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You can use the sys
package to import the pygenmet
import sys
sys.path.insert(', 'pygement_path')
import pygenmet
Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a consequence of defects in diverse metabolic pathways or nutritional effects that involve a hepatic accumulation of triglycerides. Features of these deviations might determine whether NAFLD progresses to nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH). We investigated whether the diverse defects observed in patients with NAFLD are due to different NAFLD subtypes with specific serum metabolomic profiles and whether these can distinguish patients with NASH from patients with simple steatosis.
We collected liver and serum from several murine models, which have genetic alterations, nutritional alterations or both. We also analyzed serum metabolomes of 535 patients with biopsy-proven NAFLD (353 with simple steatosis and 182 with NASH) and compared them with serum metabolomes of these murine models. In a previous analysis, we identified several subtypes of NAFLD using cluster analysis and we recognized markers that differentiate steatosis from NASH in each subtype.
In this study, a specific Genetic Algorithm (GA) has been developed to improve the identification of these subtypes in a human cohort and create a scalable methodology to identify subtypes of NAFLD. The final aim of this work is to develop a methodology for precision care in NAFLD.
Genetic Algorithms are a very useful tool to solve optimization problems but they need a good definition of a fitness function. This package has been developed in Python language and NumPy Style Python Docstrings has been used to document the package.
example numpy style python docstrings
numpydoc docstring guide
FIGURE: Genetic algorithm scheme and functions associated with each step.
- _get_father(): See
function. - _get_population(): See
- _get_father(): See
- _get_fitness(): See
function. - _get_fitness_robust(): See
function. - _get_fitness_l(): See
- _get_fitness(): See
- _selection(): See
- _selection(): See
- _crossover(): See
function. - _arithmetic_crossover(): See
- _crossover(): See
- _mutation(): See
- _mutation(): See
FIGURE: Genetic Algorithms Applied to Translational Strategy in NASH. Learning from Mouse Models. Poster presented in the II Jornadas Doctorales de la UPV/EHU 2019.
FIGURE: Genetic Algorithms Reveal Potential to Stratify MASLD Heterogeneity. Poster presented in the Liver Meeting, Boston Nov. 10-14, 2023.
One of the contributions of this package is the chromosome
class as it is specifically designed to easily solve this optimization problem.
Import the pygenmet
from pygenmet import *
With Pyhton a class
can be created. A class
provides a lot of functionalities. We can create a new clas
and then we can create a new type of object in Python. This new class
allows new instances and these instances can also have methods
The class chromosome
has been created to optimizate the algorithm. The docstring
associated to the chromosome
class is the following.
The class chromosome has a copy of its genes, its fitness and
the number of No NAFLD samples and NAFLD samples for print purposes.
Prints the chromosome
The representation of a chromosome is the following way
0110101101 ... 0110101101 || 0110110011 ... 0110110011 6 6 0.89456
------------------------- ------------------------- ----- ----- -------
Description of the representation:
A] Wild Type Genes
B] Knock-Out Genes
C] Number of Wild Type cases selected
D] Number of Knock-out cases selected
E] The fitness value. The value of the adaptation for this chromosome
>>> CH = chromosome('01101011010110110011', 0.8945, 10, 10)
>>> print("Genes: {}".format(CH.Genes))
Genes: 01101011010110110011
>>> print("WT Genes: {}".format(CH.WT_Genes))
WT Genes: 0110101101
>>> print("KO Genes: {}".format(CH.KO_Genes))
KO Genes: 0110110011
>>> print("Fitness: {}".format(CH.Fitness))
Fitness: 0.8945
>>> CH.print()
CH = chromosome('0110101101011000111101101011010110001111', 0.4125, 10, 30)
print("Genes: {}".format(CH.Genes))
Genes: 0110101101011000111101101011010110001111
print("WT Genes: {}".format(CH.WT_Genes))
WT Genes: 0110101101
print("KO Genes: {}".format(CH.KO_Genes))
KO Genes: 011000111101101011010110001111
print("Fitness: {}".format(CH.Fitness))
Fitness: 0.4125
A Python method is like a Python function, except it is associated with object/classes. Methods in python are very similar to functions except for two major differences:
- The method is implicitly used for an object for which it is called.
- The method is accessible to data that is contained within the class.
The chromosome class has currently two methods:
- print()
- to_json()
The print() method allows to show the chromosome
information on the screen or in a file.
The print() method has an argument, N, and with this argument we can customized the number of alleles to print. This method print first de Wild Types genes and second the KO genes separated by ||. The number of alleles equal to 1 for each gen is also printed. At last, the fitness function value is shown.
CH.print(N = 3)
011 ... 101 || 011 ... 111 6 18 0.4125
CH.print(N = 5)
01101 ... 01101 || 01100 ... 01111 6 18 0.4125
json or JavaScript Object Notation is an open standard file format, that uses human-readable text to store and transmit data objects consisting of attribute–value pairs and array data types. It is a very common data format, with a diverse range of applications.
