Like go doc
but with colors.
$ go install
Accepts all the arguments and flags go doc
works with. Godocc is just a simple wrapper around the go doc tool.
$ godocc io Writer
$ godocc ioutil
godocc comes with many colors! Configure the color of the output by setting the following env variable:
$ GODOCC_STYLE="dracula"
My favorite styles: dracula, monokai, fruity, native, paraiso-dark, pygments, rainbow_dash, rrt, solarized-dark, swapoff, vim.
Other styles: abap, algol, arduino, autumn, borland, bw, colorful, emacs, friendly, github, igor, lovelace, manni, monokailight, murphy, paraiso-light, pastie, perldoc, solarized-light256, solarized-light, tango, trac, vs, xcode.
NOTE: Godocc uses the awesome Chroma package underneath.