How to:
to install all dependenciesyarn start
to start local webpack serveryarn test
to run unit/snapshot tests
I used React and Redux for this project.
I think it went well, though the redux architecture could be better. Splitting into two Connected Components (TasksContainer
and ToastAreaContainer
) made things less clean with saving tasks requiring getState()
I should probably use an external toast notification library.
Improvements - Things I wish I had time for
- Add functional testing
- Make production Webpack config to optimize build files uglify and remove Redux logging
- Finish testing all the async actions
- Extract toast and task objects from reducer into models
- Extend toast model to support different toast types
- Improve accessibility with aria-labels and other WCAG 2.0 requirements
- Extract redux action types into actionTypes file
- Find an elegant way to stub shortId for predictable unit testing. Probably easier to stub out if we had those models.
- Loading indicators