CH.to_json(path_or_buf = 'out.json')
file out.json
has de following structure:
{"chromosome": [{"Genes": "0110101101011000111101101011010110001111",
"Fitness": 0.4125,
"WT_Genes": "0110101101",
"KO_Genes": "011000111101101011010110001111"}]}
Import the pygenmet
from pygenmet import *
Currently, three fully customizable fitness functions are developed in pygenmet
- _get_fitness
- _get_fitness_robust
- _get_fitness_l
The docstring
associated to the _get_fitness
function is the following.
genes : Genes of a chromosome
nwt : Number of observations of Wild Type
nko : Number of observations of Knock-out
dwt : Data of observations of Wild Type
dko : Data of observations of Knock-out
obj : Array of fold-changes of metabolites in murine model
l : float Usually 0.5 / length(fc1). If length(fc1) = 50 then l = 0.01
p : float
The aptitude of a genes of a chromosome (solution) is the correlation between fc1 and fc2.
Initially the aptitude (fitness) of a chromosome is the Pearson Correlation between the
fold-change of Knock-out select samples and Wild Type selected samples with the fold-change of
the murine model analyzed (a vector of ¿50? fold-changes).
This function evaluates the Pearson Correlation
between fc1 and fc2 with a penalty for different sign
in the values. This function uses pearsonr from scipy and
sign from numpy to evaluate the aptitude.
The penalty has been named l.
The docstring
associated to the _get_fitness_robust
function is the following.
genes : Genes of a chromosome
nwt : Number of observations of Wild Type
nko : Number of observations of Knock-out
dwt : Data of observations of Wild Type
dko : Data of observations of Knock-out
obj : Array of fold-changes of metabolites in murine model
l : float Usually 0.5 / length(fc1). If length(fc1) = 50 then l = 0.01
p : float
The aptitude of a genes of a chromosome (solution) is the correlation between fc1 and fc2.
Initially the aptitude (fitness) of a chromosome is the Pearson Correlation between the
fold-change of Knock-out select samples and Wild Type selected samples with the fold-change of
the murine model analyzed (a vector of ¿50? fold-changes).
This function evaluates the Pearson Correlation
between fc1 and fc2 with a penalty for different sign
in the values. This function uses pearsonr from scipy and
sign from numpy to evaluate the aptitude.
The penalty has been named l.
The docstring
associated to the _get_fitness_l
function is the following.
genes : Genes of a chromosome
nwt : Number of observations of Wild Type
nko : Number of observations of Knock-out
dwt : Data of observations of Wild Type
dko : Data of observations of Knock-out
obj : Array of fold-changes of metabolites in murine model
p : float
The aptitude of a genes of a chromosome (solution) is the correlation between fc1 and fc2.
Initially the aptitude (fitness) of a chromosome is the Pearson Correlation between the
fold-change of Knock-out select samples and Wild Type selected samples with the fold-change of
the murine model analyzed (a vector of ¿50? fold-changes).
This function evaluates the Pearson Correlation
between fc1 and fc2 with a penalty for different sign
in the values. This function uses pearsonr from scipy and
sign from numpy to evaluate the aptitude.
The penalty has been named l.
Import the pygenmet
from import chromosome
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
The docstring
associated to the _crossover
function is the following.
chromosome_a: Chromosome
chromosome_b: Chromosome
k: k-point. If k = 1 the method will be single-point crossover,
If k = 2 the method will be two-point crossover.
If k = N (with N the length of chromosome) the method will be the uniform crossover. Its value is 1 by default.
Two new chromosomes
>>> A = _get_father(nwt = dwt.shape[0], nko = dko.shape[0],
dwt = dwt, dko = dko,
geneSet = '01',
get_fitness = _get_fitness, obj = np.array(FC.loc[:, murine_models_in[4]]))
>>> B = _get_father(nwt = dwt.shape[0], nko = dko.shape[0],
dwt = dwt, dko = dko,
geneSet = '01',
get_fitness = _get_fitness, obj = np.array(FC.loc[:, murine_models_in[4]]))
>>> A.print()
011000111111010 ... 001000010001110 || 001010011000110 ... 011001001111111 43 336 0.03363686825576087
>>> B.print()
100101111101111 ... 010001000100101 || 010101001001010 ... 111010000101010 42 345 0.1410663212679354
>>> A1, B1 = _crossover(A, B, get_fitness = _get_fitness,
nwt = dwt.shape[0], nko = dko.shape[0], dwt = dwt, dko = dko,
obj = np.array(FC.loc[:, murine_models_in[4]]), k = 1)
>>> A1.print()
011000111111010 ... 001000010001110 || 001010011000110 ... 111010000101010 43 327 0.007288743389698732
>>> B1.print()
100101111101111 ... 010001000100101 || 010101001001010 ... 011001001111111 42 354 0.15370276754212897
>>> A1, B1 = _crossover(A, B, get_fitness = _get_fitness,
nwt = dwt.shape[0], nko = dko.shape[0], dwt = dwt, dko = dko,
obj = np.array(FC.loc[:, murine_models_in[4]]), k = 772)
>>> A1.print()
110000111101111 ... 000000010001111 || 011111001001110 ... 011000001111111 43 355 0.017131591198246282
>>> B1.print()
001101111111010 ... 011001000100100 || 000000011000010 ... 111011000101010 42 326 0.13633106854522628
For this specific genotype (GeneSet = '01') the arithmetic crossover techniques are available.
These techniques are:
[1] AND
[2] OR
[3] XOR
Arithmetic crossover - some arithmetic operation is performed to make a new offspring [1]
father : Genes of the father
geneSet : Set of genes availables. Usually '0' and '1'
get_fitness : Function to improve
nwt : Number of No NAFLD Samples
nko : Number of NAFLD Samples
dwt : Data of No NAFLD Samples
dko : Data of NAFLD Samples
obj : The fold-changes of murine model to adjust
type : Type of mutation process, 'bsm' by default. Five types are allowed.
bf : bitflip
bsm : bitstringmutation
sw : swap
in : inversion
sc : scramble
p : Parameter to modify the posibility of change in a genes
A new mutated chromosome by the type of mutation process
The flipbit (fb) mutation is an aggressive mutation because change all genes.
