A docker image to run Gitlab development environment based on Fedora.
Based on: iconoeugen/ruby-dev
Using: gdk
- gitlab_repo: Gitlab fork repository url. If left empty then the official repository will be cloned (Defaults: "")
- gitlab_shell_repo: Gitlab Shell fork repository url. If left empty then the official repository will be cloned (Defaults: "")
- gitlab_workhorse_repo: Gitlab Workhorse fork repository url. If left empty then the official repository will be cloned (Defaults: "")
After configuring the development environment as described in iconoeugen/fedora-dev, you can start a development container as:
dev run iconoeugen/gitlab-dev
Working on a fork for example:
dev -e gitlab_repo=https://gitlab.com/myproject/gitlab-ce.git iconoeugen/gitlab-dev
Export the following environment variables (change the values to match your envionment) to easily make use of commands copy-paste in following sections:
export GITLAB_WORK_DIR=~/work/gitlab/hvlad/gitlab-development-kit
export GITLAB_REPO=https://gitlab.com/hvlad/gitlab.git
Prepare the development environment on the host system:
Run the development container that will also attach an interactive console to the running container:
dev run -d ${GITLAB_WORK_DIR} -e gitlab_repo="${GITLAB_REPO}" iconoeugen/gitlab-dev
Development URL: (http://localhost:3000)
Development admin account: root
/ 5iveL!fe
If you want to start more interactive consoles that attache to the already running container use the command:
dev exec -d ${GITLAB_WORK_DIR} iconoeugen/gitlab-dev
To execute any of the following command you have to open a development console that is attached to the already running container:
dev exec -d ${GITLAB_WORK_DIR} iconoeugen/gitlab-dev
The Gitlab Server will be reachable at http://localhost:3000 after you execute the following commands:
cd /workspace/gitlab-development-kit
make update
gdk run
Use the default credentials to login:
- User:
- Password:
The Postgresql server will not listen on the TCP Port 5432 by default, which can be changed by adding the localhost
hostname to postgresql
command the -h
argument value in the Procfile
To start the Postgresql and Redis servers:
cd /workspace/gitlab-development-kit
gdk run db
If you want to start with a fresh DB the you have to remove all DB data and create a new instance and reintialize the schema:
rm -rf /workspace/gitlab-development-kit/postgresql/data
If you get the error message
FATAL: role "postgres" does not exist
then you have to create the superuser:createuser -s postgres -h localhost -p 5432
If you get the error message
ActiveRecord::NoDatabaseError: FATAL: database "gitlabhq_development" does not exist
then install the DB schema:cd /workspace/gitlab-development-kit support/bootstrap-rails
If the configuration files provided with Gitlab development kit you have to regenerate all config file:
cd /workspace/gitlab-development-kit
make update
If the configuration files provided with Gitlab development kit you have to regenerate all config file:
cd /workspace/gitlab-development-kit
gdk reconfigure
This is an extra dependency for openid connect:
echo "gem 'omniauth-openid-connect',:git => 'https://github.com/iconoeugen/omniauth-openid-connect.git', :branch => 'upstream_forks'" >> /workspace/gitlab-development-kit/gitlab/Gemfile
Install gem dependencies:
cd /workspace/gitlab-development-kit/gitlab
bundle install --without mysql production --jobs 4
Development Procfile mappings to production:
- rails-background-jobs => sidekiq
- rails-web => unicorn
- gitlab-workhorse => gitlab-workhorse
cd /workspave/gitlab-development-kit
./run app
Git cli not found:
# curl -v http://localhost:3000 ... > No such file or directory - /usr/local/bin/git
make sure the Git is correctly set:
sed -e "s|/usr/local/bin/git|/usr/bin/git|" -i /workspace/gitlab-development-kit/gitlab/config/gitlab.yml
Bundle install fails:
# make ... Cleaning all the gems on your system is dangerous! If you're sure you want to remove every system gem not in this bundle, run `bundle clean --force`.
