The project is a custom starter kit to build TypeScript react-native apps only one click. Also, you can contribute to the project by adding your template.
- Start an app quickly with TypeScript or Javascript
- Start an app with a template
- Create your component directory quickly
- auth
Basic authantication tamplete for quick start. Click here for more information.
- chat
Basic chat tamplete for quick start. Click here for more information.
- yarmi
Basic yarmi tamplete for quick start. Click here for more information.
There is no template for Javascript yet.
These starter pack use 'yarn' while installing react-native dependencies. Thus you must install 'yarn' before creating an app.
git clone
cd react-native-starter-kit
chmod +x
# Enter your app name :
# Enter template name :
yarmi # If you don't want to create app with template, press 'Enter'
cd MyAwesomeApp
# Enter the component name?
Hello developers! You can contribute this starter pack and deploy your templates. If you want to contribute to this project, you can follow these steps.
You must create a bash file like '' file. You must add your installation scripts for template dependencies here.
You must create folder name is src, and add your tamplete or your components into this folder.
After you've made your changes or added features, you should open a pull request.