If in a specific gen the alelo value is '0' this process will change it to '1'.
fb: '0101010101' -> '1010101010'
The bitstringmutation (bsm) mutation process will change a gen with a
probability 'p'. If p = None then p = 1/len(genes) [1].
bsm: '0101010101' -> '0101110101'
type : Type of replacement
rws : Replace Worst Strategy
rts : Restricted Tournament Selection
wams : Worst Among Most Similar Replacement
The _replacement function is ised to change the old generation population with the new generation.
Four process have been evaluated [1]:
1) Replace Worst Strategy (RW). The worst element of the population is replaced if the child improves it.
It offers high selective pressure, even when its parents are chosen randomly.
2) Restricted Tournament Selection (RTS) [2].
3) Replace the Worst Among Most Similar Replacement (WAMS) [3]. the worst chromosome of the
set of the N (N = 3,...) parents most similar to the offspring.
4) Deterministic Crowding Algorithm (Deterministic Crowding, DC) [4]. To facilitate the comparison we will use in our experiments. A variant of the DC in which a single descendant will be generated for each cross, which will replace the most similar parent if it improves it.
[2] G. Harik. Finding multimodal solutions using restricted tournament selection. Proc. 6th Int. Conf. Genetic Algorithms, páginas 24-31, 1995.
[3] W. Cedeño and V. Vemuri. Multi-niche crowding in genetic algorithms and its application to the assembly of dna restriction-fragments. Evolutionary Computation, 2(4):321-345, 1995.
[4] S.W. Mahfoud. Crowding and preselection revised. Parallel Problem Solving from Nature 2, páginas 27-36, 1992.
Matching Techniques:
Parents can be selected in a way that maintains population diversity.
1) Prohibition of Crossbreeding Based on Ancestry. An individual cannot mate with themselves, their parents, their children, or their siblings.
2) Incest Prohibition. Two parents mate if their Hamming distance is above a certain threshold.
3) Diverse Pairing. An individual mates with another that is quite different. Hamming distance.
1) Random Selection (RS)
2) Tournament Selection (TS): It chooses the individual with the best fitness from
among N individuals selected randomly (N = 2, 3, . . . ) Tournament selection is a widely used
parent selection procedure in which the idea is to randomly choose a number of individuals from
the population, tournament size, (with or without replacement), select the best individual from
this group, and repeat the process until the number of selected individuals matches the population size.
Usually, the tournament size is 2, and in such a case, a probabilistic version has been used
in which the selection of individuals is allowed without them necessarily being the best.
3) Linear Rank Selection (LRS): The population is ranked based on its fitness, and a selection probability
is associated with each individual that depends on their order.
4) Roulette Selection (RS): Assigns a selection probability proportional to the individual's fitness value.
Baker (1987) introduces a method called stochastic universal sampling, which uses a single spin of the
roulette wheel with circular sectors proportional to the objective function.
Individuals are selected from markers, equally spaced and with random starting points.
5) Elitist: In the elitist selection model, the best individual in the population at
time t is forced to be selected as a parent.
chromosomes : List of chromosomes of the population
size : Number of individuals to select from the population. This parameter is not considered with method = 'elitist'.
N : Number of Genes to print (if trace is True)
trace : Should be the chromosomes and the selection printed on the screen
method: The method used for selection: ['random', 'tournament', 'linear', 'roulette', 'elitist']
fitness : The fitness of each chromosome (individual)
psel : Probabilities of selecction of each chromosome. pesl(x) = f(x) / sum(f(y)), for each x in y
selecction : List of selected chromosomes
The aim of this function is to evaluate the fitness of each population (by the chromosome structure) and
to asign a probability to select for a new population (next generation).
