Implementation of Data Sharing Agreements (DSA) using Smart Contracts. A DSA contains obligations agreed upon data provider and consumer.
Here is the DSA smart contract project repository.
Create agreement
Input: Contractual parameters (providerPublicKey, consumerPublicKey, dataExchangeAgreementHash, signatures, dataOffering, purpose, dates, intendedUse, licenseGrant, pricingModel, typeOfData)
Action: Create an agreement with the contractual parameters
Output: Emit an AgreementActive event with the provider and consumer public key and agreement id.
Get agreement
Input: Agreement id
Action: Retrieve the agreement with the given id.
Output: Agreement
Get agreement state
Input: Agreement id
Action: Return the state of the agreement.
Output: Active - 0 / Violated - 1 / Terminated - 2
Retrieve pricing model
Input: Agreement id
Action: Retrieve pricing model for an agreement
Output: Pricing model
Get agreement by provider
Input: Provider public key
Action: Return the provider’s agreement.
Output: Agreement
Get agreement by consumer
Input: Consumer public key
Action: Return the consumer’s agreement
Output: Agreement
Get agreements by data offering id
Input: Data offering id
Action: Return the agreement ids based on a data offering id
Output: Array of agreement ids
Evaluate signed resolution
Input: Agreement id, proof type, type, resolution, data exchange id, iat, iss, sub
Action: Evaluate signed resolution and return penalties if the resolution is not-completed (verification) or accepted (dispute)
Output: Emit PenaltyChoices event with consumer public key, agreement id, penalty choices
Terminate agreement
Input: Agreement id
Action: Terminate agreement
Output: Emit an AgreementTerminated event with the provider and consumer public key and agreement id.
Enforce penalty
Input: Agreement id, chosen penalty, price, fee, new end date
Action: The provider enforces the penalty chosen by the consumer.
Output: Emit an AgreeOnPenalty event with provider and consumer public keys, agreement id, chosen penalty, new end date, price, fee
Notify consent revoked
Input: Data offering id
Action: Returns an array of consumers who have an agreement for that data offering id
Output: Consumer public keys
Give consent
Input: Data offering id, consent subjects (a list of identifiers of the data owner), consent from hash, start
and end date -
Action: Give consent for a data offering and publish the consent for multiple consent subjects
Output: Emit event ConsentGiven with data offering id and consent subjects
Check consent status
Input: Data offering id, consent subjects
Action: Check the status of the consent
Output: Consent status
- Given - end date
- Revoked - 0
Revoke consent
Input: Data offering id, consent subjects
Action: Revoke consent for the consent subjects
Output: Emit event ConsentRevoked with data offering id, consent subjects and consumers (who will be notified
that their consent has been revoked)