LatLoader is a PoC module to demonstrate automated lateral movement with the Havoc C2 framework. The main purpose of this project is to help others learn BOF and Havoc module development. This project can also help others understand basic EDR rule evasions, particularly when performing lateral movement.
The sideload
subcommand is the full-featured PoC of this module. It will attempt to perform lateral movement via DLL sideloading while evading default Elastic EDR rules. For a full list of every rule evaded by this module and how it was done, please see the below section titled Elastic EDR Rule Evasions.
Video demo w/ Elastic EDR:
UPDATE: 10 days after the release of this tool, Elastic updated some of its rules to address the bypasses demonstrated by this project. Please see the Oct 17th commit in their protections-artifacts repo to view the changes made to applicable rules (Like this one for example).
This module was designed to work on Linux systems with mingw-w64
installed. Additionally, you must have osslsigncode installed to provide cert signing for the DLL utilized by the sideload
subcommand. Once all dependencies are installed, simply type make
and then load the module into Havoc using the script manager. To view help in Havoc, run help LatLoader
. To view help for subcommands, run help LatLoader [subcommand]
The LatLoader module contains 5 different subcommands. The first two, rupload
and exec
, serve as the main mechanism for executing the provided BOFs. The 3 other subcommands (load
, xorload
, & sideload
) combine the previous two in order to perform automated lateral movement.
The rupload
command can be used to upload a local file to a remote system via SMB using the writefileBOF.c
BOF like so:
LatLoader rupload dc1 /root/demon.x64.exe C:\Windows\Temp\test.exe
The exec
subcommand can be used to execute a command on a remote system via WMI using the wmiBOF.cpp
BOF like so:
LatLoader exec dc1 "cmd.exe /c whoami > C:\poc.txt"
The load
subcommand combines the two subcommands above to transfer a specified exe to the remote host via SMB and execute it over WMI:
LatLoader load dc1 /root/test.exe
The xorload
subcommand will perform lateral movement using a simple shellcode loader. This is designed to bypass basic AV detections:
LatLoader xorload dc1 /root/demon.x64.bin
Finally, the sideload
subcommand will perform lateral movement by DLL sideloading a simple shellcode loader. Actions were also taken to evade various elastic EDR rules.
LatLoader sideload dc1 /root/demon.x64.bin
The following is a list of various Elastic EDR rules that could alert when performing lateral movement. I have provided what steps were taken to evade each rule. All evasions described here were implemented in the sideload
subcommand to demonstrate how they can be combined to create a fully functional PoC.
Description: Identifies the execution of a file that was created by the virtual system process. This may indicate lateral movement via network file shares.
Bypass: This rule was bypassed by performing DLL sideloading.
Description: Identifies the execution of a recently created file that is unsigned or untrusted and from a remote network logon. This may indicate lateral movement via remote services.
Bypass: This rule was bypassed by performing DLL sideloading.
Description: Identifies the execution of a file that was created by the virtual system process and subsequently executed. This may indicate lateral movement via network file shares.
Bypass: This rule was bypassed by executing the transferred file using cmd.exe /c. This evades the rule because the file is not executed directly, but instead by a trusted binary.
Description: Identifies processes executed via Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) on a remote host. This could be indicative of adversary lateral movement, but could be noisy if administrators use WMI to remotely manage hosts.
Bypass: This rule was bypassed by including a path in our command that the rule excludes. As seen in the query, C:\\Windows\\CCMCache\\*
is one of these directories, which was appended to each wmi command like so: && echo --path C:\\Windows\\CCMCache\\cache
Description: Identifies when a Microsoft signed binary is copied to a directory and shortly followed by the loading of an unsigned DLL from the same directory. Adversaries may opt for moving Microsoft signed binaries to a random directory and use them as a host for malicious DLL sideloading during the installation phase.
Bypass: This rule was bypassed by signing the DLL sideloader with an expired cert. The expired cert was obtained from here:
Description: Identifies the load of an unsigned or untrusted DLL by a trusted binary followed by calling VirtualProtect API to change memory permission to execute or write. This may indicate execution via DLL sideloading to perform code injection.
Bypass: This rule was bypassed by signing the DLL sideloader with an expired cert. The expired cert was obtained from here:
Description: Identifies the creation or change of a Windows executable file over network shares. Adversaries may transfer tools or other files between systems in a compromised environment.
Bypass: This rule was bypassed by creating the file via SMB with a safe extension like .png, and then making a copy of the file with it's real extension via WMI.
Description: Identifies the transfer of a library via SMB followed by loading it into commonly DLL proxy execution binaries such as rundll32, regsvr32 and shared services via svchost.exe. This may indicate an attempt to remotely execute malicious code.
Bypass: This rule was bypassed by creating the file via SMB with a safe extension like .png, and then making a copy of the file with it's real extension via WMI.
I have also provided standalone versions of the BOFs used in this project. These could be useful if you are unfamiliar with BOF development and would like to learn by comparing a normal program to it's BOF counterpart.
is the standalone binary for command execution via WMI. It can be compiled with mingw like so:
x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++ wmiexec.cpp -I include -l oleaut32 -l ole32 -l wbemuuid -w -static -o /share/wmiexec.exe
The exe can then be transferred to the target and executed like so, providing arguments via the cli:
.\wmiexec.exe dc1 'cmd.exe /c whoami > c:\test.txt'
is the standalone binary for file transfer via SMB. It can be compiled with mingw like so:
x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc writefile.c -w -static -o /share/writefile.exe
The exe can then be transferred to the target and executed like so, providing arguments via the cli:
.\writefile.exe .\test.txt \\dc1\C$\poc.txt
- This project is a PoC meant for learning purposes. Never use this in a real world environment. It was not designed for that and you will most definitely get burned unless you heavily modify the tool.
- The default DLL sideloader utilizes the HWSyscalls project to perform a single
call using hardware breakpoints. This is not effective against any EDRs that rely on kernel callbacks for detecting winapi usage (Elastic, MDE, etc). However, I have included it as a PoC to demonstrate how it could be used against other EDRs which still rely on hooking. If you would like to use a version of the sideloader without HWBP syscalls, simply modify the makefile to compilesideloader.c
instead ofsideloader.cpp
. - If you are looking to achieve 0 alerts by Elastic when using
, you must account for Elastic's in memory detection yara rule for Havoc. This can be bypassed by modifying the Havoc framework itself with relative ease. I will leave the specifics of this process to the reader. ;)
- @C5spider, @s4ntiago_p, and all other contributors to the Havoc C2 Framework.
- @Yaxser for their wmiexec BOF which was lightly modified for use in this project.
- @dec0ne and @Idov31 for HWSyscalls utilized by the DLL sideloader.
- Elastic for allowing anyone to test their EDR for free and for making their default rules public.
- Microsoft's Online Documentation for teaching me all about windows programming and internals. They also provide excellent example code that I and others gladly take and adopt for our offensive needs.