>>> A_ = []
>>> A_.append(chromosome(genes = '01010001010110100100', nwt = 10, nko = 10, fitness = 2.3454))
>>> A_.append(chromosome(genes = '01011011110110100100', nwt = 10, nko = 10, fitness = 1.4401))
>>> A_.append(chromosome(genes = '01010001010100000100', nwt = 10, nko = 10, fitness = 0.9254))
>>> A_.append(chromosome(genes = '01110101010110100100', nwt = 10, nko = 10, fitness = 7.1104))
>>> A_.append(chromosome(genes = '01010101110111100100', nwt = 10, nko = 10, fitness = 2.1494))
>>> A_.append(chromosome(genes = '01010001110000100100', nwt = 10, nko = 10, fitness = 1.9954))
>>> A_.append(chromosome(genes = '00000000010110100100', nwt = 10, nko = 10, fitness = 1.7323))
>>> A_.append(chromosome(genes = '01010000111110100111', nwt = 10, nko = 10, fitness = 1.5002))
>>> A_.append(chromosome(genes = '01110011010110100111', nwt = 10, nko = 10, fitness = 2.4119))
>>> A_.append(chromosome(genes = '01010011011110101100', nwt = 10, nko = 10, fitness = 2.1414))
>>> selection, fit, ps, sel_mean, sel_maximun = _selection(A_, size = 4, N = 8, trace = True, method = 'roulette')
|-------------- fenotypes ---------------||--- genotypes ---||--- fitness ---||- Probability -|
01010001...01000101 || 01101001...10100100 4 4 2.3454 0.09912204
01011011...01101111 || 01101001...10100100 7 4 1.4401 0.07244166
01010001...01000101 || 01000001...00000100 4 2 0.9254 0.05727278
01110101...11010101 || 01101001...10100100 6 4 7.1104 0.23955286
01010101...01010111 || 01111001...11100100 6 5 2.1494 0.09334567
01010001...01000111 || 00001001...00100100 5 2 1.9954 0.08880708
00000000...00000001 || 01101001...10100100 1 4 1.7323 0.08105318
01010000...01000011 || 11101001...10100111 4 7 1.5002 0.07421289
01110011...11001101 || 01101001...10100111 6 6 2.4119 0.10108189
01010011...01001101 || 11101011...10101100 5 6 2.1414 0.09310990
|-------------- fenotypes ---------------||--- genotypes ---||--- fitness ---||- Probability -|
01110101...11010101 || 01101001...10100100 6 4 7.1104 0.23955286
01010001...01000101 || 01101001...10100100 4 4 2.3454 0.09912204
01010001...01000111 || 00001001...00100100 5 2 1.9954 0.08880708
01010011...01001101 || 11101011...10101100 5 6 2.1414 0.09310990
>>> selection, fit, ps, sel_mean, sel_maximun = _selection(A_, size = 4, N = 8, trace = True, method = 'linear')
|-------------- fenotypes ---------------||--- genotypes ---||--- fitness ---||- Probability -|
01010001...01000101 || 01101001...10100100 4 4 2.3454 0.15555555
01011011...01101111 || 01101001...10100100 7 4 1.4401 0.02222222
01010001...01000101 || 01000001...00000100 4 2 0.9254 0.0
01110101...11010101 || 01101001...10100100 6 4 7.1104 0.2
01010101...01010111 || 01111001...11100100 6 5 2.1494 0.13333333
01010001...01000111 || 00001001...00100100 5 2 1.9954 0.08888888
00000000...00000001 || 01101001...10100100 1 4 1.7323 0.06666666
01010000...01000011 || 11101001...10100111 4 7 1.5002 0.04444444
01110011...11001101 || 01101001...10100111 6 6 2.4119 0.17777777
01010011...01001101 || 11101011...10101100 5 6 2.1414 0.11111111
|-------------- fenotypes ---------------||--- genotypes ---||--- fitness ---||- Probability -|
01011011...01101111 || 01101001...10100100 7 4 1.4401 0.02222222
01010000...01000011 || 11101001...10100111 4 7 1.5002 0.04444444
01110101...11010101 || 01101001...10100100 6 4 7.1104 0.2
01010001...01000101 || 01101001...10100100 4 4 2.3454 0.15555555
>>> selection, fit, ps, sel_mean, sel_maximun = _selection(A_, size = 4, N = 8, trace = True, method = 'random')
|-------------- fenotypes ---------------||--- genotypes ---||--- fitness ---||- Probability -|
01010001...01000101 || 01101001...10100100 4 4 2.3454 0.1
01011011...01101111 || 01101001...10100100 7 4 1.4401 0.1
01010001...01000101 || 01000001...00000100 4 2 0.9254 0.1
01110101...11010101 || 01101001...10100100 6 4 7.1104 0.1
01010101...01010111 || 01111001...11100100 6 5 2.1494 0.1
01010001...01000111 || 00001001...00100100 5 2 1.9954 0.1
00000000...00000001 || 01101001...10100100 1 4 1.7323 0.1
01010000...01000011 || 11101001...10100111 4 7 1.5002 0.1
01110011...11001101 || 01101001...10100111 6 6 2.4119 0.1
01010011...01001101 || 11101011...10101100 5 6 2.1414 0.1
|-------------- fenotypes ---------------||--- genotypes ---||--- fitness ---||- Probability -|
01010101...01010111 || 01111001...11100100 6 5 2.1494 0.1
01010001...01000101 || 01000001...00000100 4 2 0.9254 0.1
01010011...01001101 || 11101011...10101100 5 6 2.1414 0.1
01010001...01000101 || 01101001...10100100 4 4 2.3454 0.1
>>> selection, fit, ps, sel_mean, sel_maximun = _selection(A_, size = 4, N = 8, trace = True, method = 'elitist')
|-------------- fenotypes ---------------||--- genotypes ---||--- fitness ---||- Probability -|
01010001...01000101 || 01101001...10100100 4 4 2.3454 ----------
01011011...01101111 || 01101001...10100100 7 4 1.4401 ----------
01010001...01000101 || 01000001...00000100 4 2 0.9254 ----------
01110101...11010101 || 01101001...10100100 6 4 7.1104 ----------
01010101...01010111 || 01111001...11100100 6 5 2.1494 ----------
01010001...01000111 || 00001001...00100100 5 2 1.9954 ----------
00000000...00000001 || 01101001...10100100 1 4 1.7323 ----------
01010000...01000011 || 11101001...10100111 4 7 1.5002 ----------
01110011...11001101 || 01101001...10100111 6 6 2.4119 ----------
01010011...01001101 || 11101011...10101100 5 6 2.1414 ----------
|-------------- fenotypes ---------------||--- genotypes ---||--- fitness ---||- Probability -|
01010101...01010111 || 01111001...11100100 6 5 2.1494 ----------
