Full-Stack Engineer Code Challenge: WooCommerce Digital Store with Firebase Tracking and Reporting
Live URL: https://trovecredit.vps103216.mylogin.co/ Admin URL: https://trovecredit.vps103216.mylogin.co/wp-login.php
shop_manager / 7XH9AoHLWbY)kyxyAq7WEHSt
- Clone repo (it includes Wordpress) to your webserver. If needed run the search & replace database string with WPCLI
- Import database:
cd ./wp-content/themes/woocatalog-theme/
- Use node.js v20 with
nvm use 20
and donpm install && npm run build
- Enjoy
For development you must set your local URL on line 8 of package.json just change
I'm using one of my custom themes (woocatalog-theme) and tailor it to achieve the requirements.
I've created the WooCatalog Theme a few months ago to learn TailWindCSS . I've implemented default woocommerce theme and made some adjustments using hooks (keep it simple and compatible with future updates). For mobile experience I adopted a sticky CTA similar to Storefront.
Notice that CMB2 plugin is required (just for theme settings).
Firebase integrations are fully apart from wordpress, those are 2 simply node.js scripts configured with cron jobs and run everyday between 23:55 and 23:59.
You can find those scripts track_sales.js
and automated_daily_sales_summary.js
inside of theme's folder. I used the official firebase npm packages.