This is an emacs mode for editing Idris 2 code.
It's a copy of ( mostly, for working with Idris 2 in its present state. See that readme for more details.
Install it by running within your ~/.emacs.d
$ git clone
Then in your ~/.emacs.d/init.el
file, add:
(add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/idris2-mode/")
(require 'idris2-mode)
If you're using Doom Emacs and are getting the error
"Idris2 (Not loaded)"
Debugger entered--Lisp error: (file-missing "Searching for program" "No such file or directory" "idris2")
try the next step:
From the command line, run:
$ ~/.emacs.d/bin/doom env
and restart Emacs.
Here is what works so far:
M-n idris2-next-error
M-p idris2-previous-error
C-c C-a idris2-proof-search
C-c C-c idris2-case-dwim
C-c C-e idris2-make-lemma
C-c C-l idris2-load-file
C-c C-s idris2-add-clause
C-c C-t idris2-type-at-point
C-c C-w idris2-make-with-block
C-c C-z idris2-pop-to-repl
C-c C-b C-b idris2-ipkg-build
C-c C-b C-c idris2-ipkg-clean
C-c C-b TAB idris2-ipkg-install
C-c C-b C-p idris2-open-package-file
C-c C-d C-d idris2-docs-at-point
C-c C-d C-t idris2-type-search
<unmapped> idris2-jump-to-def
<unmapped> idris2-jump-to-def-same-window
Note, if you use evil-mode, you'll probably want to use this to prevent a huge lag when editing files, see ProofGeneral/PG#427 (comment) for more details:
;; Fixes lag when editing idris code with evil
(defun ~/evil-motion-range--wrapper (fn &rest args)
"Like `evil-motion-range', but override field-beginning for performance.
See URL `'."
(cl-letf (((symbol-function 'field-beginning)
(lambda (&rest args) 1)))
(apply fn args)))
(advice-add #'evil-motion-range :around #'~/evil-motion-range--wrapper)