01010001...01000101 || 01101001...10100100 4 4 2.3454 ----------
01110011...11001101 || 01101001...10100111 6 6 2.4119 ----------
01110101...11010101 || 01101001...10100100 6 4 7.1104 ----------
>>> selection, fit, ps, sel_mean, sel_maximun = _selection(A_, size = 4, N = 8, trace = True, method = 'tournament')
|-------------- fenotypes ---------------||--- genotypes ---||--- fitness ---||- Probability -|
01010001...01000101 || 01101001...10100100 4 4 2.3454 ----------
01011011...01101111 || 01101001...10100100 7 4 1.4401 ----------
01010001...01000101 || 01000001...00000100 4 2 0.9254 ----------
01110101...11010101 || 01101001...10100100 6 4 7.1104 ----------
01010101...01010111 || 01111001...11100100 6 5 2.1494 ----------
01010001...01000111 || 00001001...00100100 5 2 1.9954 ----------
00000000...00000001 || 01101001...10100100 1 4 1.7323 ----------
01010000...01000011 || 11101001...10100111 4 7 1.5002 ----------
01110011...11001101 || 01101001...10100111 6 6 2.4119 ----------
01010011...01001101 || 11101011...10101100 5 6 2.1414 ----------
|-------------- fenotypes ---------------||--- genotypes ---||--- fitness ---||- Probability -|
00000000...00000001 || 01101001...10100100 1 4 1.7323 ----------
01010000...01000011 || 11101001...10100111 4 7 1.5002 ----------
01110011...11001101 || 01101001...10100111 6 6 2.4119 ----------
01010101...01010111 || 01111001...11100100 6 5 2.1494 ----------
01110101...11010101 || 01101001...10100100 6 4 7.1104 ----------
Import the pygenmet
from pygenmet import *
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
With the function \_get\_father()
we can to generate an initial solution. We can to initializate nwt
, dwt
, nko
and dko
. For replicate purpose, this function has the random_state argument.
The docstring
associated to the _get_father
function is the following.
nwt : Number of observations of Wild Type
nko : Number of observations of Knock-out
dwt : Data of observations of Wild Type
dko : Data of observations of Knock-out
geneSet: Usually a list as '01'
get_fitness: The fitness function to use
obj : Array of fold-changes of metabolites in murine model
random_state: If you don't mention the random_state in the code, then whenever you execute your code a new random value
This function returns a chromosome
>>> _get_father(nwt = nwt, nko = nko, dwt = dwt, dko = dko, geneSet = '01', get_fitness = _get_fitness, obj = FC.FC).print()
011101101010000 ... 000000001000001 || 101110011001010 ... 011110110000011 37 261 -0.04568152517704738
>>> _get_father(nwt = nwt, nko = nko, dwt = dwt, dko = dko, geneSet = '01', get_fitness = _get_fitness, obj = FC.FC).print()
000101011001011 ... 101100010101101 || 010000101000100 ... 110111010001010 46 252 -0.07192848665245967
>>> _get_father(nwt = nwt, nko = nko, dwt = dwt, dko = dko, geneSet = '01', get_fitness = _get_fitness, obj = FC.FC).print()
110101100111011 ... 000110110110111 || 110010000110100 ... 110010011101011 49 267 -0.11718322152992591
nwt = 15
nko = 25
dwt = pd.DataFrame(np.random.rand(nwt,10))
dko = pd.DataFrame(np.random.rand(nko,10))
for i in np.arange(10):
A = _get_father(nwt = nwt, nko = nko, dwt = dwt, dko = dko,
geneSet = '01', get_fitness = _get_fitness,
obj = [1,0,1,-1,1,0,0,1,0.5, 0.5])
000100010101011 ... 000100010101011 || 010011110000011 ... 000110111000101 6 12 -0.01750455939922404
010100000111001 ... 010100000111001 || 000111111010001 ... 100010010110110 6 13 0.01583165234542458
001010100111101 ... 001010100111101 || 101110011011111 ... 111110100001101 8 15 0.1337101625593648
011011101001110 ... 011011101001110 || 011111111111101 ... 111010000110111 9 18 0.3326538149497444
101100111001001 ... 101100111001001 || 010100110110000 ... 100001010110001 8 11 0.09708129202192302
010001010010001 ... 010001010010001 || 100111000100111 ... 001110100100100 5 11 0.1442876222067664
000000000011101 ... 000000000011101 || 100100011111100 ... 111000011110101 4 14 0.28826914052937097
110100111110100 ... 110100111110100 || 111011001010111 ... 101111010101001 9 15 -0.377007167796123
100111000110010 ... 100111000110010 || 111001110110000 ... 100001101111100 7 15 0.3216335311818925
000111101101000 ... 000111101101000 || 100010011101100 ... 011001100001110 7 12 -0.09813075927314555
for i in np.arange(10):
A = _get_father(nwt = nwt, nko = nko, dwt = dwt, dko = dko,
geneSet = '01', get_fitness = _get_fitness,
obj = [1,0,1,-1,1,0,0,1,0.5, 0.5],
random_state = 42)
100011100001001 ... 100011100001001 || 101101100100011 ... 000111111011111 6 17 0.04061614908467767
100011100001001 ... 100011100001001 || 101101100100011 ... 000111111011111 6 17 0.04061614908467767
100011100001001 ... 100011100001001 || 101101100100011 ... 000111111011111 6 17 0.04061614908467767
100011100001001 ... 100011100001001 || 101101100100011 ... 000111111011111 6 17 0.04061614908467767
100011100001001 ... 100011100001001 || 101101100100011 ... 000111111011111 6 17 0.04061614908467767
100011100001001 ... 100011100001001 || 101101100100011 ... 000111111011111 6 17 0.04061614908467767
100011100001001 ... 100011100001001 || 101101100100011 ... 000111111011111 6 17 0.04061614908467767
100011100001001 ... 100011100001001 || 101101100100011 ... 000111111011111 6 17 0.04061614908467767
100011100001001 ... 100011100001001 || 101101100100011 ... 000111111011111 6 17 0.04061614908467767
100011100001001 ... 100011100001001 || 101101100100011 ... 000111111011111 6 17 0.04061614908467767
The docstring
associated to the _get_population
function is the following.
