This repo contains terraform files to deploy Azure NetApp Files inclusing below resources.
- Dedicated Host
- Virtual Machine which can mounts NFS volume in Azure NetApp Files
- 3 * P30 managed disks attached to the VM
To deploy resources specified in the terraform files, use below step.
# Set Environment variables for service principal to use.
# Or you can use your azure credential by using "az login" instead of using service principal
export ARM_TENANT_ID="{Enter tenant ID here}"
export ARM_SUBSCRIPTION_ID="{Enter subscription ID here}"
export ARM_CLIENT_ID="{Enter service principal client id here}"
export ARM_CLIENT_SECRET="{Enter service principal secret here}"
# Run "terraform init" with terraform backend (Azure Blob Storage) configuration
terraform init -backend-config="storage_account_name={Ener storage account name here}" -backend-config="container_name={Enter container name here}" -backend-config="Enter storage account key here" -backend-config="key={Enter blob name here}"
# Run "terraform plan"
terraform plan
# Run "terraform apply"
terraform apply
To mount Azure NetApp File volume on Azure VM,
# On Ubuntu (Or On RHEL "sudo yum install -y nfs-utils")
sudo apt-get install nfs-common
# Check "mount path" in the portal and mount volume (e.g. when the mount path is "")
sudo mount -t nfs -o rw,hard,rsize=65536,wsize=65536,sec=sys,vers=4.1,tcp nfsvolume
Azure NetApp Files provides following service level choices.
Service Level | Throughput per 1 TiB | IOPS per 1TiB @ 4K bs |
Ultra | 128MiB/s | 32K |
Premium | 64MiB/s | 16K |
Standard | 16MiB/s | 4K |
- Up to 100 TiB Volume support
- Min 4TiB Capacity Pool, increments of 1TiB
- Protocol supported - SMB2.1/3.0, NFSv3/v4.1
To compare ANF performance with Azure managed disk, following test configurations are considered.
Test target volume | Mount Path | Note |
ANF (Premium Tier) | /nfsvolume | Mounted using NFS v4.1 |
Premium Disk (bursting off) | /premiumdisk | P30 * 3 e.a. (3TB volume with LVM) |
Premium Disk (bursting on) | /premiumdisk | P30 * 3 e.a. (3TB volume with LVM) with on-demand disk bursting enabled*. |
- "on-demand" bursting feature provides increased disk performance beyond original provisioned target. (Refer Enable on-demand disk bursting - Azure Virtual Machines | Microsoft Docs)
Below are test configuration.
Target configuration
- Dedicated Host SKU: ESv3-Type1
- VM SKU: E64s_v3
- Service Level: Premium SKU
- Volume Quota: 3T
- Protocol Used: NFSv4.1
Target Tool configuration
- Performance Benchmark tool: fio
- Virtualization Tool:
- Test parameters
- IO depth: 16
- Block Size: 4K
- # of jobs: 4
- File Size per job: 10GB
To mount Premium disks on Azure VM, refer Configure LVM on a virtual machine running Linux - Azure Virtual Machines | Microsoft Docs
# Configure LVM on a Linux VM in Azure
# Install LVM
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install lvm2
# Configure LVM
sudo pvcreate /dev/sd[cde]
sudo vgcreate data-vg01 /dev/sd[cde]
