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ClickHouse simple access library (http, https)

Class ClickHouseAPI

Class ClickHouseAPI contains simple http/https connector for ClickHouse server and have not dependencies (may be used independently, file src/ClichHouseAPI.php).

API simple requests functions:

  • query($sql [,$post_data]) - object-oriented style SQL-query (return $this, throw exceptions)
  • getQuery($h_query [, $sess]) - send GET request
  • postQuery($h_query, $post_data [, $sess]) - send POST request

Async (parallel) requests:

  • Set toSlot(name) before any request, and the request will be launched asynchronously.
  • toSlot("name")->query($sql) - start async-$sql-query, results will be written to slot "name"
  • Get results from this slot may at any time later:
  • slotResults("name") - get results from slot "name".

Server-state functions:

  • setServerUrl($url) - set ClickHouse server parameters by url (host, port, etc.)
  • getVersion() - return version of ClickHouse server (side effect - detect server features)
  • isSupported(feature-name) - true or false depending on the server support features.
  • getSession() - get current session_id from options
  • setSession([$sess]) - set session_id or generate new session_id and set it
  • setOption($key, $value) - set http-option for all next requests
  • getOption($key) - get current http-option value
  • delOption($key) - delete http-option (same ->setOption($key, null)

Class ClickHouseQuery

Class ClickHouseQuery contains wrapper for ClickHouseAPI and allow to easily send queries to ClickHouse server and parsing answering data.

Main query-functions for use:

  • queryFalse($sql, [post])- for queries that should not return anything. False if ok, or error string.
  • queryTrue($sql, [post]) - return false only if error, otherwise return true or response data.
  • queryValue($sql, [post]) - send any query and receive all data in one string (false if error)
  • queryArray($sql) - for queries returning structured data (usually one or more table rows)
  • queryKeyValues(see descr.) - for queries returning 2 columns, first means as key, second as value
  • queryInsertArray($table, $fields_names, $fields_set) - insert data into table from array
  • queryInsertFile($table, $file, $structure) - insert data from file into table
  • queryInsertGzip($table, $file, $format [, $fields]) - insert data from file, using gzip when sending

Class ClickHouseFunctions

Class ClickHouseFunctions based on ClickHouseQuery and ClickHouseAPI and contains functions for simple operations with ClickHouse.


  • createTableQuick($table, $fields_arr) - create table with specified fields
  • sendFileInsert($file, $table) - send TabSeparated-file into table (structure autodetect)
  • clearTable($table [, $sess]) - clear table (DROP and re-create)
  • dropTable($table [, $sess]) - drop specified table
  • renameTable($from_name_or_arr [, $to_name] [, $sess]) - rename tables
  • getTableFields($table, ...) - returns [field_name=>field_type] array
  • getTableInfo($table [, $extended]) - returns array with info about table
  • getTablesList([$db] [,$pattern]) - returns tables list by SHOW TABLES request
  • createDatabase($db) - create new database with specified name
  • dropDatabase($db) - drop specified database and remove all tables inside
  • getDatabasesList() - returns array contained names of existing Databases
  • setCurrentDatabase($db [, $sess]) - set current database by 'USE db' request or by option
  • getCurrentDatabase([$sess]) - return results of 'SELECT currentDatabase()' or from option
  • getUptime() - return server uptime in seconds
  • getSystemSettings() - get information from system.settings as array [name=>value]


    namespace ierusalim\ClickHouse;

    require "vendor/autoload.php";

    $ch = new ClickHouseFunctions("");

    echo "ClickHouse version: " . $ch->getVersion();
    if (!$ch->isSupported('query')) {
        die(" Server not ready");
    echo " Server uptime: " . $ch->getUptime();
    echo "\n\nDatabases: ";

    echo "Tables in '" . $ch->getCurrentDatabase() ."' database:\n";


    $ch->createTableQuick("temptab", [
        'id'   => 'integer',
        'dt' => 'date now()',
        'name' => "char(32) 'example'",
        'email'  => 'string'
    $ch->queryInsertArray("temptab", null, [
        'id' => 1,
        'email' => '[email protected]'
    $ch->queryInsertArray("temptab", ['id', 'email', 'name'], [
        [2, '[email protected]', 'Andy'],
        [3, null , 'Donald'],

    $ch->queryInsertArray("temptab", null, [
        ['id'=>4, 'name'=>'Ronald', 'email'=>'no'],
        ['id'=>5, 'name'=>'', 'email'=>'yes'],
    $rows = $ch->queryArray("SELECT * FROM temptab");
    $name_emails_arr = $ch->queryKeyValues('temptab', 'name, email');