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Merge pull request #85 from Kodiologist/simalq-imports
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Add some utility functions and macros from Infinitesimal Quest 2 + ε
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Kodiologist authored Mar 16, 2024
2 parents 0562289 + 2f084b7 commit 9b14a09
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Showing 8 changed files with 408 additions and 4 deletions.
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions NEWS.rst
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,15 @@
.. default-role:: code


New Features
* New macro `defmacro-kwargs`.
* New macro `parse-fn-params`.
* New function `sign`.
* New function `thru`.

0.5.0 (released 2024-01-05; uses Hy 0.28.*)

Expand Down
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions docs/index.rst
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -91,15 +91,19 @@ Reference
.. hy:autofunction:: drop-last
.. hy:autofunction:: flatten
.. hy:autofunction:: rest
.. hy:autofunction:: thru
``macrotools`` — Tools for writing and handling macros
.. hy:automodule:: hyrule.macrotools
.. hy:autotag:: /
.. hy:automacro:: defmacro-kwargs
.. hy:automacro:: defmacro/g!
.. hy:automacro:: defmacro!
.. hy:autofunction:: macroexpand-all
.. hy:autofunction:: map-model
.. hy:autofunction:: match-fn-params
.. hy:automacro:: with-gensyms
``pprint`` — Pretty-printing data structures
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -133,6 +137,7 @@ Reference
.. hy:autofunction:: parse-args
.. hy:automacro:: profile/calls
.. hy:automacro:: profile/cpu
.. hy:autofunction:: sign
.. hy:automacro:: smacrolet
.. hy:autofunction:: xor
Expand Down
17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions hyrule/iterables.hy
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -161,3 +161,20 @@
(islice coll 1 None))

(defn thru [a [b None] [step 1]]
"A doubly inclusive version of :py:class:`range`. It takes the same
arguments as ``range``, but includes the endpoint (given a
compatible start point and step size). ::
(thru 3)
; => [0 1 2 3]
(thru 0 10 2)
; => [0 2 4 6 8 10]
(thru 0 9 2)
; => [0 2 4 6 8]"

(when (is b None)
(setv [a b] [0 a]))
(range a (+ b (if (> step 0) 1 -1)) step))
191 changes: 191 additions & 0 deletions hyrule/macrotools.hy
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,6 +4,151 @@
hyrule.collections [walk])

(defmacro defmacro-kwargs [name params #* body]

#[=[Define a macro that can take keyword arguments. When the macro
is called, :hy:func:`match-fn-params` is used to match the
arguments against ``params``, and the parameters are assigned to
local variables that can be used in the macro body. ::

(defmacro-kwargs do10times [form [print-iteration 'False]]
(setv i (hy.gensym))
`(for [~i (range 10)]
(when ~print-iteration
(print "Now on iteration:" ~i))

(setv x [])
(.append x 1))
; Nothing is printed.
:print-iteration (> (len x) 17)
(.append x 1))
; Iterations 8 and 9 are printed.]=]

(setv [ps p-rest p-kwargs] (parse-fn-params params))
(setv docstring None)
(when (and body (isinstance (get body 0) hy.models.String))
(setv [docstring #* body] body))
(setv g (hy.gensym))
`(defmacro ~name [#* ~g]
~@(if docstring [docstring] [])
(setv ~g (hy.I.hyrule.match-fn-params ~g '~params))
k [
#* (.keys ps)
#* (if p-rest [p-rest] [])
#* (if p-kwargs [p-kwargs] [])]
`(setv ~(hy.models.Symbol k) (get ~g ~k)))

(defn match-fn-params [args params]
#[[Match an iterable of arguments against a parameter list in the
style of a :hy:func:`defn` lambda list. The parameter-list syntax
here is somewhat restricted: annotations are forbiddden, ``/`` and
``*`` aren't recognized, and nothing is allowed after ``#* args``
other than ``#** kwargs``. Return a dictionary of the parameters and
their values. ::
[1 :foo "x"]
'[a [b 2] [c 3] #* args #** kwargs])
; => {"a" 1 "b" 2 "c" 3 "args" #() "kwargs" {"foo" "x"}}
If a default argument is a :ref:`model <hy:models>`, it's evaluated.
The evaluation occurs in a minimal environment, with no access to
surrounding global or local Python-level objects or macros. If this
is too restrictive, use ``None`` as the default value and compute the
real default value in other code.
This function exists mostly to implement :hy:macro:`defmacro-kwargs`.]]

(setv [ps p-rest p-kwargs] (parse-fn-params params))

; Loop over `args`.
(setv args (list args) collected-rest [] collected-kwargs {} i-pos 0)
(while args
(setv x (.pop args 0))

(isinstance x hy.models.Expression)
(isinstance (get x 0) hy.models.Symbol)
(in (hy.mangle (get x 0)) ["unpack_iterable" "unpack_mapping"]))
; Unpacking would require evaluating the elements of `args`, which we
; want to avoid.
(raise (TypeError "unpacking is not allowed in `args`"))

(isinstance x hy.models.Keyword) (do
; A keyword argument
(setv x (hy.mangle
(when (or
(in x collected-kwargs)
(and (in x ps) (is-not (get ps x "value") None)))
(raise (TypeError (+ "keyword argument repeated: " x))))
(setv v (.pop args 0))
(in x ps)
(setv (get ps x "value") v)
(setv (get collected-kwargs x) v)
(raise (TypeError f"unexpected keyword argument '{x}'"))))

