Harcon-ecdsa-warper is a Warper entity for harcon-based microservices architectures allowing one to provide a strong inter-service security layer.
$ npm install harcon-ecdsa-warper
add add it to your harcon configuration:
let message = '' // a 32 char length word, maybe by clerobee or crypto.randomBytes
let harcon = new Harcon( {
barrel: { Warper: Warper, warper: { message: Buffer.from( message, 'utf8' ).toString('hex') } },
} )
That will inject the Harcon-ecdsa-warper entity into the harcon to sign all outgoing messages and validate all incoming ones using the strong ECDSA algorithm.
Such security measurement is desired in a distributed environment facilitated by a proper transport layer ("Barrel") solution, like harcon-amqp or harcon-nats.