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⚡ CLI utility to update SSH Configs for VMs, particularly Multipass and Hyper-V on Windows⚡


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Ian Cleary (iancleary)


Welcome! This is a CLI to generate/update SSH config files for your local virtual machines quickly.


Windows doesn't maintain a static IP Address of Hyper-V Virtual Machines across reboots. When using multipass with a Hyper-V backend, this applies as well for multipass.

This leads to ssh configuration, which is by ip address, to be stale every reboot.


This script updates my ssh config file for me

  • get IP address from PowerShell for hyper-v by name according to source ('hyper-v' directly, or 'multipass list')
  • write template config files to the ~/.ssh/config.d/ directory according to your ~/.config/local-ssh-config/settings.json file.

This assumes you have:

Hyper-V Manager IP Address

Hyper-V Manager Networking Tab

I currently use Ubuntu Servers, if you do too, please install several apt packages in the Virtual Machine (so that Hyper-V can report the IP Address)

🚨🚨 Hyper-V will not report the ip address until you do the above 🚨🚨

Multipass or Virtual Box may report the IP address of an Ubuntu Guest. I'm not currently sure if it's a Hyper-V limitation or a Windows limitation.

As this tool only currently supports Hyper-V, please consider this a warning of the required step.


❯ pipx install local-ssh-config --user
❯ local-ssh-config --help

That will output the following:

Usage: local_ssh_config [OPTIONS]

  Creates an `~/.ssh/config.d/` directory, 
  checks to see if you include all files in that directory,
  and then creates config files for each virtual machine specified
  in your `~/.config/vm-ip-ssh-config/settings.json` file.

  See for more information.


  -f, --file TEXT       The JSON file containing the virtual machine
                        configuration  [default: C:\Users\username\.config\vm-
  -v, --version         Show the application's version and exit.
  --install-completion  Install completion for the current shell.
  --show-completion     Show completion for the current shell, to copy it or
                        customize the installation.
  --help                Show this message and exit.

Example Usage

The first and only argument is the name of the component to create.

$ local-ssh-config
{'host': 'test.local', 'hostname': '', 'user': 'test', 'identity_file': '~/.ssh/example_id_ed25519'}
{'host': 'ubuntu.local', 'hostname': {'source': 'hyper-v', 'physical_address': '00-15-5d-95-fb-09'}, 'user': 'icleary', 'identity_file': '~/.ssh/github_id_rsa_ed25519'}
Hyper-V: Powershell (arp -a): Interface command executed successfully!
{'host': 'dev1.multipass.local', 'hostname': {'source': 'multipass', 'name': 'dev1'}, 'user': 'ubuntu'}
Multipass-V: Powershell (multipass list): Interface command executed successfully!

✨ Creating ~/.ssh/config.d/ files
✅ C:\Users\icleary\.ssh\config.d\test.local
✅ C:\Users\icleary\.ssh\config.d\ubuntu.local
✅ C:\Users\icleary\.ssh\config.d\dev1.multipass.local
SSH config updated! 🚀 ✨!

Thank you for using local-ssh-config.

The path printed is the absolute path to the updated config files.

This uses a directory ~/.ssh/config.d/ to allow for a single file per Host, to allow cleaner version tracking within a dotfile manager. See Include config.d/* in your ~/.ssh/config for the include syntax WINDOWS_MULTIPASS_DEFAULT_ID_RSA = "%PROGRAMDATA%/Multipass/data/ssh-keys/id_rsa"


Configuration can be done through 2 different ways:

  • Creating a global settings.json in your home directory (~/.config/local-ssh-config/settings.json).
  • Creating a local .local-ssh-config-config.json in your project's root directory and including the path to that file with the --f or -f optionanl command-line argument.

The optional command line value takes precendence global settings file being the default.

API Reference


Controls the settings.json to load. Defaults to ~/.config/local-ssh-config/settings.json


Command line: --file <value> or -f <value>

JSON config:

Example with single host, as dictionary

    "host": "ubuntu.local",
    "hostname": {
        "source": "hyper-v",
        "physical_address": "00-15-5d-95-fb-09"
    "user": "icleary",
    "identity_file": "~/.ssh/github_id_rsa_ed25519"

Example with single host, as list:

      "host": "ubuntu.local",
      "hostname": {
          "source": "hyper-v",
          "physical_address": "00-15-5d-95-fb-09"
      "user": "icleary",
      "identity_file": "~/.ssh/github_id_rsa_ed25519"

A single dictionary is converted to a list of hosts before looping through the files, so either structure is valid (your preference).

Example with multiple hosts:

        "host": "test.local",
        "hostname": "",
        "user": "test",
        "identity_file": "~/.ssh/example_id_ed25519"
        "host": "ubuntu.local",
        "hostname": {
            "source": "hyper-v",
            "physical_address": "00-15-5d-95-fb-09"
        "user": "icleary",
        "identity_file": "~/.ssh/github_id_rsa_ed25519"
        "host": "dev1.multipass.local",
        "hostname": {
            "source": "multipass",
            "name": "dev1"
        "user": "ubuntu"

Further information

I will likely evolve this CLI as I learn more; I'm on my way 😊

Enjoy quickly updating your ssh configurations 🚀!


I created this CLI for my opinionated uses and may not accept changes. That said, I made this to solve a problem, and if you have the same problem, I hope it helps you! 😊
