npm i discord-arts@latest
- 🚀 Fast generation!
- 🎨 Simple and beautiful design
- 🎖️ Easy to use
- 💎 Beginner friendly
- ❌ Discord.js not required
- 🖼️ Avatar decorations/frames
- 🎴 Automatic profile theme colors
- 🔮 Booster badges are back
- 🛡️ Automod and LegacyUsername badges
Generate a profile image card for a user or bot, including badges and custom options.
Returns: Promise
Option | Type | Description |
customUsername | string | Customize the username |
customTag | string | Text below the user |
customSubtitle | string | Text below the custom tag |
customBadges | string[] | Your own png badges (path and URL) (46x46) |
customBackground | string | Change the background to any image (path and URL) (885x303) |
overwriteBadges | boolean | Merge your badges with the discord defaults |
badgesFrame | boolean | Creates a small frame behind the badges |
removeBadges | boolean | Removes badges, whether custom or from discord |
removeBorder | boolean | Removes the image border, custom and normal |
usernameColor | string | Username HEX color |
tagColor | string | Tag HEX color |
borderColor | string | string[] | Border HEX color, can be gradient if 2 colors are used |
borderAllign | string | Gradient alignment if 2 colors are used |
disableProfileTheme | boolean | Disable the discord profile theme colors |
presenceStatus | string | User status to be displayed below the avatar |
squareAvatar | boolean | Change avatar shape to a square |
removeAvatarFrame | boolean | Remove the discord avatar frame/decoration (if any) |
rankData | object | Rank data options (see below) |
moreBackgroundBlur | boolean | Triples blur of background image |
backgroundBrightness | number | Set brightness of background from 1-100% |
customDate | Date | string | Custom date or text to use instead of when user joined Discord |
localDateType | string | Local format for the date, e.g. 'en' | 'es' etc. |
Option | Type | Description |
currentXp | number | Current user XP |
requiredXp | number | XP required to level up |
level | number | Current user level |
rank | number | Position on the leaderboard |
barColor | string | HEX XP bar color |
levelColor | string | HEX color of LVL text |
autoColorRank | boolean | Whether to color ranks as medal colors for 1st, 2nd, 3rd |
const { AttachmentBuilder } = require('discord.js');
const { profileImage } = require('discord-arts');
await interaction.deferReply();
const user = interaction.options.getUser('user-option');
const buffer = await profileImage(, {
customTag: 'Admin',
squareAvatar: true,
// ... other imgOptions
interaction.followUp({ files: [buffer] });
profileImage('UserID', {
customBadges: ['./skull.png', './rocket.png', './crown.png'],
presenceStatus: 'phone',
badgesFrame: true,
customDate: 'AWESOME!',
moreBackgroundBlur: true,
backgroundBrightness: 100,
rankData: {
currentXp: 2100,
requiredXp: 3000,
rank: 1,
level: 20,
barColor: '#fcdce1',
levelColor: '#ada8c6',
autoColorRank: true
profileImage('UserID', {
borderColor: ['#0000ff', '#00fe5a'],
presenceStatus: 'idle',
removeAvatarFrame: false
profileImage('UserID', {
customBackground: '',
borderColor: '#ec8686',
presenceStatus: 'online',
badgesFrame: true
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<iframe src="" width="350" height="500" allowtransparency="true" frameborder="0" sandbox="allow-popups allow-popups-to-escape-sandbox allow-same-origin allow-scripts"></iframe>