This is a XFCE/gtk3 theme. It was build upon the Sakura-Dark theme, with additional apps customized and gaps between windows.
Green 0 | Green 1 | Green 2 | Green 3 | Black 0 |
#33ff00 | #C7FBA5 | #ADF182 | #2C8C1F | #1F1D1C |
Purple 0 | Purple 1 | Purple 2 | Pink 0 | Orange 0 |
#916CAD | #523874 | #711F8C | #DC7D68 | #F08B18 |
Green 0x2 | Blue Sky | Red Sky | Shinji Blue 1 | Shinji Blue 2 | Shinji Blue 3 |
#50D06E | #6394CF | #F98365 | #6A9ED0 | #1D4B7C | #0E1541 |
This theme only handles the inner gaps between windows, to add gaps to the outer line you must manually add in XFCE settings, go to: settings manager > Workspaces > Margins In the screenshots the margins used is 3px on every side.
If you already don't have a theme folder in your home directory then create one:
mkdir ~/.themes
now clone this repo to your .themes directory:
git clone ~/.themes/eva-01
Copy the panel config file to its default destination
cp -i ~/.themes/eva-01/xfce-perchannel-xml/xfce4-panel.xml ~/.config/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/
The panel uses a custom background, currently the background provided supports the following resolutions [4k, QHD, FHD and HD], if you want the panel to look the same on an unsupported screen you must edit/create a custom background to fit your screen resolution.
To set the background go to the panel settings, chose panel 1 > in the appearance tab set Style to Background image and chose the appropriate file, the bg image should be in ~/.themes/eva-01/panel-background/
You can change the window decoration colors, by default this theme comes with 2 pre-made decoration colors, Eva Green 0 and Eva Green 3, see the color palette to see them.
Under the XWFM folder there are 2 subfolders containing the 2 different window decorations, green0-33ff00
and green3-2C8C1F
, to ""install"" them just copy the files in the subfolder to its parent folder xfwm4
, you can also just run these commands:
For Eva Green 0
cp -a ~/.themes/eva-01/xfwm4/green0-33ff00/. ~/.themes/eva-01/xfwm4/
For Eva Green 3
cp -a ~/.themes/eva-01/xfwm4/green3-2C8C1F/. ~/.themes/eva-01/xfwm4/
Bonus - For Eva Green 0x2
cp -a ~/.themes/eva-01/xfwm4/green0x2-50d06e/. ~/.themes/eva-01/xfwm4/
After copying the files don't forget to reapply the theme for the changes to take effect.
Copy the keyboard shortcuts file if you want the same keybindings as well to ~/.config/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/
cp -i ~/.themes/eva-01/xfce-perchannel-xml/xfce4-keyboard-shortcuts.xml ~/.config/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/
Some of the Keybindings are:
Super Key + W = Browser(Firefox)
Super Key + F = File Manager(Thunar)
Super Key + T = Terminal
Super Key + C = Code
Alt + F2 = Appfinder (Compact)
Alt + F3 = Appfinder (Extended)
Alt + F4 = Close current window
Alt + F9 = Minimize current window
Alt + F10 = Maximize current window
PrtSc = XFCE Screnshot without capturing mouse cursor
Shift + PrtSc = XFCE Screnshot with capturing mouse cursor
Ctrl + Up = Volume up(+5%)
Ctrl + Down = Volume down(-5%)
XFWM provide minimal tiling functions, that are arranged as a grid with the following keybindings:
Super Key +
# | Left | Full side | Right |
Top | 7 | 8 | 9 |
Full side | U | null | O |
Bottom | J | K | L |
The main wallpaper was made using this art as source by @ikhimaz.
Firefox theme EVA-01
Code theme EVA-01
Icons theme Papirus + green folders
Mouse cursor theme Oreo spark lime