An Android app that allows users to browse restaurant inspection report history and view health violation tickets, written in Java.
- View restaurants near your current location using Google Maps.
- Mark your favourite restaurants for accessibility.
- Filter restaurants according to name, hazard level, number of violations, and/or favourites.
- Update inspection reports via welcome screen when an update is available
- English (CA)
- French (CA)
- Android Studio
- Java 8 or higher
- Android Nougat (7.0) or higher device
After cloning or downloading the project, open it up in Android Studio. Gradle will then be imported and the building will start.
- The toolbar allows for you to search or filter for restaurants.
- Navigate between the map and the list of restaurants using the overflow menu.
- You can view all the restaurants that have inspection data on the map. The restaurants are marked with pegs, and coloured according to hazard level.
- Tap a peg to see the restaurant pop-up window that shows the name, most recent inspection date, and hazard level.
- Tap the pop-up window to see all the restaurant's inspection reports.
- The list of restaurants is sorted in alphabetical order. Scroll to your desired restaurant and tap it to view inspection reports.
- Each restaurant in the list has the following information displayed:
- Restaurant name
- Restaurant icon
- Information about the restaurant's most recent inspection:
- Number of issues found
- Hazard level
- Date of last inspection
- This is where you will view the details of a single restaurant. The restaurant's name, address, and GPS coordiantes are listed.
- You can also mark it as a favourite restaurant by pressing the star button that is under the restaurant details.
- Click on the GPS coordinates to view the restaurant on the map.
- Inspections are colour-coded according to their hazard level.
- The following details of a single restaurant's inspection report will be shown here:
- Full date of inspection
- Inspection type
- Number of critical issues
- Number of non-critical issues
- Hazard level of the inspection
- You can view more violations by scrolling through the list.
- Violations are colour-coded based on whether or not it is a critical issue.
- Tap on a violation to view its long description.
Special thanks to my wonderful development team!
- Inspection report data was gathered from the Surrey Open Data Catalogue, and therefore only restaurants in Surrey are available.
- You are unable to view the map as you will need to create a key and need to insert it into