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Conveniently search, download, and preprocess ArcticDEM and REMA products


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Conveniently search, download, and preprocess ArcticDEM and REMA products

An ArcticDEM hillshade of the calving front of Helheim Glacier, Greenland

pDEMtool aims to provide a convenient set of functions to explore, download, and preprocess high-resolution DEMs of the polar regions from the ArcticDEM (Porter et al. 2022; 2023) and Reference Elevation Model of Antarctica (REMA; Howat et al. 2022a, b) products, courtesy of the Polar Geospatial Center (PGC).

The primary aim of pDEMtools is to enable access to ArcticDEM and REMA mosaics and multitemporal strips using the search() function and load module:

  • search(): This function aims to replicate the kind of convenient catalogue searching available when querying a dynamic STAC catalogue (e.g. pystac_client), allowing users to easily find relevant ArcticDEM and REMA strips for their areas of interest.
  • load: This module provides simple one-line functions to preview and download strips and mosaics from the relevant AWS bucket to an xarray Dataset.

pDEMtool does not aim to provide a comprehensive DEM analysis environment (there are other excellent tools for that, such as xdem for advanced coregistration or richdem for flow analysis), but some simple (pre)processing functions are provided. It is hoped that they are specific to the sort of uses that ArcticDEM and REMA users might want (e.g. a focus on ice sheet and cryosphere work), as well as the particular strengths of ArcticDEM and REMA datasets (high-resolution and multitemporal). Tools include:

  • Identifying/masking sea level and icebergs.
  • Terrain attribute derivation (hillshade, slope, aspect, various curvatures) using a 5x5 polynomial fit suited for high-resolution data.
  • Quick geoid correction using BedMachine source data.
  • Simple coregistration for quick elevation change analysis.

Rather than introducing custom classes, pDEMtools will always try and return DEM data as an xarray DataArray with geospatial metadata via the rioxarray extension. The aim is to allow the user to quickly move beyond pDEMtools into their own analysis in whatever format they desire, be that xarray datasets, numpy or dask arrays, or exporting to geospatial file formats for analysis beyond Python.


Quickly download and filter the ArcticDEM/REMA mosaic, and generate various terrain attributes such as hillshade and curvatures (see notebook):

An example of various terrain attributes derived from a filtered ArcticDEM mosaic

Search and download ArcticDEM/REMA strips, with easy coregistration to assess elevation change (see notebook):

Vertical elevation change between multitemporal ArcticDEM strips

Easy filtering of ocean/mélange, allowing for assessment of calving fronts and icebergs (see notebook):

Iceberg height above the ocean extracted from an ArcticDEM strip

An example batch download and coregistration script is also included in the batch directory as a jumping-off point for large-scale projects.


The use of the pDEMtools package can be cited as follows:

Chudley, T. R. (2023) pDEMtools (v0.4). GitHub.

or by using bibtex:

   author = {Chudley, Thomas Russell}, title = {pDEMtools}, year = 2023, publisher = {GitHub}, version = {0.3}, url = {} 

When using ArcticDEM and REMA products, please cite the datasets appropriately and acknowledge the PGC.

Several algorithms implemented in the library were developed by others. These will be highlighted in the documentation, and the original authors should be properly cited when used. For example:

We masked sea ice and melange following the method of Shiggins et al. (2023) as implemented in pDEMtools (Chudley, 2023).


Install pDEMtools

After downloading, pdemtools can be installed from the top-level directory via pip install .:

cd pdemtools
pip install .

pDEMtools is dependent on the following Python packages:

  • rioxarray (and xarray)
  • geopandas (and pandas)
  • shapely
  • openCV
  • numba
  • numpy
  • scipy
  • GDAL
  • pyarrow

If are managing your environment using conda (or mamba), it may be beneficial to install these packages before the pip install of pDEMtools. An included environment.yml file helps with this:

# Clone as previously
cd pdemtools

# Option 1: create a fresh environment
conda env create --name new_env -f environment.yml
conda activate new_env

# -- OR --

# Option 2 : update existing environment
conda activate existing_env
conda env update -f environment.yml

# Install after environment
pip install .

Supplementary datasets

To make the most of pDEMtools, two supplementary datasets must available locally:

The first is the ArcticDEM or REMA strip index made available by the PGC (in GeoParquet format), used by the search function. Strip index GeoParquet files can be downloaded from the PGC (Greenland, Antarctica). To enable rapid searching, please download the GeoParquet file format: these files end in Unzip them before use.