individuals : Number of individual of first generation or initial population
nwt : Number of observations of Wild Type
nko : Number of observations of Knock-out
dwt : Data of observations of Wild Type
dko : Data of observations of Knock-out
geneSet : Usually a list as '01'
get_fitness : The fitness function to use
obj : Array of fold-changes of metabolites in murine model
random_state : If you don't mention the random_state in the code, then whenever you execute your code a new random value
population_ : A list of the initial population (chromosomes) to initialize the algorithm
>>> nwt = 15
>>> nko = 25
>>> dwt = pd.DataFrame(np.random.rand(nwt,10))
>>> dko = pd.DataFrame(np.random.rand(nko,10))
>>> A = _get_population(individuals = 10,
nwt = nwt, nko = nko, dwt = dwt, dko = dko,
geneSet = '01', get_fitness = _get_fitness, obj = [1,0,1,-1,1,0,0,1,0.5, 0.5])
>>> [A_.print() for A_ in A];
110101101011111 ... 110101101011111 || 101110000011110 ... 111101111110101 11 16 0.27010320047631353
110001101000111 ... 110001101000111 || 111011001000100 ... 001001100010011 8 12 0.4153593539526977
110110110000111 ... 110110110000111 || 111001000001001 ... 010011110110101 9 13 0.24120026823063395
001001101100010 ... 001001101100010 || 101000001100111 ... 001110111010010 6 12 0.5976992970173265
110110101000111 ... 110110101000111 || 100011000000110 ... 001100011111011 9 12 0.4327563879291974
010110111011011 ... 010110111011011 || 101101110101111 ... 011110010010000 10 13 0.19109063637942147
011011111001110 ... 011011111001110 || 000001110011000 ... 110001111010111 10 13 0.19291545113399683
100010011100001 ... 100010011100001 || 011101010010100 ... 101001111100011 6 14 0.3838922708272582
110001111111010 ... 110001111111010 || 110111010001010 ... 010100000000100 10 9 0.04833875255418793
001111011101100 ... 001111011101100 || 100011000100101 ... 001010101000110 9 10 0.6180057110908423
nwt = 15
nko = 25
dwt = pd.DataFrame(np.random.rand(nwt,10))
dko = pd.DataFrame(np.random.rand(nko,10))
A = _get_population(individuals = 10,
nwt = nwt, nko = nko, dwt = dwt, dko = dko,
geneSet = '01', get_fitness = _get_fitness,
obj = [1,0,1,-1,1,0,0,1,0.5, 0.5])
[A_.print() for A_ in A];
001100101100011 ... 001100101100011 || 010111011100111 ... 001111010101001 7 15 0.22717953288324988
011111001110011 ... 011111001110011 || 110011011010001 ... 100011100110100 10 13 -0.14158703160537597
000111000110010 ... 000111000110010 || 000111011011101 ... 111010101101111 6 16 -0.14752436179984593
111110011001001 ... 111110011001001 || 111101011001011 ... 010111111010101 9 17 0.37230832910925965
111100011100110 ... 111100011100110 || 001000100111010 ... 110100000100011 9 9 0.09942842284405343
011100001011101 ... 011100001011101 || 001010010010100 ... 101000010010000 8 7 -0.29440398210415947
111011011011101 ... 111011011011101 || 000101001001101 ... 011011010111110 11 13 0.262667504755609
000000010010100 ... 000000010010100 || 111110001111110 ... 111101010010111 3 17 -0.3603100204852186
111110110010001 ... 111110110010001 || 100101000011100 ... 111000110100010 9 10 -0.254079327688995
001010010000000 ... 001010010000000 || 100111101001111 ... 011111000011110 3 15 0.3651577081778396
This function read the chromosome information from a file and it is loaded in memory. The file can be generated by to_json()
The docstring
associated to the _read_chromosome
function is the following.
path_or_buf : string or file handle. File path or object.
This function returns a chromosome
>>> A = chromosome(genes = '00100101001001011000111010110010', nko=16, nwt=16, fitness=0.98)
>>> A.print(5)
00100 ... 00101 || 10001 ... 10010 6 8 0.98
>>> A.to_json('prueba.json')
>>> B = _read_chromosome('prueba.json')
>>> B.print(10)
0010010100 ... 0100100101 || 1000111010 ... 1010110010 6 8 0.98
new_CH = _read_chromosome(path_or_buf = 'out.json')
0110101101 ... 0110101101 || 011000111101101 ... 011010110001111 6 18 0.4125
# Examples
Import the pygenmet
from pygenmet import *
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import random
import datetime
We define a new fitness function.