make sure bundler is not trying to clean gems:
sed -e 's|BUNDLE_CLEAN: "true"|BUNDLE_CLEAN: "false"|' -i /home/default/.gem/config
Gitaly config error:
gitaly.1 | level=fatal msg="load config" config_path=/workspace/gitlab-development-kit/gitaly/config.toml error="load linguist colors: exit status 1; stderr: \"\""
This can be due to missing Gem required by Gitaly:
cd /workspace/gitlab-development-kit/gitaly/ruby bundle install --without mysql production --jobs 4 bundle update cd /workspace/gitlab-development-kit/gitaly/src/gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitaly make cd /workspace/gitlab-development-kit/gitaly/src/gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitaly-proto make
If the following error occures:
Could not find grpc-tools-1.0.1 in any of the sources
then execute the command and retry previous steps:
cd /workspace/gitlab-development-kit/gitaly/src/gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitaly-proto/_support bundle install
Rails web error:
rails-web.1 | E, ERROR -- : getaddrinfo: Name or service not known (SocketError)
Change hostnames to localhost:
sed -e "s/port 0/port 6379/" -i /workspace/gitlab-development-kit/redis/redis.conf cd /workspace/gitlab-development-kit/gitlab/config mv redis.cache.yml redis.cache.yml.orig cp redis.cache.yml.example redis.cache.yml mv redis.queues.yml redis.queues.yml.orig cp redis.queues.yml.example redis.queues.yml mv redis.shared_state.yml redis.shared_state.yml.orig cp redis.shared_state.yml.example redis.shared_state.yml mv resque.yml resque.yml.orig cp resque.yml.example resque.yml mv database.yml database.yml.orig cp database.yml.postgresql database.yml
If problem still persists, and you get the error:
cd /workspace/gitlab-development-kit/gitlab && bundle exec rake gettext:compile > /workspace/gitlab-development-kit/gettext.log 2>&1 make: *** [Makefile:107: .gettext] Error 1
then add the following line to
:# Gitlab development postgres redis
Gitaly connect error:
Failed to connect to Gitaly... Error: 14:Connect Failed
Change connect socket:
mv /workspace/gitlab-development-kit/gitlab/tmp/tests/gitaly/config.toml /workspace/gitlab-development-kit/gitlab/tmp/tests/gitaly/config.toml.orig cp /workspace/gitlab-development-kit/gitlab/tmp/tests/gitaly/config.toml.example /workspace/gitlab-development-kit/gitlab/tmp/tests/gitaly/config.toml sed -e "s|\(.*gitaly_address: unix:\).*|\1/workspace/gitlab-development-kit/gitaly.socket|" -i /workspace/gitlab-development-kit/gitlab/config/gitlab.yml
Navigate in a browser to Gitlab homepage: (http://localhost:3000/)
cd /workspace/gitlab-development-kit/gitlab
. ./scripts/utils.sh
. ./scripts/prepare_build.sh
export NODE_OPTIONS=" --max_old_space_size=4096 "
cd /workspace/gitlab-development-kit/gitlab
bundle exec rake yarn:install
bundle exec rake gitlab:assets:compile
#bundle exec rake webpack:compile
bundle exec rspec spec/lib/gitlab
To execute only one spec file, just provide it to the command line:
bundle exec rspec spec/lib/gitlab/auth/o_auth/user_spec.rb
RubyMine is comercial Cross-platform intelligent IDE for productive Ruby / Rails development that allows a trial phase of 30 days or requires a license to activate.
Inside development container:
export RUBYMINE_VERSION="2017.1.2"
curl -L https://download-cf.jetbrains.com/ruby/RubyMine-${RUBYMINE_VERSION}.tar.gz | tar xvz -C ~/
unlink ~/RubyMine
ln -s ~/RubyMine-${RUBYMINE_VERSION} ~/RubyMine
Start RubyMine inside development container:
Open a new project located at:
Configure DB
Edit file
line:sed -e "s/-h ''/-h ''/" -i /workspace/gitlab-development-kit/Procfile #sed -e "s|/home/git|/workspace/gitlab-development-kit" -i Procfile
Enable Database Tools:
Menu -> View -> Tool Windows -> Database
:- Open Properties dialog for
Rails gitlab: development
: - Import drivers from Drivers -> PostgreSQL tab (on left side)
- Configure Imported Data Source and test connection
- Host:
- Port:
- Database:
- User:
- Password:
- Open Properties dialog for
Debug gitlab unicorn
Comment out the
lines in/workspace/Procfile
to avoid./run app
starting unicorn.sed -e "s/rails-web:/#rails-web:/" -i /workspace/gitlab-development-kit/Procfile
Edit run configuration:
Menu -> Run -> Edit Configurations
:- Open Properties dialog for
Rails -> Development: gitlab
- Select Configuration Tab
- Server:
- IP addr:
- Port:
- Server args:
-c /workspace/gitlab-development-kit/gitlab/config/unicorn.rb
- Environment:
- Dummy app:
- Run browser:
Start Javascript debuger
- Bundler Tab
- Run the script in context of the bundle:
Edit run configuration:
Menu -> Run -> Debug Development: gitlab
If the debuger complanis about missing symbol
then try:gem install debase -v 0.2.3.beta5 gem install ruby-debug-ide -v 0.7.0.beta7 gem uninstall --user-install ruby-debug-ide
- Open Properties dialog for