The second is the Greenland BedMachine (v5; Morlighem et al. 2022a) or Antarctica BedMachine (v3; Morlighem et al. 2022b), which is the default geoid/bedrock mask used by the geoid correction and coregistration functions (NB: for applications outside of the ice sheets, functions exist for using your own geoid/bedrock mask). BedMachine can be downloaded from the NSIDC (Greenland, Antarctica).


Note To get up and running quickly, a set of Jupyter Notebooks is provided in the notebooks directory so that pDEMtools can be seen in action.

An introduction the range of functions provided by pDEMtools is provided in the section below. pDEMtools is fully documented via docstrings, and complete instructions as to how to use individual functions can always be quickly accessed using Python's help() function (e.g. help(pdemtools.load.mosaic)).

search() function

Search and filter ArcticDEM and REMA 2 m strips. To see in action, consult the notebooks.


Note: using this function requires a local copy of the ArcticDEM or REMA strip indexes available from the PGC (see 'supplementary datasets' section), preferably in a .parquet format for speed. The location of the index must be provided via the index_fpath variable.

The function has a number of optional inputs allowing for filtering and selection of strips, including: -bounds: Filter to strips that intersect with bounds, as an [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax] tuple or shapely Polygon of the desired search region, in in EPSG:3413 (ArcticDEM) or EPSG:3031 (REMA).

  • min_aoi_frac: Filter to strips than cover more the defined fraction of the area of interest (defined by the bounds variable). Must be between 0 and 1.
  • dates: Filter strips to a date range. Dates can be provided as a tuple of two strings, or a single string with a / seperator. Date strings must be interpetable by the pandas.to_datetime() tool.
  • months: Filter strips to only certain months. Provide as a tuple of integers (e.g. for June, July, August strips only, set months = [6,7,8]).
  • years: Filter strips to only certain yeara. Provide as a tuple of integers (e.g. for 2011 and 2021 only, set years = [2011,2021]).
  • baseline_max_hours: Filter strips to only those constructed from stereopairs acquired less than the provided number of hours apart.
  • sensors: Filter scenes to only those consrtructed from the provided satellite sensors. Full list is ["WV03", "WV02", "WV01", "GE01"].
  • is_xtrack: Filter based on whether stereopairs are cross-track imagery. True = return only cross-track. False = return only non-cross-track.
  • accuracy: accuracy: Filter to strip accuracies based on the provided average height accuracy in metres (avg_expect in the strip index). NB that this column included NaN values (-9999.0) so the option is provided to include only a single value as an upper range (e.g. 2), or a tuple of two values in order to include a lower bound and filter NaN values (e.g [0, 2]).


search_output =
    bounds=(458000, -2536000, 469000, -2528000), 
    dates = '20100101/20221231',
    months = [6,7,8,9],
    years = [2011,2021],
    baseline_max_days = 1,
    sensors=['WV03', 'WV02', 'WV01'],
    accuracy=[0, 2],
    min_aoi_frac = 0.7,

load module

A range of functions for loading ArcticDEM and REMA mosaics and strips.



Download a selection region of the ArcticDEM or REMA mosiac. Given a dataset, resolution, and bounding box, . The resolution must be one of 2, 10, or 32 m.


dem = pdemtools.load.mosaic(dataset='arcticdem', resolution=10, bounds=[xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax])


Loads a 2 m DEM strip from the AWS bucket based on the output of the function. Takes a row from the search output (selected through e.g. the .isel[[i]] selector). Option to filter to bounds and apply bitmask (defaults to True)


aoi = (458000, -2536000, 469000, -2528000)
dem = pdemtools.load.from_search(search_output.isel[[0]], bounds=aoi, bitmask=True)


Alternative to load.from_search(): loads only the 10 m hillshade from the AWS bucket, in order to quickly assess DEM strip quality.


aoi = (458000, -2536000, 469000, -2528000)
dem = pdemtools.load.from_search(search_output.isel[[0]], bounds=aoi)


Alternative to load.from_search(): loads 2 m DEM from the AWS bucket based not on the search output from from a provided dataset (arcticdem/rema), geocell, and DEM ID. Useful if you already know what strip you want outside of the search() function.