We define a simple fitness function. This function always returns the 1.0 value.
def my_own_get_fitness(genes, nwt, nko, dwt, dko, obj):
p = 1.0
return p
Now, we generate 10 initial solutions (by _get_father_
function) and we can see the fitness function for each solution.
nwt = 15
nko = 25
dwt = pd.DataFrame(np.array(random.choices('01', k = nwt * 10)).reshape(nwt, 10))
dko = pd.DataFrame(np.array(random.choices('01', k = nko * 10)).reshape(nko, 10))
for i in np.arange(10):
A = _get_father(nwt = nwt, nko = nko, dwt = dwt, dko = dko,
geneSet = '01', get_fitness = my_own_get_fitness,
obj = 1)
110011000001000 ... 110011000001000 || 110011001111101 ... 111011110111010 5 17 1.0
111110000101011 ... 111110000101011 || 100110000001111 ... 011110100001011 9 11 1.0
010001110001001 ... 010001110001001 || 101010000001001 ... 010011011011110 6 12 1.0
100110001011100 ... 100110001011100 || 011111100111111 ... 111111101001100 7 17 1.0
111101110100010 ... 111101110100010 || 001000001001111 ... 011111011000001 9 10 1.0
001110011101011 ... 001110011101011 || 001110001101100 ... 011001000001110 9 11 1.0
100110010100001 ... 100110010100001 || 101011001110011 ... 100111110100001 6 14 1.0
101000101010110 ... 101000101010110 || 011110001000010 ... 000101001101101 7 12 1.0
101101000111111 ... 101101000111111 || 010001011010110 ... 101100011110110 10 13 1.0
100010011101000 ... 100010011101000 || 100000001100100 ... 001000101000100 6 7 1.0
In this case, we considerer the following fitness function.
def my_own_get_fitness(genes, nwt, nko, dwt, dko, obj):
N_WT = sum(1 for x in genes[:nwt] if x == '1')
N_KO = sum(1 for x in genes[nwt:] if x == '1')
p = N_WT / N_KO
return p
nwt = 15
nko = 25
dwt = pd.DataFrame(np.array(random.choices('01', k = nwt * 10)).reshape(nwt, 10))
dko = pd.DataFrame(np.array(random.choices('01', k = nko * 10)).reshape(nko, 10))
for i in np.arange(10):
A = _get_father(nwt = nwt, nko = nko, dwt = dwt, dko = dko,
geneSet = '01', get_fitness = my_own_get_fitness,
obj = 1)
101101010001100 ... 101101010001100 || 001111100111000 ... 110001000000010 7 10 0.7
011111101110001 ... 011111101110001 || 101011110010001 ... 100010110010100 10 12 0.8333333333333334
100010101100111 ... 100010101100111 || 101011111110000 ... 100000101111010 8 15 0.5333333333333333
111111010110110 ... 111111010110110 || 100010110011100 ... 111001100100110 11 12 0.9166666666666666
110001100110000 ... 110001100110000 || 000001010000100 ... 001001111000011 6 9 0.6666666666666666
000110110000011 ... 000110110000011 || 001111111111110 ... 111100011000111 6 17 0.35294117647058826
011100100101000 ... 011100100101000 || 001000100101111 ... 011110110100010 6 11 0.5454545454545454
100111100010001 ... 100111100010001 || 101110000110001 ... 100011110010011 7 13 0.5384615384615384
101101100110001 ... 101101100110001 || 010100101010101 ... 101010110100011 8 12 0.6666666666666666
111110010111010 ... 111110010111010 || 100011110101101 ... 011011010000010 10 12 0.8333333333333334
It is easy to calculate the fitness function. For example, in the first solution the fitness value is 7/10 = 0.7.
In this example, the optimum will be find when the genes string will be '111111...11111'. In this case, p = 0
def my_own_get_fitness(genes, nwt, nko, dwt, dko, obj):
N_WT = sum(1 for x in genes[:nwt] if x == '1') - nwt
N_KO = sum(1 for x in genes[nwt:] if x == '1') - nko
p = N_WT + N_KO
return p
nwt = 15
nko = 25
dwt = pd.DataFrame(np.array(random.choices('01', k = nwt * 10)).reshape(nwt, 10))
dko = pd.DataFrame(np.array(random.choices('01', k = nko * 10)).reshape(nko, 10))
for i in np.arange(10):
A = _get_father(nwt = nwt, nko = nko, dwt = dwt, dko = dko,
geneSet = '01', get_fitness = my_own_get_fitness,
obj = 0)
101000001010000 ... 101000001010000 || 000001010101001 ... 010010010010010 4 8 -28
010001000011010 ... 010001000011010 || 111100010001000 ... 010001111001000 5 11 -24
110011100110111 ... 110011100110111 || 011111111100110 ... 001100110110011 10 17 -13
100111010100011 ... 100111010100011 || 001011100010000 ... 100001011100010 8 10 -22
110001110110110 ... 110001110110110 || 110011011101011 ... 010110111100110 9 16 -15
111000100101110 ... 111000100101110 || 011101011110100 ... 101001011011001 8 15 -17
100010000110110 ... 100010000110110 || 010010011000000 ... 000001011111001 6 11 -23
001110011110111 ... 001110011110111 || 100011011100010 ... 000101010110111 10 14 -16
101010101010011 ... 101010101010011 || 011110111100010 ... 000101100001100 8 13 -19
000001110111111 ... 000001110111111 || 011010000011111 ... 111110000000001 9 9 -22
We initialize the algorithm with a maximum of 1000 generations. When the iterations reached the 1000 iterations, the algorithm stops and returns the optimum reached.
