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LeaguePlus running on VPS

setting up cronjob, should probably be only done on production server.

In order to set up automatic RSS parsing, we need to create a cronjob that runs

in terminal:

crontab -e

for example, if my scripts location is: /home/ocean/brian-fantasy/fantasyfootballtracker-fixed/, then copy this in to crontab

*/10 * * * * /home/ocean/brian-fantasy/fantasyfootballtracker-fixed/

this will run the cron_script every 10 minutes.

After this, you can comment out these lines in app/ in get_rss() function. ~line 136

#rss_parser = RSS_Parser()
#yahoo_db_helper = Db_Helper()
#rss_dict = rss_parser.return_data()

wiki links

first wiki link. may not work since linking to my repo

file explanations

Package requirements

install these packages with apt-get, brew, yum, whatever:

postgresql pgadmin3 postgresql-client postgresql-contrib libpq-dev postgresql-server-dev-all sudo apt-get install python-dev

Installing Virtual enviornment

after hg cloning, run this command to install the virtual enviornment & the requirements into .env

$ virtualenv --no-site-packages --distribute .env && source .env/bin/activate && pip install -r requirements.txt

to activate the env:

$ source .env/bin/activate

to deactivate env:

$ deactivate

Installing Postgresql (needed for nfldb)

i had a lot of trouble installing + configuring. it's OS dependant, so figure out how to get postgresql running on your machine. expect to spend at least an hour configuring. lol. The general idea is to:

  1. install postgresql

  2. configure postgresql -- follow this tutorial setting up postgres account: Postgres account is used for nfldb tutorial might as well do it now. -- please edit file /etc/postgresql/9.1/main/pg_hba.conf wherever you see local all postgres peer ----change to----- local all postgres md5

  3. import nfldb.sql data into postgresql

  4. install nflgame

Here is the tutorial for installing configuring nfldb:

the guides instructions are for archlinux so if you are using debian like me, the commands are a bit different...

After configuring postgresql permissions properly, you should be able to create nfldb user with password nfldb, and nfldb db by running:

createuser -U postgres -E -P nfldb
createdb -U postgres -O nfldb nfldb
psql -U postgres -c 'CREATE EXTENSION fuzzystrmatch;'
psql -U nfldb nfldb 

If this doesnt work: psql -U nfldb -d nfldb

If any of the permission/config file settings are incorrect, you won't be able to run those commands. If you installed everything properly and followed the guide, you should be able to run:


*****If you encounter an error about write access to json files, please run the following script sudo chmod -R ugo+rw /folderOrFile_name

Once done, open pgadmin3 connect to localhost, click on nfldb database and create a new query. Make sure that the new query window opened has a title of "Query - nfldb". Open location db_schema/scripts and execute all scripts in order that you havent ran in your db yet.

##sqlAlchemy Models

  • sqlAlchemy Models do not support backref as of right now so don't try to use it. I am having issues adding a relationship to manual orm. However, the models do know there is a relationship existing between them and you can still join on the fly. For example: league=db_session.query(F_League).join(User).filter_by(user_id=1).first()


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