geocell = 'n66w035dem_id = 'SETSM_s2s041_WV02_20210731_10300100C359CF00_10300100C37C8000_2m_lsf_seg1aoi = (458000, -2536000, 469000, -2528000)

dem = pdemtools.load.from_id(dataset='arcticdem', geocell=geocell, dem_id=dem_id, bounds=aoi)


Loads an ArcticDEM or REMA strip directly from a known filepath. Useful for local copies. Optional bitmask provision.


aoi = (458000, -2536000, 469000, -2528000)
dem = pdemtools.load.from_fpath(dem_fpath='.../demstrip.tif', bounds=aoi, bitmask_fpath='.../dembitmask.tif')

data module

Load helpful supplementary data from BedMachine or other sources.



Extracts the BedMachine geoid (EIGEN-6C4), bilinearly resampled to match the target dataset.


bm_fpath = '.../'
geoid =, dem)


Extracts an arbritary geoid stored as a raster dataset, bilinearly resampled to match the target dataset.


geoid_fpath = '.../geoid.tif'
geoid =, dem)


Construct boolean bedrock mask from bedmachine and a given target rioxarray dataset. Returns mask where bedrock values are 1 and outside are 0.


bm_fpath = '.../'
bedrock_mask =, dem)

.pdt xarray accessor

A number of useful filtering and processing functions that can be accessed as an xarray accessor. For instance. to use the .pdt.mask_ocean() function on your loaded DEM with the variable name dem, the correct instruction is dem_masked = dem.pdt.mask_ocean().



After having loaded your geoid using either data.geoid_from_bedmachine() or data.geoid_from_raster(), you can apply it using this function.


bm_fpath = '.../'
geoid = pdemtools.load.geoid_from_bedmachine(bm_fpath, dem)
dem_geoid_corrected = dem.pdt.geoid_correct(geoid)


At marine-terminating glacier front, the DEM may also include sea ice and mélange. To filter out these regions, this function adapts the method of Shiggins _et al. (2023), identifying sea level as the model 0.25 m bin of a histogram of 'near-geoid' (±10 m) values and filtering out values within 5 m this identified sea level. In order to avoid messing with DEMs that contain no sea level, the DEM requires at least 1 km2 of 'near-geoid' values to work, or it will return the original DEM.

Warning The input DEM must be geoid-corrected for this function to work correctly.

All of the values mentioned above can be altered using input variables candidate_height_thresh_m ('near geoid' values threshold), candidate_area_thresh_km2 (minimum required 'near geoid' values), and near_sealevel_thresh_m (filter out all DEM regions within this distance of the sea level). Additionally, the return_mask flag will return the ocean mask, rather than the filtered DEM if flagged True.


dem_masked = dem_geoid_corrected.pdt.mask_ocean()


A subset of the .pdt.mask_ocean() function, this function simply returns the sea level derived from the Shiggins et al. (2023) method. It accepts candidate_height_thresh_m and candidate_area_thresh_km2 variables if defaults are not acceptable.


dem_masked = dem_geoid_corrected.pdt.get_sea_level()


After masking the ocean/sea ice/mélange, icebergs will remain. This could be desired (it is indeed the whole point of the Shiggins et al. (2023) algorithm) but if not, this function gives you the opportunity to mask them as well (or return a mask of the icebergs, if return_mask == True). The function will remove all groups of connected pixels that are less then the threshold designated by area_thresh_m2 (defaults to 1e6, i.e. 1 km2).


dem_iceberg_masked = dem_ocean_masked.pdt.mask_icebergs()


Coregisters the scene against a reference DEM based on the Nuth and Kääb (2011) method. This is based off code used in the PGC postprocessing pipeline. If there is a known stable topography, this can be loaded as a mask via the stable_mask variable (where 1 = stable region to be used for coregistration). The data module provides opportunities for creating these masks (e.g. data.bedrock_mask_from_bedmachine()).

In the coregistraion processing chain, the slope is calculated following the Florinsky (2009) method (see the .pdt.terrain() section for more information).


bm_fpath = '.../'
bedrock_mask =, dem)

dem_coregistered = dem.pdt.coregister(reference_dem, stable_mask=bedrock_mask)


Calculates geomorphometric terrain attributes from the following list:

variable_list = [

The geomorphometric parameters used to calculate these variables ( z x , z y , 2 z x 2 , 2 z y 2 , 2 z x y ) are, by default, derived following Florinsky (2009), as opposed to more common methods (e.g. Horn, 1981, or Zevenbergen & Thorne, 1987).