Moreover, in the following example, the _mutation
function is applied.
generations = 1000
starttime =
nwt = 25
nko = 50
dwt = pd.DataFrame(np.array(random.choices('01', k = nwt * 20)).reshape(nwt, 20))
dko = pd.DataFrame(np.array(random.choices('01', k = nko * 20)).reshape(nko, 20))
A = _get_father(nwt = nwt, nko = nko, dwt = dwt, dko = dko,
geneSet = '01', get_fitness = my_own_get_fitness,
obj = 0)
for i in np.arange(generations):
A_son = _mutation(A.Genes, geneSet = '01',
get_fitness = my_own_get_fitness,
nwt = nwt, nko = nko, dwt = dwt, dko = dko,
obj = 0, type = 'bsm', p = None)
if A_son.Fitness > A.Fitness:
A = A_son
_show_partial_solution(A, starttime = starttime, N = 4)
0101...1111 || 1010...0001 14 22 -39 time: 0.001
0101...1111 || 1110...0001 16 24 -35 time: 0.002
0101...1111 || 1110...0001 16 25 -34 time: 0.002
0101...1111 || 1110...0001 16 26 -33 time: 0.003
0101...1111 || 1110...0001 17 27 -31 time: 0.003
0101...1111 || 1110...0001 17 28 -30 time: 0.003
0101...1111 || 1110...0001 17 29 -29 time: 0.003
0101...1111 || 1110...0001 18 29 -28 time: 0.003
0101...1111 || 1110...0001 18 30 -27 time: 0.003
0101...1111 || 1110...0001 18 31 -26 time: 0.004
0101...1111 || 1110...0001 18 32 -25 time: 0.004
0101...1111 || 1110...0001 19 32 -24 time: 0.007
0101...1111 || 1110...0001 19 33 -23 time: 0.008
0101...1111 || 1110...0001 19 34 -22 time: 0.008
1101...1111 || 1110...0001 20 34 -21 time: 0.009
1101...1111 || 1110...0001 20 35 -20 time: 0.009
1101...1111 || 1110...0001 20 36 -19 time: 0.010
1101...1111 || 1110...0001 20 37 -18 time: 0.011
1101...1111 || 1110...0001 20 38 -17 time: 0.011
1101...1111 || 1110...0001 20 39 -16 time: 0.011
1101...1111 || 1110...0001 21 39 -15 time: 0.011
1101...1111 || 1110...0001 22 39 -14 time: 0.011
1101...1111 || 1110...0001 23 39 -13 time: 0.012
1101...1111 || 1110...0001 24 39 -12 time: 0.013
1101...1111 || 1110...0001 24 40 -11 time: 0.017
1101...1111 || 1110...0011 24 41 -10 time: 0.018
1101...1111 || 1111...0011 24 42 -9 time: 0.024
1111...1111 || 1111...0011 25 42 -8 time: 0.025
1111...1111 || 1111...0011 25 43 -7 time: 0.026
1111...1111 || 1111...0011 25 44 -6 time: 0.032
1111...1111 || 1111...0011 25 45 -5 time: 0.032
1111...1111 || 1111...1011 25 46 -4 time: 0.036
1111...1111 || 1111...1111 25 47 -3 time: 0.040
1111...1111 || 1111...1111 25 48 -2 time: 0.050
1111...1111 || 1111...1111 25 49 -1 time: 0.056
1111...1111 || 1111...1111 25 50 0 time: 0.056
We can see how the algorithm reaches the optimum at 0.056 seconds.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows = 1, ncols = 1, figsize = (10, 6))
generations = 10000
starttime =
nwt = 250
nko = 500
dwt = pd.DataFrame(np.array(random.choices('01', k = nwt * 50)).reshape(nwt, 50))
dko = pd.DataFrame(np.array(random.choices('01', k = nko * 50)).reshape(nko, 50))
for k in [1,2,3,4,5]:
p = 10**(-k)
results = []
starttime =
A = _get_father(nwt = nwt, nko = nko, dwt = dwt, dko = dko,
geneSet = '01', get_fitness = my_own_get_fitness,
obj = 0, random_state = 42)
for i in np.arange(generations):
A_son = _mutation(A.Genes, geneSet = '01',
get_fitness = my_own_get_fitness,
nwt = nwt, nko = nko, dwt = dwt, dko = dko,
obj = 0, type = 'bsm', p = p)
if A_son.Fitness > A.Fitness:
A = A_son
results.append([p, A.Fitness, ( - starttime).total_seconds()])
results = pd.DataFrame(results, columns = ['p', 'fitness', 'time'])
ax.plot(results.time,, label = r'p = $10^{-{' + str(k) + '}}$', linewidth = 2)
ax.grid(linestyle = '--', color = 'gray', alpha = 0.5)
ax.set_title(r'Convergence of the genetic algorithm by mutation probability (10000 generations)')
ax.set_ylabel(r'Fitness value')
ax.set_xlabel(r'Time (seconds)')
ax.legend(frameon = False, title = r'Probability', bbox_to_anchor = [1.0, 1.0]);
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