docker run -d -it -e CADDY_API_ENDPOINT="" -p 8045:8045 --name my-json-ui caddy-json-ui
It's suggested to use
docker compose
with a "Caddy Container".
./caddy-json-ui --port 30081 --caddyadminapi ""
How to use xcaddy ?
xcaddy build \
--with \
# any other module you want to include in the generated schema
caddy json-schema --vscode
And put the .vscode/caddy_schema.json
into public
Declare the "$scheme"
key and use full url to refer it.
Container image "" already has a schema file under "./public" by using Github Action, you can directly use it with
{"$schema": ""}
(replace the url in your condition).
An example plugins.yml
enable: true
- name: http-tls-provider
route: tls-provider # So the real endpoint url will be `localhost:8045/plugins/tls-provider`
config_path: ./plugins/http-tls-provider/config.yml
A plugin's *.so
file will expose an func InitPlugin(plugin_config_yaml_path string) (func(c *gin.Context), error)
Remember to allow UI server access caddy server if you have firewall running
go run main.go --port 30081 --caddyadminapi ""
GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm64 CGO_ENABLED=1 go build -ldflags="-w -s" -tags=nomsgpack .