Python Node and SDK for the NEO blockchain.
- This project aims to be a full port of the original C# NEO project
- Run a Python based P2P node
- Interactive CLI for configuring node and inspecting blockchain
- Runs smart contracts on the blockchain in a Python virtual machine
- Very basic Wallet functionality (not fully tested, please do not use on mainnet)
- Full Python RPC client
- Compile smart contracts written in Python and deploy them to the blockchain
- Full smart contract debugging and inspection
- Open a new issue if you encounter a problem.
- Or ping @localhuman on the NEO Slack.
- Pull requests welcome. You can help with wallet functionality, writing tests or documentation, or on any other feature you deem awesome. All successful pull requests will be rewarded with one photo of a cat or kitten.
You will need to install the libleveldb library. Install Python 3.5 to make sure you don't run into any issues with your version of Python being different than the current maintainer's version. Note that Python 3.6 is not currently supported due to incompatibilities with the byteplay module.
We have published a Youtube video to help get you started with this library. There are other videos under the CityOfZion Youtube channel.
brew install leveldb
apt-get install libleveldb-dev python3.5-dev python3-pip libssl-dev
This is a bit more tricky...
yum -y install development tools python35 python35-devel python35-pip readline-devel leveldb-devel libffi-devel
You may need to enable the epel repo for the leveldb-devel package, which you can do by editing /etc/yum.repos.d/epel.repo
For all of these, make sure that the Chains
directory in your project has the proper write permissions
Not sure. Installing the Python package plyvel seems to require C++ compiler support tied to Visual Studio and libraries.
Now navigate into the project, make a Python 3 virtual environment and activate it via
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
or to install Python 3.5 specifically
virtualenv -p /usr/local/bin/python3.5 venv
source venv/bin/activate
Then install requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
If you're having an issue similar to this:
from ._plyvel import ( # noqa
ImportError: dlopen(neo-python/venv/lib/python3.5/site-packages/plyvel/, 2): Symbol not found: __ZN7leveldb2DB4OpenERKNS_7Options
Referenced from: neo-python/venv/lib/python3.5/site-packages/plyvel/
Expected in: flat namespace
You may need to uninstall plyvel (python libleveldb library), and reinstall with the following cflags
pip uninstall plyvel
CFLAGS='-mmacosx-version-min=10.7 -stdlib=libc++' pip install --no-use-wheel plyvel --no-cache-dir --global-option=build_ext --global-option="-I/usr/local/Cellar/leveldb/1.20_2/include/" --global-option="-L/usr/local/lib"
You may also encounter issues when installing the pycrypto module on OSX:
src/_fastmath.c:36:11: fatal error: 'gmp.h' file not found
# include <gmp.h>
330 warnings and 1 error generated.
error: command 'clang' failed with exit status 1
This may be fixed by installing the gmp library using homebrew and running pip install with the following commandline:
brew install gmp
CFLAGS='-mmacosx-version-min=10.7 -stdlib=libc++' pip install --no-use-wheel pycrypto --no-cache-dir --global-option=build_ext --global-option="-I/usr/local/Cellar/gmp/6.1.2/include/" --global-option="-L/usr/local/lib"
After installing requirements and activating your environment, there is an easy
to use
file for you to run the node as well as some basic interactivity
NEO cli. Type 'help' to get started
neo> state
Progress: 1054913 / 1237188
You can query for a block in the current server by hash or by block index:
NEO cli. Type 'help' to get started
neo> block 122235
"index": 122235,
"script": "",
"merkleroot": "1d5a895ea34509a83becb5d2f9391018a3f59d670d94a2c3f8deb509a07464bd",
"previousblockhash": "98ae05cb68ab857659cc6c8379eb7ba68b57ef1f5317904c295341d82d0a1713",
"tx": [
"version": 0,
"time": 1479110368,
"hash": "74671375033f506325ef08d35632f74083cca564dc7ea6444c94d3b9dec3f61b",
"consensus data": 16070047272025254767,
"next_consensus": "59e75d652b5d3827bf04c165bbe9ef95cca4bf55"
create wallet {wallet_path}
open wallet {wallet_path}
wallet { verbose } { rebuild } {rebuild BLOCK_HEIGHT}
export wif { ADDRESS }
import wif { WIF }
send { ASSET_ID } { ADDRESS } { AMOUNT }
To run the prompt on mainnet, you can use the cli argument -m
$ python -h
usage: [-h] [-m] [-c CONFIG]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-m, --mainnet use MainNet instead of the default TestNet
-c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
Use a specific config file
On OSX, if you would like to run the process in the background, even when your computer is sleeping, you can use the built in caffeinate
caffeinate python
logs to prompt.log
Tests are important. Currently there are not enough, but we are working on that. You can start them by running this command.
Note that some of the unit tests use a giant blockchain fixture database ( around 800mb ). This file is not kept in the repo.
When running tests the first time, the test setup will try to download the file and extract it to the proper directory.
Long story short: the first time you run your tests, it will take a while to download those fixtures. After that it should be pretty quick.
python -m unittest discover neo
To run tests with coverage
, use the following
coverage run -m unittest discover neo
After that, you can generate a command line coverage report use the following:
coverage report -m --omit=venv/*
- Open-source MIT.
- Main author is @localhuman.
Accepted at ATEMNPSjRVvsXmaJW4ZYJBSVuJ6uR2mjQU