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Han JaeHun edited this page Mar 6, 2016 · 7 revisions

Before running the script, you must first do some preparations.

  1. Download xSwipe
  2. Install X11::GUITest
  3. Enable SHMConfig

1. Download xSwipe

Type below code, download xSwipe from github

$ cd ~
$ wget
$ unzip

2. Install X11::GUITest

To install libx11-guitest-perl from synaptic package manager
Or run the script on the terminal run as

$ sudo apt-get install libx11-guitest-perl

3. Enable SHMConfig

Open /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/50-synaptics.conf with your favorite text editor and edit it to enable SHMConfig

$ sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/50-synaptics.conf

NOTE:You will need to create the /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/ directory and create 50-synaptics.conf if it doesn't exist yet.
$ sudo mkdir /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/

Section "InputClass"
Identifier "evdev touchpad catchall"
Driver "synaptics"
MatchDevicePath "/dev/input/event*"
MatchIsTouchpad "on"
Option "Protocol" "event"
Option "SHMConfig" "on"

To reflect SHMConfig, restart your session.

That's it for preparation.

Run xSwipe

To run xSwipe, install libsmart and type below code on terminal.

$ sudo apt-get install libsmart-comments-perl
$ perl ~/xSwipe-master/

Note:You should run in same directory as "eventKey.cfg" .

You can use "swipe" with 3 or 4 fingers, they can call an event.
Additionally, some gestures are avilable.

  • edge-swipe : swipe with 2 fingers from outside edge.
  • long-press : hold pressure for 0.5 seconds with 3 or 4 fingers.


  • -d RATE :
    RATE is sensitivity to swipe.Default value is 1.
    Shorten swipe-length by half (e.g.,$ perl -d 0.5)
  • -n :
    Natural scroll like Macbook, use "/nScroll/eventKey.cfg".


You can customize the settings for gestues to edit eventKey.cfg.
Please check this article, "How to customize gesture".

  • go back/forward on browser
  • move workspaces
  • ove a window
  • open launcher
  • open a terminal
  • close a window

Please let me know if you have any questions about this program.