For context as to the motivation of the project, see:
- a youtube video (that's already dated, but better than nothing):
- some words written before any code was written:
- the and documents in this directory.
Execute npm install
in the application directory:
Get the submodules:
git submodule update --init --recursive
You'll also need to run the appmaker-components server, located at
Copy and edit your .env file. -- This should never be committed to the repo.
cp sample.env .env
A short explanation of a complete .env
COOKIE_SECRET=A long, complex string for cookie encryption.
ASSET_HOST=Location of the javascript, css, fonts, and images that will be used by the designer and published assets.
COMPONENTS_BASE_URL=An appmaker-components repo which Ceci will query. Likely "//"
S3_BUCKET=S3 bucket name. e.g. ""
S3_KEY=An access key for the S3 bucket listed above.
S3_SECRET=The secret corresponding to the specified S3 access key.
S3_OBJECT_PREFIX=String to prepend S3 objects. Useful for storing objects in folders. E.g. "level1/level2" => <bucket>/level1/level2/<filename>.
PUBLISH_URL_PREFIX=String to prepend to filenames that are saved on S3. Try use the URL that matches the protocol from which assets are hosted to avoid mixed content blockage.
foreman start
If you need foreman:
sudo gem install foreman