A Simple file chooser for android platform. No more extra activity is required. It'll use in activity dialog to show the contents. Read installation details for further use.
- Easy file selection
- Directory selection
- Save as dialog to save new file
- New file will be created if it doesn't exist
- While saving new file, if there exists a file with the same name, it'll ask for permission to overwrite.
- Callback for handling file selection event.
FileChooser fileChooser = new FileChooser(YOUR_ACTIVITY.this, title, DialogType.SELECT_FILE, null);
FileSelectionCallback callback = new FileSelectionCallback() {
public void onSelect(File file) {
//Do something with the selected file
There are three types of dialogs:
In SAVE_AS dialog if any existing file is selected then it will also ask for overwrite permission.
- Include the FileChooser library jar ( "/bin/FileChooser.jar" ) to your projects libs ( "PROJECT_ROOT/libs" ) directory.
- Link the library jar file from java build path.
- Tada, You may try now the sample code from above to check if it is working.