Image super-resolution using deep convolutional neural network (CNN). waifu2x.go is a clone of waifu2x-js.
- 2022-02-09: Imported changes from go-waifu2x, a fork of this repository. This is an excellent job done by @puhitaku and @orisano. It is 14x faster than the original in the non-GPU case.
go install
$ waifu2x.go --help
Usage of waifu2x:
-i string
input file (default stdin)
-m string
waifu2x mode, choose from 'anime' and 'photo' (default "anime")
-n int
noise reduction level 0 <= n <= 3
-o string
output file (default stdout)
-p int
concurrency (default 8)
-s float
scale multiplier >= 1.0 (default 2)
-v verbose
The Go gopher was designed by Renée French.
This software includes a binary and/or source version of model data from waifu2x which can be obtained from