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This repo contains a sample log defintion (log.proto) in Protocol Buffers format and the read/write scripts in Ruby and Python.

It's just a simple test of reading/writing protobuf messages with different language bindings.

Log Definition (log.proto)

syntax = "proto3";

package service.logging;

import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";

message Log {
    message Context {
        google.protobuf.Timestamp timestamp = 1;
        string host_or_ip = 2;
        string service_name = 3;
        string user = 4;

    enum Level {
        DEBUG = 0;
        INFO = 1;
        WARN = 2;
        ERROR = 3;
        FATAL = 4;

    Context context = 1;
    Level level = 2;
    string message = 3;



The generated files for Ruby and Python (log_pb.rb and are also included here.

However, they can be regenerated with protoc like this:

protoc --ruby_out=. --python_out=. ./log.proto

How to run scripts?

Both scripts offer the same functionality via command line options i.e.:

  • [-w] write log file
  • [-r] read log file and print
  • [-j] read log file and print in JSON format

General Command Line Format

script [-w | -r | -j] filename

Use -h or --help for help i.e. script -h.

Example (assuming both scripts have execution permission [chmod +x script])

Write sample log file with Ruby script:

$ ./log.rb -w log.bin
Writing protobuf sample log file [log.bin]... [DONE]

Read and print with Python script:

$ ./ -r log.bin
Dumping protobuf binary file [log.bin]...
context {
  timestamp {
    seconds: 1591027107
  host_or_ip: ""
  service_name: "test"
  user: "test"
level: INFO
message: "This is a test log generated by [./log.rb]."


Read and print with Python script (JSON):

$ ./ -j log.bin
Dumping protobuf binary file as JSON [log.bin]...
  "message": "This is a test log generated by [./log.rb].", 
  "context": {
    "timestamp": "2020-06-01T15:58:27Z", 
    "hostOrIp": "", 
    "serviceName": "test", 
    "user": "test"
  "level": "INFO"

