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A file directory-based automated multi-page build plugin that supports HTML templates using LiquidJS. 基于文件目录的Vite自动化多页面构建插件,支持使用 LiquidJS 的 HTML 模板。


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A file directory-based automated multi-page Vite plugin that supports HTML templates using LiquidJS.

基于文件目录的Vite自动化多页面构建插件,支持使用 LiquidJS 的 HTML 模板。

Quick Start

npm i vite-plugin-auto-mpa-html@latest -D # Or yarn/pnpm as you like

Then, add plugin to your vite.config.(js/ts), like this,

import { defineConfig } from 'vite'
import react from '@vitejs/plugin-react'
import autoMpaHtmlPlugin from 'vite-plugin-auto-mpa-html'

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [react(), autoMpaHtmlPlugin({
    entryName: "main.tsx",
    sharedData: {},
    enableDevDirectory: true, // enable directory page will render an directory page at "http://localhost:5173/", if you have an index, it will not be affect.
    renderEngineOption: {}

Now, focus on your PAGES, for example, a project like this,

Using the official template of react-ts, copied page's assets to 2 pages, the "index" and the "page2"

├── package.json
├── package-lock.json
├── public
│   └── vite.svg
├── src
│   ├── index
│   │   ├── App.css
│   │   ├── App.tsx
│   │   ├── assets
│   │   │   └── react.svg
│   │   ├── config.json
│   │   ├── index.css
│   │   ├── main.tsx
│   │   └── vite-env.d.ts
│   └── page2
│       ├── App.css
│       ├── App.tsx
│       ├── assets
│       │   └── react.svg
│       ├── config.json
│       ├── index.css
│       ├── main.tsx
│       └── vite-env.d.ts
├── templates
│   └── index.html
├── tsconfig.json
├── tsconfig.node.json
└── vite.config.ts

How to generate a beautiful tree like this? Run tree -I "node_modules|dist" > folders.txt with tree package!

Manually create a config.json in the subdirectory of the page, with these content,

    "template": "../../templates/index.html", // Using relative path from v1
    "data": {
        "title": "This is page 2",
        "description": "page 22222222",
        "keywords": "2"

We put all pages into different folders under src, some additional config should be put into vite.config.js

export default defineConfig({
  root: "src",
  base: "",
  build: {
    outDir: "../dist",
    emptyOutDir: true,

Finished, everything is ready, run npm run build to see what is built with vite-plugin-auto-mpa-html.

A temporary index.html will be generated to every entry, just beside your entry file, such as main.jsx or main.js, PLEASE take care!

Plugin Options

   * Render a directory page in development (as the old key `enableDirectoryPage`)
   * @default true
  enableDevDirectory?: boolean
   * Top-level data, which will be shared to every entry during LiquidJS render.
   * @default {}
  sharedData?: object
   * Render engine options, currently using LiquidJS
   * @see {@link}
   * @default {}
  renderEngineOption?: object
   * Entries of your multi-entry application, for example, `main.js` for Vue, and `main.jsx` for React.
   * @default "main.js"
  entryName: string
   * Config file name, after v1.1.0 you can use an ESM style exported config module, .ts is not supported yet.
   * @default "config.json"
  configName?: string
   * Experimental features for plugin, using at your own risk!
  experimental?: {
     * Re-define template name, if you want to put the HTML to the parent folder of "entry", you can use `.html` to directly use entry path as HTML path.
     * [NOTICE] When `customTemplateName` equals ".html" (which means you want to reduce folder levels), it's NOT allowed to put entry files directly under root folder.
    customTemplateName?: string
     * Config the asset name of root's entry file, default value is "_root"
    rootEntryDistName?: string

Page Config Option

   * The RELATIVE path of your template
   * @required
  template: string
   * LiquidJS render data in this entry, which will be assigned with global `sharedData`
   * @default {}
  data?: object

If you need to dynamically control the page configuration used during compilation for each page based on some external variables, you can also modify the configName to a ".js" file and export a default configuration in the file.

// After v1.1.0, you can use `pageConfigGenerator` to dynamically set page config.
import { pageConfigGenerator } from 'vite-plugin-auto-mpa-html'

// pageConfigGenerator accepts direct cofig object, function, and even Promise.
export default pageConfigGenerator({
  "template": "../../template/index.html"

Conditional page configuration

We have an option called sharedData cross pages, so you can inject the variables you need, then read them in page's config (or directly use in LiquidJS templates), like this,

import { pageConfigGenerator } from 'vite-plugin-auto-mpa-html'

// `pageConfigGenerator` is not required, but it can provide TypeScript reference.
export default pageConfigGenerator((opt) => {
  return {
    "template": "../template/index.html",
    data: {
      isProd: opt.sharedData.isProd

// If you prefer to use JSDoc, you can also introduce types as shown below.
/** @type {import('vite-plugin-auto-mpa-html').PageConfigGeneratorTypeExport} */
/** @param {import('vite-plugin-auto-mpa-html').PageConfigOption} opt  */


  • Nested folder is SUPPORTED from v1, but will generate a temporary index.html besides your entry file.

  • Env files is only supported in root folder (same level as vite.config.js), env-per-entry is NOT SUPPORTED.

  • When experimental.customTemplateName equals ".html" (which means you want to reduce folder levels), it's NOT allowed to put entry files directly under root folder.

  • Auto restart when page's config changed is not originally supported by this plugin, but you can use vite-plugin-restart which is maintained by @antfu, and add config like this,

  restart: [
    'config.[jt]s', // your configuration file name

Vite native features

  • v4.2+ HTML Env Replacement

Build Setup

# It's simple, just clone, install, and build!
git clone
cd vite-plugin-auto-mpa-html
npm install # or any node package manager you like
# npm run test # I'd suggest to run a fully test before commit.
npm run build

Similar function plug-ins

I'm not familar with vite plugin development, so I've read some plugins' awesome code. Some ideas and my needs was added during development. There are some other plugins may solve your problems or meet your needs, I also suggest these,


A file directory-based automated multi-page build plugin that supports HTML templates using LiquidJS. 基于文件目录的Vite自动化多页面构建插件,支持使用 LiquidJS 的 HTML 模板。








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