Project name: SNAP ICEYE reader
Type: Plugin
Main contact: ahmad.hamouda (at)
- Introduction
This plugin is used inside snap desktop application to map our image format to snap format.
This plugin build as per snap development extension module documentation "".
- Compilation & dependencies
In order to compile and execute the current code for development
purposes [debug], execute:
- Change TESTING_IMAGE_PATH variable at TestIceyeReader
- Set application enviroments as per ""
- Run test case in debug mode
In order to attach code for debugger mode:
- Create Jar configuration with the following parameters:
- Jar path: <your snap desktop installation directory>/snap/modules/ext/org.esa.snap.snap-rcp/org-esa-snap/snap-main.jar
- VM options: -Dsun.java2d.noddraw=true -Dsun.awt.nopixfmt=true -Dsun.java2d.dpiaware=false -Dorg.netbeans.level=INFO -Xmx8G
- Program arguments: --userdir "<your .snap path usualy at home>/.snap/system"
- Working directory: <your snap desktop installation directory>
- JRE: 1.8
- Unit Testing
To run unit tests, execute:
- change TESTING_IMAGE_PATH variable at TestIceyeReader
mvn clean install
To build without testing
mvn clean install -DskipTests=true;
Integration Testing
- Download SNAP desktop version 7.0.0 ""
- You can update the application if you want
- Add plugin:
- Tools -> Plugins -> Downloaded -> add plugin -> slect pulgin from your target file [.pem]
- Open image:
- File -> Import -> SAR sensors -> Iceye-Product
Useful urls