blogISM is a mini version of a working blogging website. This project is done by using only HTML, CSS and Vanilla JS. This is a nodeJS application, also using firebase as its database.
This website is hosted at
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
Your machine should have Npm(or Yarn) and Node.js installed to use it locally.
- First fork the repo 🍴 to your account.
Go to the forked repo and clone it 👥 to your local machine:
git clone
This will make a copy of the code to your local machine.
- Now, move to the
cd blogISM
- Now, check the remote of your local code by:
git remote -v
The response should look like:
origin (fetch)
origin (push)
To add upstream to remote, run:
git remote add upstream
Again run git remote -v
, the response should look like:
origin (fetch)
origin (push)
upstream (fetch)
upstream (push)
- Once the remote is set, install all the necessary dependencies by the following command:
npm run install-all
- After installing packages. You must go to your firbase console and make a project. Copy project credentials and paste it to "firebase.js" file. Otherwise you'll not be able to access database.
Run the below command to start the server:
npm start
Go to: http://localhost:3000