Library for verification of authorization response messages of communication protocol in JWZ format
npm i @iden3/js-iden3-auth --save
The goal of iden3auth libraries is to handle authentication messages of communication protocol.
Currently, library implementation includes support of next message types
npm run test
Temporal: For now to run jest tests without experimental feature support:
- add mocked folder
- change jest config.
Auth verification procedure:
- JWZ token verification
- Zero-knowledge proof verification of request proofs
- Query request verification for atomic circuits
- Verification of identity and issuer states for atomic circuits
Groth16 proof are supported by auth library
Verification keys must be provided using IKeyLoader
Proof for each atomic circuit contains public signals that allow extracting user and issuer identifiers, states, signature challenges, etc.
Circuit public signals marshallers are defined inside library.To use custom circuit you need to register it with registerCircuitPubSignals
The blockchain verification algorithm is used
Gets state from the blockchain (address of id state contract and URL must be provided by the caller of the library):
- Empty state is returned - it means that identity state hasn’t been updated or updated state hasn’t been published. We need to compare id and state. If they are different it’s not a genesis state of identity then it’s not valid.
- The non-empty state is returned and equals to the state in provided proof which means that the user state is fresh enough and we work with the latest user state.
- The non-empty state is returned and it’s not equal to the state that the user has provided. Gets the transition time of the state. The verification party can make a decision if it can accept this state based on that time frame.
Only latest states for user are valid. Any existing issuer state for claim issuance is valid.
The blockchain verification algorithm is used
- Get GIST from the blockchain (address of id state contract and URL must be provided by the caller of the library):
- A non-empty GIST is returned, equal to the GIST is provided by the user, it means the user is using the latest state.
- The non-empty GIST is returned and it’s not equal to the GIST is provided by a user. Gets the transition time of the GIST. The verification party can make a decision if it can accept this state based on that time frame.
Import dependencies
import { auth, resolver, protocol, loaders, circuits, } from 'js-iden3-auth';
Request generation:
basic auth:
const request = auth.createAuthorizationRequestWithMessage( 'test flow', // reason 'message to sign', // message '1125GJqgw6YEsKFwj63GY87MMxPL9kwDKxPUiwMLNZ', // sender '', // callback url );
if you want request specific proof (example):
const proofRequest: protocol.ZeroKnowledgeProofRequest = { id: 1, circuitId: 'credentialAtomicQueryMTPV2', query: { allowedIssuers: ['*'], type: 'KYCCountryOfResidenceCredential', context: '', credentialSubject: { countryCode: { $nin: [840, 120, 340, 509], }, }, }, }; request.body.scope = [...scope, proofRequest];
Token verification
Init Verifier:
const ethStateResolver = new resolver.EthStateResolver(
const resolvers: resolver.Resolvers = {
['polygon:mumbai']: ethStateResolver,
const schemaLoader = getDocumentLoader({
ipfsNodeURL: ''
const ethStateResolver = new resolver.EthStateResolver('rpc url', 'contractAddress');
const verifier = await auth.Verifier.newVerifier({
stateResolver: resolvers,
circuitsDir: path.join(__dirname, './testdata'),
documentLoader: schemaLoader
let authResponse: protocol.AuthorizationResponseMessage;
authResponse = await verifier.fullVerify(tokenStr, authRequest);
Verify manually or thread id is used a session id to match request
const token = await verifier.verifyJWZ(tokenStr);
authResponse = JSON.parse(
) as protocol.AuthorizationResponseMessage;
const authRequest: protocol.AuthorizationRequestMessage; // get request from you session storage. You can use authResponse.thid field
await verifier.verifyAuthResponse(authResponse, authRequest);
We can use TypeChain for generate TS types for a smart contract.
- Install TypeChain;
- Install @typechain/ethers-v5;
- Run:
typechain --target ethers-v5 /path/to/state_contract.sol
js-iden3-auth is part of the iden3 project copyright 2024 0kims association
This project is licensed under either of
at your option.