The motivation here is that Florinsky (2009) computes partial derivatives of elevation based on fitting a third-order polynomial, by the least-squares approach, to a 5x5 window, as opposed to the more common 3x3 window. This is more appropriate for high-resolution DEMs: curvature over a 10 m window for the 2 m resolution ArcticDEM/REMA strips will lead to a local deonising effect that limits the impact of noise.

If you would rather calculate these variables using a more traditional method, you can add method = 'ZevenbergThorne' to the .pdt.terrain() function to calculate following Zevenbergen or Thorne (1987). There are also a number of hillshade options: hillshade_altitude, hillshade_azimuth to alter the hillshade direction, hillshade_multidirectional to instead calculate a multidirectional hillshade following the GDAL-implemented USGS method (Mark, 1992), and hillshade_z_factor to alter the scaling factor (defaults to 1).


terrain = dem_masked.pdt.terrain(
   ['slope', 'hillshade', 'mean_curvature'], 

If you have requested multiple variables, the output of the .pdt.terrain() is a (rio)xarray DataSet containing all the selected variables, as well as the original DEM. If you have requested a single variable, the output is a (rio)xarray DataArray of that variable.

Version updates

Version Date Notes
0.4 November 2023 Made batch processing script available as an example.
0.3 September 2023 Aligned search function with the new PGC-provided GeoParquet files
0.2 August 2023 Update load.mosaic() function to include the new ArcticDEM mosaic v4.1
0.1 May 2023 Initial release

To do

The tool is presented as-is, but requests/contributions to functionality are welcome ( Avenues for future work include the following:

  • Quicker preview downloads of hillshades and DEMs through use of the GeoTIFF overviews and the rxr.open_rasterio() overview_level function. This can result in uneven x/y resolutions though, so perhaps another option for upsampling may be useful as an accessor utility.
  • Implement Ian Howat's blunder filter algorithm.



Florinsky, I. V. (2009). Computation of the third‐order partial derivatives from a digital elevation model. International journal of geographical information science, 23(2), 213-231.

Howat, I., et al. (2022a). The Reference Elevation Model of Antarctica – Strips, Version 4.1. Harvard Dataverse

Howat, I., et al. (2022b). The Reference Elevation Model of Antarctica – Mosaics, Version 2, Harvard Dataverse

Mark, R. K. (1992). Multidirectional, oblique-weighted, shaded-relief image of the Island of Hawaii. United States Geological Survey. Open-File Report 92-422.

Morlighem, M. et al. (2022a). IceBridge BedMachine Greenland, Version 5 [Data Set]. NASA National Snow and Ice Data Center Distributed Active Archive Center.

Morlighem, M. et al. (2022b). MEaSUREs BedMachine Antarctica, Version 3 [Data Set]. NASA National Snow and Ice Data Center Distributed Active Archive Center.

Nuth, C. and Kääb, A. (2011) Co-registration and bias corrections of satellite elevation data sets for quantifying glacier thickness change, The Cryosphere, 5, 271–290,

Porter, C., et al. (2022). ArcticDEM - Strips, Version 4.1. Harvard Dataverse.

Porter, C., et al. (2023), ArcticDEM, Version 4.1, Harvard Dataverse.

Shiggins, C. J., et al. (2023). Automated ArcticDEM iceberg detection tool: insights into area and volume distributions, and their potential application to satellite imagery and modelling of glacier–iceberg–ocean systems, The Cryosphere, 17, 15–32,

Zevenbergen, L. W. and Thorne, C. R. (1987). Quantitative analysis of land surface topography. Earth surface processes and landforms, 12(1), 47-56.


ArcticDEM: DEMs are provided by the Polar Geospatial Center under NSF-OPP awards 1043681, 1559691, and 1542736.

REMA: DEMs are provided by the Byrd Polar and Climate Research Center and the Polar Geospatial Center under NSF-OPP awards 1543501, 1810976, 1542736, 1559691, 1043681, 1541332, 0753663, 1548562, 1238993 and NASA award NNX10AN61G. Computer time provided through a Blue Waters Innovation Initiative. DEMs produced using data from Maxar.


Conveniently search, download, and preprocess ArcticDEM and REMA products







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  • Jupyter Notebook 98.6%
  • Python 1.4%