sudo lvcreate --extents 100%FREE --stripes 3 --name data-lv01 data-vg01
sudo mkfs -t ext4 /dev/data-vg01/data-lv01
# Add the new file system to /etc/fstab
sudo mkdir /premiumdisk
# Locate the logical volume path
--- Logical volume ---
LV Path /dev/data-vg01/data-lv01
# Add below line in "/etc/fstab"
/dev/data-vg01/data-lv01 /premiumdisk ext4 defaults 0 2
# sudo mount -a
# Install fio
sudo apt update
sudo apt install fio
# clone
git clone
cd fio-plot
# Install required python packages
sudo apt install python3-pip
cd fio_plot
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
cd ../benchmark_script
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
# Set access permission on the mounted paths.
sudo chmod 777 /nfsvolume
sudo chmod 777 /premiumdisk
$ ./bench_fio -d /nfsvolume -t directory -s 10g --mode randread -o ./benchmarks_anf --iodepth 16 --numjobs 4 --block-size 4k --extra-opts fallocate=none
$ ./bench_fio -d /nfsvolume -t directory -s 10g --mode randwrite -o ./benchmarks_anf --iodepth 16 --numjobs 4 --block-size 4k --extra-opts fallocate=none
$ ./bench_fio -d /nfsvolume -t directory -s 10g --mode randrw --rwmixread 50 -o ./benchmarks_anf --iodepth 16 --numjobs 4 --block-size 4k --extra-opts fallocate=none
# Test with on-demand bursting disabled (default)
$ ./bench_fio -d /premiumdisk -t directory -s 10g --mode randread -o ./benchmarks_pd --iodepth 16 --numjobs 4 --block-size 4k --extra-opts fallocate=none
$ ./bench_fio -d /premiumdisk -t directory -s 10g --mode randwrite -o ./benchmarks_pd --iodepth 16 --numjobs 4 --block-size 4k --extra-opts fallocate=none
$ ./bench_fio -d /premiumdisk -t directory -s 10g --mode randrw --rwmixread 50 -o ./benchmarks_pd --iodepth 16 --numjobs 4 --block-size 4k --extra-opts fallocate=none
# Stop the VM and enable on-demand bursting and then start the VM again
# Test with on-demand bursting enabled
$ ./bench_fio -d /premiumdisk -t directory -s 10g --mode randread -o ./benchmarks_pd_bursting --iodepth 16 --numjobs 4 --block-size 4k --extra-opts fallocate=none
$ ./bench_fio -d /premiumdisk -t directory -s 10g --mode randwrite -o ./benchmarks_pd_bursting --iodepth 16 --numjobs 4 --block-size 4k --extra-opts fallocate=none
$ ./bench_fio -d /premiumdisk -t directory -s 10g --mode randrw --rwmixread 50 -o ./benchmarks_pd_bursting --iodepth 16 --numjobs 4 --block-size 4k --extra-opts fallocate=none
# go to "fio_plot" directory
cd ../fio_plot
# Create random read test results
# Create IOPS report
./fio_plot -i ../benchmark_script/benchmarks_anf/data/4k ../benchmark_script/benchmarks_pd/data/4k ../benchmark_script/benchmarks_pd_bursting/data/4k -T "IOPS-randread-16iodepth" -g -t iops -r randread -d 16 -n 4 --xlabel-parent 2
# Create Bandwidth report
./fio_plot -i ../benchmark_script/benchmarks_anf/data/4k ../benchmark_script/benchmarks_pd/data/4k ../benchmark_script/benchmarks_pd_bursting/data/4k -T "Bandwidth-randread-16iodepth" -g -t bw -r randread -d 16 -n 4 --xlabel-parent 2
# Create Latency report
./fio_plot -i ../benchmark_script/benchmarks_anf/data/4k ../benchmark_script/benchmarks_pd/data/4k ../benchmark_script/benchmarks_pd_bursting/data/4k -T "Latency-randread-16iodepth" -g -t lat -r randread -d 16 -n 4 --xlabel-parent 2
