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📦 Installation

npm i discord-arts@latest

✨ Features

  • 🚀 Fast generation!
  • 🎨 Simple and beautiful design
  • 🎖️ Easy to use
  • 💎 Beginner friendly
  • ❌ Discord.js not required

📌 What's New

  • 🖼️ Avatar decorations/frames
  • 🎴 Automatic profile theme colors
  • 🔮 Booster badges are back
  • 🛡️ Automod and LegacyUsername badges

🖼️ Cards

🪄 profileImage(userId, imgOptions?)

Generate a profile image card for a user or bot, including badges and custom options.

Default Profile Image

Returns: Promise


Option Type Description
customUsername string Customize the username
customTag string Text below the user
customSubtitle string Text below the custom tag
customBadges string[] Your own png badges (path and URL) (46x46)
customBackground string Change the background to any image (path and URL) (885x303)
overwriteBadges boolean Merge your badges with the discord defaults
badgesFrame boolean Creates a small frame behind the badges
removeBadges boolean Removes badges, whether custom or from discord
removeBorder boolean Removes the image border, custom and normal
usernameColor string Username HEX color
tagColor string Tag HEX color
borderColor string | string[] Border HEX color, can be gradient if 2 colors are used
borderAllign string Gradient alignment if 2 colors are used
disableProfileTheme boolean Disable the discord profile theme colors
presenceStatus string User status to be displayed below the avatar
squareAvatar boolean Change avatar shape to a square
removeAvatarFrame boolean Remove the discord avatar frame/decoration (if any)
rankData object Rank data options (see below)
moreBackgroundBlur boolean Triples blur of background image
backgroundBrightness number Set brightness of background from 1-100%
customDate Date | string Custom date or text to use instead of when user joined Discord
localDateType string Local format for the date, e.g. 'en' | 'es' etc.

rankData Options

Option Type Description
currentXp number Current user XP
requiredXp number XP required to level up
level number Current user level
rank number Position on the leaderboard
barColor string HEX XP bar color
levelColor string HEX color of LVL text
autoColorRank boolean Whether to color ranks as medal colors for 1st, 2nd, 3rd

📃 Code Example (Discord.js v14)

const { AttachmentBuilder } = require('discord.js');
const { profileImage } = require('discord-arts');

await interaction.deferReply();
const user = interaction.options.getUser('user-option');

const buffer = await profileImage(, {
  customTag: 'Admin',
  squareAvatar: true,
  // ... other imgOptions

interaction.followUp({ files: [buffer] });

Example Results

Rank Card

Rank Card Example

profileImage('UserID', {
  customBadges: ['./skull.png', './rocket.png', './crown.png'],
  presenceStatus: 'phone',
  badgesFrame: true,
  customDate: 'AWESOME!',
  moreBackgroundBlur: true,
  backgroundBrightness: 100,
  rankData: {
    currentXp: 2100,
    requiredXp: 3000,
    rank: 1,
    level: 20,
    barColor: '#fcdce1',
    levelColor: '#ada8c6',
    autoColorRank: true

Custom User Card

Custom User Card Example

profileImage('UserID', {
  borderColor: ['#0000ff', '#00fe5a'],
  presenceStatus: 'idle',
  removeAvatarFrame: false

Custom Bot Card

Custom Bot Card Example

profileImage('UserID', {
  customBackground: '',
  borderColor: '#ec8686',
  presenceStatus: 'online',
  badgesFrame: true

⭐ Support

Join our Discord Server for support and community discussions.

<iframe src="" width="350" height="500" allowtransparency="true" frameborder="0" sandbox="allow-popups allow-popups-to-escape-sandbox allow-same-origin allow-scripts"></iframe>


Customized cards with Discord style








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