paper doi: 10.1109/TVCG.2023.3337642
video doi: 10.1109/TVCG.2023.3337642/mm1
Replicability Stamp form the Graphics Replicability Stamp Initiative :
contains the installation instructions and additional data to complement the main InVADo repository
main repository of InVADo:
- InVADo is available under the repository link above
- download the repo and run CMake to prepare InVADo for building
(see Requirements Building InVADo and Building InVADo) - running CMake will download the additional content of this repository
- additional content is automatically saved to: InVADo_MAIN_REPO\plugins\prolint\InVADo_setup
additional data includes:
- figures of functional groups (needed for web dashboard)
- small precalculated data set (for web part development or when running the web dashboard without InVADo desktop)
- small molecular docking pipeline
- InVADo config file
- graphics settings file
operating system: windows 10 or 11
CUDA (tested CUDA 11.6)
Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) with Ubuntu
- (tested Ubuntu 22.04 LTS)
CMake (tested 3.26)
Visual Studio (tested version of 2022)
node.js v16 (tested 16.20.1)
Microsoft MPI (install both msmpisdk.msi; msmpisetup.exe)
Firefox (tested 116.0.1)
Python 3.10 (tested 3.10.11)
- Add to Path
- use --> Customize Installation
- click 'Next'
- Precompile Standard Library
- Download debugging symbols
- Download debug binaries
PLIP runs in the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) that must be installed via the script: InVADo_MAIN_REPO\plugins\prolint\InVADo_setup\run_plip_install.cmd
the rest of the needed programs is downloaded via CMake
run CMake for MegaMol/InVADo (configure)
- set visual studio 2022
- set x64
ignore warnings during the 'configure' process
check/do the following boxes/steps:
- configure again
- generate
- open project
- (may need to install .NET Framework 4.8.1 SDK)
set the 'INSTALL' target of 'CMakePredefinedTargets' as the start project
build and install it as "RELEASE" not "DEBUG"
"DEBUG" is possible as well, but if the docking data set is not already preprocessed by InVADo as a RELEASE version it will fail to start as a DEBUG version
the docking data set will be preprocessed one time with the first start of InVADo as RELEASE version
PATH = _InVADo_MAIN_REPO\plugins\prolint\InVADo_setup\
the InVADo config file InVADoConfig.mmprj is located in the folder 'PATH/InVADo_config'
in the InVADo config file, the path for the ligand list and the target protein file needs to be updated
this can be done manually in the XML-based file or graphically as follows:
- open InVADoConfig.mmprj with a text editor and change the path stored in 'value' to e.g.:
- <param name='pdbqtListFilename' value='C:\PATH\prepare_docking_data_scripts\results\results_list.txt' />
- <param name="pdbFilename" value="C:\PATH\prepare_docking_data_scripts\7nn9_autoDockTools.pdbqt" />
the InVADo config can be adjusted with the configurator PATH/InVADo_config/MegaMolConf.exe
drag InVADoConfig.mmprj and drop it onto MegaMolConf.exe
an error message will appear -> click ok -> then the following window will be shown:
click on the first fix button and navigate to _InVADo_MAIN_REPO/build/install/bin/ and select 'mmconsole.exe'
then click on the fix button of 'Core and Plugin State'
a new window appears -> there click the button 'Execute'
after the plugin scan is finished click on 'Use this State file'
a window appears where a path for saving the state file is already suggested -> use this suggested path and click 'Save'
close the configurator
again drag InVADoConfig.mmprj and drop it onto MegaMolConf.exe -> the following view will appear:
update the paths for the ligand list and the target protein as follows:
Module MultiPDBQTLoader1 Parameter: pdbqtListFilename: must be set to your path of a ligand PDBQT file list (*.txt)
==> please note: 'results' is created after the test docking (see Create a New Data Set)
Module PDBLoader1: Parameter: pdbFilename: must be set to your path of a protein file (*.pdb)
for easier development set 'INSTALL' target settings of the Visual Studio project as follows:
PATH = _InVADo_MAIN_REPO\plugins\prolint\InVADo_setup\prepare_docking_data_scripts
- the folder 'prepare_docking_data_scripts' contains a pipeline
- this is an exemplary, simple pipeline for processing a molecular docking
- a small example data set is included
- PATH/data/AAABMN.xaa.pdbqt (includes the ligands)
- PATH/7nn9_autoDockTools.pdbqt (is the target protein)
- running the script PATH\run_full_automated_docking.cmd automatically performs a molecular docking of the data above
- the docked data is then stored in the folder PATH/results
- the example ligands are from the ZINC database:
- the docking tool is AutoDock Vina:
- if own ligands are used they should follow the ZINC naming scheme
PATH = _InVADo_MAIN_REPO\plugins\prolint\InVADo_setup\
InVADo can be started with mmconsole.exe
mmconsole.exe is stored after building in "_InVADo_MAIN_REPO/build/install/bin/"
example command for execution (program + config file): C:\Projects\InVADo\build\install\bin\mmconsole.exe -p "C:\PATH\InVADo_config\InVADoConfig.mmprj" -i Project_1 inst
the first start can take a while because InVADo preprocesses the data (loading bars in the cmd window will indicate the progress)
the processed data will be stored in [e.g.: PATH\prepare_docking_data_scripts\results\InVADo_tmpFiles]
PATH = _InVADo_MAIN_REPO\plugins\prolint\server\
- there is the possibility to run only the web part of InVADo without the 3D visualization
- it will use the provided test data set
- build the web app: run 'PATH\build_app.cmd'
- start the web app: run 'PATH\run_app.cmd'
PATH = _InVADo_MAIN_REPO\plugins\prolint\InVADo_setup\
- got to folder 'graphicSettings' located in PATH
- run setGraphics.cmd to set an Nvidia profile for InVADo
- if the build fails with: can not find _Py_wfopen() make sure Python 3.10 is installed and no other Python version is set for the Windows PATH variable