# Create random write test results
# Create IOPS report
./fio_plot -i ../benchmark_script/benchmarks_anf/data/4k ../benchmark_script/benchmarks_pd/data/4k ../benchmark_script/benchmarks_pd_bursting/data/4k -T "IOPS-randwrite-16iodepth" -g -t iops -r randwrite -d 16 -n 4 --xlabel-parent 2
# Create Bandwidth report
./fio_plot -i ../benchmark_script/benchmarks_anf/data/4k ../benchmark_script/benchmarks_pd/data/4k ../benchmark_script/benchmarks_pd_bursting/data/4k -T "Bandwidth-randwrite-16iodepth" -g -t bw -r randwrite -d 16 -n 4 --xlabel-parent 2
# Create Latency report
./fio_plot -i ../benchmark_script/benchmarks_anf/data/4k ../benchmark_script/benchmarks_pd/data/4k ../benchmark_script/benchmarks_pd_bursting/data/4k -T "Latency-randwrite-16iodepth" -g -t lat -r randwrite -d 16 -n 4 --xlabel-parent 2
IOPS - Random Read
Bandwidth - Random Read
Latency - Random Read
sudo yum install -y git
sudo yum install -y nfs-utils
sudo yum -y install fio
sudo python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
sudo python3 -m pip install --upgrade Pillow
git clone -b v.1.0.10
cd fio-plot/benchmark_script/
sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt
# In case of ANF
sudo mkdir /nfsvolume
sudo mount -t nfs -o rw,hard,rsize=65536,wsize=65536,sec=sys,vers=4.1,tcp /nfsvolume -o nconnect=8
sudo chmod a+wrx /nfsvolume/
./bench_fio -d /nfsvolume -t directory -s 4g --mode randread -o ./benchmarks_anf_ultra_nconnect8 --iodepth 64 --numjobs 4 --block-size 4k --extra-opts fallocate=none
./bench_fio -d /nfsvolume -t directory -s 4g --mode randwrite -o ./benchmarks_anf_ultra_nconnect8 --iodepth 64 --numjobs 4 --block-size 4k --extra-opts fallocate=none
cd ../fio_plot/
sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt
./fio_plot -i ../benchmark_script/benchmarks_anf_ultra_nconnect8/nfsvolume/4k/ -T "IOPS-randread-64iodepth-4jobs-ANF-ultra-nconnect8" -g -t iops -r randread -d 64 -n 4 --xlabel-parent 2
./fio_plot -i ../benchmark_script/benchmarks_anf_ultra_nconnect8/nfsvolume/4k/ -T "latency-randread-64iodepth-4jobs-ANF-ultra-nconnect8" -g -t lat -r randread -d 64 -n 4 --xlabel-parent 2
./fio_plot -i ../benchmark_script/benchmarks_anf_ultra_nconnect8/nfsvolume/4k/ -T "bw-randread-64iodepth-4jobs-ANF-ultra-nconnect8" -g -t bw -r randread -d 64 -n 4 --xlabel-parent 2
sudo umount /nfsvolume/
# In case of managed disk
sudo parted /dev/sdc --script mklabel gpt mkpart xfspart xfs 0% 100%
sudo mkfs.xfs /dev/sdc1
sudo partprobe /dev/sdc1
sudo mkdir /datadrive
sudo mount /dev/sdc1 /datadrive
./bench_fio -d /ultradisk/ -t directory -s 4g --mode randread -o ./benchmark_ultradisk --iodepth 64 --numjobs 4 --block-size 4k --extra-opts fallocate=none
cd ../fio_plot/
sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt
./fio_plot -i ../benchmark_script/benchmark_ultradisk/4k/ -T "IOPS-randread-64iodepth-4jobs-ultradisk" -g -t iops -r randread -d 64 -n 4 --xlabel-parent 2
./fio_plot -i ../benchmark_script/benchmark_ultradisk/4k/ -T "latency-randread-64iodepth-4jobs-ultradisk" -g -t lat -r randread -d 64 -n 4 --xlabel-parent 2
./fio_plot -i ../benchmark_script/benchmark_ultradisk/ultradisk/4k/ -T "bw-randread-64iodepth-4jobs-ultradisk" -g -t bw -r randread -d 64 -n 4 --xlabel-parent 2
Azure NetApp Files provides NFS volume option for Azure Virtual Machine with better latency, IOPS, bandwidth performance than managed disk with same provisioned size. (Note that this performance is not limited by the IOPS limitation impose by VM SKU Size!)