) (proc!@fx. b p))
((gk+ p :.l) ([email protected] b p))

((gk0 p :$l :$r :.l :.r) (proc!@fx b p))
(t (err p b "!@: unexpected input"))))

(tx-_@ (b &aux (p (vvconf b :vv-sym #.(mkstr *vv-_@*))))
((> (the pn (gk p :arrs)) 1) (err p b "_@: invalid input, too many $"))
((gk+ p :.l :.r) (err p b "_@: vec broadcasting on both sides"))

((gk+ p :$l :.r) (proc_@$fx. b p))

((gk+ p :$l)
(unless (= 2 (length b)) (err p b "_@: bad # of elements"))
(proc_@$fx b p))

((gk0 p :$l :$r :.l :.r) (proc_@fx b p))
(t (err p b "_@: unexpected input"))))

(tx-.@ (b &aux (p (vvconf b :vv-sym #.(mkstr *vv-.@*))))
((gk0 p :$l :$r :.l :.r) (proc.@fx b p))

((gk+ p :$l)
(unless (= 2 (length b)) (err p b ".@: bad # of elements"))
(proc.@$fx b p))

(t (err p b ".@: unexpected input"))))

(tx-x@ (b &aux (p (vvconf b :vv-sym #.(mkstr *vv-x@*)))) (procx@$fx b p))
(tx-%@ (b &aux (p (vvconf b :vv-sym #.(mkstr *vv-%@*))))
((not (gk0 p :$r :.r :.l)) (err p b "%@: bad configuration"))

((gk+ p :$l)
(unless (= (length b) 3) (err p b "%@: bad number of elements") )
(proc%@$fx b p))

(t (proc%@fx b p))))

((m@ (b &aux (p (vvconf b #.(mkstr *vv-m@*)))) (procm@fx b p))
(r@ (b &aux (p (vvconf b #.(mkstr *vv-r@*)))) (procr@$fx b p))
(x@ (b &aux (p (vvconf b #.(mkstr *vv-x@*)))) (procx@$fx b p))
(%@ (b &aux (p (vvconf b #.(mkstr *vv-%@*))) (l (length b)))
(cond ((not (gk0 p :$r :.r :.l)) (vverr b "bad configuration"))
((gk+ p :$l)
(vverr-len b (= l 3) l)
(proc%@$fx b p))
(t (proc%@fx b p))))

(!@ (b &aux (p (vvconf b #.(mkstr *vv-!@*))) (l (length b)))
(cond ((gk+ p :.l :$r) (vverr b "not implemented"))
((gk+ p :$l :$r)
(vverr-len b (= l 3) l)
(proc!@$fx$ b p))
((gk+ p :$l :.r)
(vverr-len b (> l 2) l)
(proc!@$fx. b p))
((gk+ p :$r) (vverr b "not implemented"))
((gk+ p :$l)
(vverr-len b (> l 2) l)
(proc!@$fx b p))
((gk+ p :.r) (proc!@fx. b p))
((gk+ p :.l) ([email protected] b p))
((gk0 p :$l :$r :.l :.r) (proc!@fx b p))
(t (vverr b "unexpected input"))))

(_@ (b &aux (p (vvconf b #.(mkstr *vv-_@*))) (l (length b)))
(cond ((gk+ p :$l :.r) (proc_@$fx. b p))
((gk+ p :$l)
(vverr-len b (= l 2) l)
(proc_@$fx b p))
((gk0 p :$l :$r :.l :.r) (proc_@fx b p))
(t (vverr b "unexpected input"))))
(.@ (b &aux (p (vvconf b #.(mkstr *vv-.@*))) (l (length b)))
(cond ((gk0 p :$l :$r :.l :.r) (proc.@fx b p))
((gk+ p :$l)
(vverr-len b (= l 2) l)
(proc.@$fx b p))
(t (vverr b "unexpected input"))))

(split (b) (cons (rec (car b)) (rec (cdr b))))
(rec (b) ; this messy, but much faster to define s as late as possible,
; and once only (before it was hidden in fxs)
(cond ((or (null b) (atom b)) (return-from rec b))
((not (and (listp b) (symbolp (car b))))
(return-from rec (cons (rec (car b)) (rec (cdr b))))))
(return-from rec (split b))))

(let ((s (mkstr (car b))))
(declare (string s))
(cond ((match-substr #.(mkstr *vv-!@*) s) (rec (tx-!@ b)))
((match-substr #.(mkstr *vv-_@*) s) (rec (tx-_@ b)))
((match-substr #.(mkstr *vv-.@*) s) (rec (tx-.@ b)))
((match-substr #.(mkstr *vv-r@*) s) (rec (tx-r@ b)))
((match-substr #.(mkstr *vv-%@*) s) (rec (tx-%@ b)))
((match-substr #.(mkstr *vv-x@*) s) (rec (tx-x@ b)))
((match-substr #.(mkstr *vv-m@*) s) (rec (tx-m@ b)))
(t (cons (rec (car b)) (rec (cdr b))))))))
(cond ((match-substr #.(mkstr *vv-!@*) s) (rec (!@ b)))
((match-substr #.(mkstr *vv-_@*) s) (rec (_@ b)))
((match-substr #.(mkstr *vv-.@*) s) (rec (.@ b)))
((match-substr #.(mkstr *vv-r@*) s) (rec (r@ b)))
((match-substr #.(mkstr *vv-%@*) s) (rec (%@ b)))
((match-substr #.(mkstr *vv-x@*) s) (rec (x@ b)))
((match-substr #.(mkstr *vv-m@*) s) (rec (m@ b)))
(t (split b))))))
(rec body)))

(defmacro define-vv-macro ()
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18 changes: 11 additions & 7 deletions test/arr.lisp
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(is a #(100.2f0 2f0) :test #'equalp)
(is (veq:lst (f2!@+ (veq:f2$ a) 2f0 3f0)) '(102.2f0 5f0)))

(is (veq:d$_ (loop for i from 0 below 3
collect (list (veq:df i)
(veq:df (1+ i)))))
#(0d0 1d0 1d0 2d0 2d0 3d0)
:test #'equalp)
(is-arr (veq:d$_ (loop for i from 0 below 3
collect (list (veq:df i) (veq:df (1+ i)))))
#(0d0 1d0 1d0 2d0 2d0 3d0))

(is-arr (veq:d_ '(1d0 2d0 3d0 4d0)) #(1d0 2d0 3d0 4d0))
(let ((a (list 1d0 2d0))) (is-arr (veq:d_ a) #(1d0 2d0)))

(is-arr (veq:new-stride (2 3 :ff) (veq:f$~ (6) 1f0 2f0 3f0 4f0 5f0 6f0))
#(1f0 2f0 0f0 3f0 4f0 0f0 5f0 6f0 0f0))

(is (veq:d_ '(1d0 2d0 3d0 4d0)) #(1d0 2d0 3d0 4d0) :test #'equalp)
(let ((a (list 1d0 2d0))) (is (veq:d_ a) #(1d0 2d0) :test #'equalp))))
(is-arr (veq:new-stride (2 4 :ff 2f0) (veq:f$~ (6) 1f0 2f0 3f0 4f0 5f0 6f0))
#(1.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 2.0 2.0 5.0 6.0 2.0 2.0))))

(subtest "lerp"
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