We attempted to take the travelling salesman algorithm and use it for a holiday planner whilst running it on the DQM server.
Our idea was to use a Quantum Computer to plan our next holiday!
We found that we had underestimated the task because we needed to write the algorithm again taking into account the detailed Hamiltonian on Lucas's paper and we ran out of time. We attempted to modify the graph partitioning example from yesterday with one colour and different Lagrange variables but this was not successful.
We deliberately chose a project we could not find on the internet as we did not want to just copy someone elses code.
Please see our attempt as holiday_planner.py. We checked the exact code worked as holiday_planner_v2.py and agreed answers from this back to the expected answer.
We also completed all the basic problems.
We would continue with the work, separating out the linear and quadratic terms in the Hamiltonian separately.