Shop A Source provide easy access to search multiple shopping websites via one source. Website users can manage products and decide what product is best. Shop A Source could also be used to compare prices of a product.
Hybrid of:
$ make .venv
$ make clean # cleans virtual environment folder
Setup virtual environment
pre-commit installed automatically via .venv, used for linting best practices.
$ make pre-commit
- Update values in configs/dev for dev environment and deploy's.
- A template dev.json.template is provided to setup a dev.json config files.
- Use debug.json for debugging and testing.
- dev.json is git-ignored to protect sensitive keys.
$ make run STAGE=debug or make run # debug is default
$ make run STAGE=dev # dev runs
Assumes docker is installed on machine.
$ make run_db
$ make clean_db
$ make stop_db
$ make load_db # psql interactive db shell
$ make run_docker # debug is default
# make sure db is running or ..
$ make run_db && make run_docker
$ make run_spider SPIDER=AMAZON SEARCH_KEYWORD=shirts
project currently runs on Heroku, you can setup your own app-instance and deploy. for more information go to You could also use another service to host the project.
$ make generate_key