Automated end-to-end testing framework built with Playwright and Java, tailored for any website. Designed for scalability and maintainability, this framework covers critical test scenarios with robust assertions and clean, modular code. Perfect for those looking to speed up their test automation journey or enhance their Playwright skills!
git clone
cd playwright_test_framework
git pull
mvn clean test -Dgroups=SWAG_LABS_SMOKE,SWAG_LABS_REGRESSION,SWAG_LABS_E2E -Dtestng.parallel=methods -DthreadPoolSize=3 -Ddataproviderthreadcount=3
- Chrome
(default value ischrome
) - Firefox
- Microsoft Edge
- local
(default value islocal
) - headless
- To integrate your test reports with the open source tool - Reportportal, please refer to this section in my java-selenium framework repo for installation as well as the integration.
- To send test reports from Reportportal to any Discord Message Channel, please refer to this section and all the classes in this package of the same java-selenium framework repo.
- In this framework, Discord has been integrated via Github actions. Refer final result in the image below.
- The code coverage is leveraged via Github Actions integrating codecov tool.
- The latest code coverage for this project is available here.
- The code coverage grid:
- Below is the maven commands combo that will help you to cover all the supported browsers and runmodes.
- These maven commands (no testng.xml required) are executed with the respective groups and thread counts. The listeners [screenshot, retry, etc] are configured in "pom.xml" under "< property >" tag.
mvn clean test -Drunmode=local -Dbrowser=chrome -Dgroups=SWAG_LABS_SMOKE,SWAG_LABS_REGRESSION,SWAG_LABS_E2E -Dthreads=3 -Ddataproviderthreadcount=3
mvn clean test -Drunmode=headless -Dbrowser=chrome -Dgroups=SWAG_LABS_SMOKE,SWAG_LABS_REGRESSION,SWAG_LABS_E2E -Dthreads=3 -Ddataproviderthreadcount=3
mvn clean test -Drunmode=local -Dbrowser=msedge -Dgroups=SWAG_LABS_SMOKE,SWAG_LABS_REGRESSION,SWAG_LABS_E2E -Dthreads=3 -Ddataproviderthreadcount=3
mvn clean test -Drunmode=headless -Dbrowser=msedge -Dgroups=SWAG_LABS_SMOKE,SWAG_LABS_REGRESSION,SWAG_LABS_E2E -Dthreads=3 -Ddataproviderthreadcount=3
mvn clean test -Drunmode=local -Dbrowser=webkit -Dgroups=SWAG_LABS_SMOKE,SWAG_LABS_REGRESSION,SWAG_LABS_E2E -Dthreads=3 -Ddataproviderthreadcount=3
mvn clean test -Drunmode=headless -Dbrowser=webkit -Dgroups=SWAG_LABS_SMOKE,SWAG_LABS_REGRESSION,SWAG_LABS_E2E -Dthreads=3 -Ddataproviderthreadcount=3
mvn clean test -Drunmode=local -Dbrowser=firefox -Dgroups=SWAG_LABS_SMOKE,SWAG_LABS_REGRESSION,SWAG_LABS_E2E -Dthreads=3 -Ddataproviderthreadcount=3
mvn clean test -Drunmode=headless -Dbrowser=firefox -Dgroups=SWAG_LABS_SMOKE,SWAG_LABS_REGRESSION,SWAG_LABS_E2E -Dthreads=3 -Ddataproviderthreadcount=3
mvn clean test -Dgroups=SWAG_LABS_SMOKE,SWAG_LABS_REGRESSION,SWAG_LABS_E2E -Dthreads=3 -Ddataproviderthreadcount=3