True (do
; A positional argument
(< i-pos (len ps)) (do
(setv [k d] (get (list (.items ps)) i-pos))
(if (is (get d "value") None)
(setv (get d "value") x)
(raise (TypeError f"got multiple values for argument '{k}'"))))
(.append collected-rest x)
(raise (TypeError f"takes {(len ps)} positional arguments but more were given")))
(+= i-pos 1))))

; Return the result.
#** (dfor
[p d] (.items ps)
p (cond
(is-not (get d "value") None)
(get d "value")
(is-not (get d "default") None)
(get d "default")
(raise (TypeError f"missing a required positional argument: '{p}'"))))
#** (if p-rest {p-rest (tuple collected-rest)} {})
#** (if p-kwargs {p-kwargs collected-kwargs} {})))

(defn parse-fn-params [params]
"A subroutine for `defmacro-kwargs` and `match-params`."
funcparserlib.parser [maybe many]
hy.model-patterns [SYM FORM sym brackets pexpr])

(setv msym (>> SYM hy.mangle))
(defn pvalue [root wanted]
(>> (pexpr (+ (sym root) wanted)) (fn [x] (get x 0))))
(setv [ps p-rest p-kwargs] (.parse
(many (| msym (brackets msym FORM)))
(maybe (pvalue "unpack-iterable" msym))
(maybe (pvalue "unpack-mapping" msym)))
(setv ps (dfor
p ps
:setv [k dv] (if (isinstance p hy.models.List) p [p None])
k (dict :value None :default (if (isinstance dv hy.models.Object)
(hy.eval dv {} :macros {})
[ps p-rest p-kwargs])

(defmacro defmacro/g! [name args #* body]
"Like `defmacro`, but symbols prefixed with 'g!' are gensymed.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -126,6 +271,52 @@
(expand form))

(defn map-model [x f]
#[[Recursively apply a callback to some code. The unary function ``f`` is called on the object ``x``, converting it to a :ref:`model <hy:models>` first if it isn't one already. If the return value isn't ``None``, it's converted to a model and used as the result. But if the return value is ``None``, and ``x`` isn't a :ref:`sequential model <hy:hysequence>`, then ``x`` is used as the result instead. ::
(defn f [x]
(when (= x 'b)
(map-model 'a f) ; => 'a
(map-model 'b f) ; => 'B
Recursive descent occurs when ``f`` returns ``None`` and ``x`` is sequential. Then ``map-model`` is called on all the elements of ``x`` and the results are bound up in the same model type as ``x``. ::
(map-model '[a [b c] d] f) ; => '[a [B c] d]
The typical use of ``map-model`` is to write a macro that replaces models of a selected kind, however deeply they're nested in a tree of models. ::
(defmacro lowercase-syms [#* body]
"Evaluate `body` with all symbols downcased."
( `(do ~@body) (fn [x]
(when (isinstance x hy.models.Symbol)
(hy.models.Symbol (.lower (str x)))))))
(+= FOO (ABS -5)))
(print foo) ; => 20
That's why the parameters of ``map-model`` are backwards compared to ``map``: in user code, ``x`` is typically a symbol or other simple form whereas ``f`` is a multi-line anonymous function.]]

(when (not (isinstance x hy.models.Object))
(setv x ( x)))
(is-not (setx value (f x)) None)
( value)
(isinstance x hy.models.Sequence)
((type x)
(gfor elem x (map-model elem f))
#** (cond
(isinstance x hy.models.FString)
{"brackets" x.brackets}
(isinstance x hy.models.FComponent)
{"conversion" x.conversion}

(defmacro with-gensyms [args #* body]
"Execute `body` with `args` as bracket of names to gensym for use in macros.
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20 changes: 20 additions & 0 deletions hyrule/misc.hy
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -256,6 +256,26 @@
(print (.getvalue ~g!hy-s))))

(do-mac (do
(setv code "
(< x 0) -1
(> x 0) 1
(= x 0) 0
True (raise TypeError))")

`(defn sign [x]
~f"Return -1 for negative ``x``, 1 for positive ``x``, and 0 for
``x`` equal to 0. The implementation is exactly ::
with the corresponding consequences for special cases like negative
zero and NaN."

~( code))))

(defn xor [a b]
"Perform exclusive or between `a` and `b`.
Expand Down
28 changes: 27 additions & 1 deletion tests/test_iterables.hy
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
itertools [count islice]
hyrule [butlast coll? distinct drop-last flatten rest])
hyrule [butlast coll? distinct drop-last flatten rest thru]

(defn test-butlast []
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -79,3 +80,28 @@
(assert (= (list (rest [1 2 3 4 5])) [2 3 4 5]))
(assert (= (list (islice (rest (count 8)) 3)) [9 10 11]))
(assert (= (list (rest [])) [])))

(defn test-thru []
(assert (is (type (thru 5)) (type (range 5))))

(defn check [args values]
(assert (= (list (thru #* args)) values)))
(check [3] [0 1 2 3])
(check [-1 3] [-1 0 1 2 3])
(check [-1] [])
(check [3 1] [])
(check [3 1 -1] [3 2 1])
(check [0 5 2] [0 2 4])
(check [0 6 2] [0 2 4 6])
(check [5 0 -2] [5 3 1])
(check [6 0 -2] [6 4 2 0])

(assert [(pytest.raises TypeError)]
(assert [(pytest.raises TypeError)]
(thru 3.0))
(assert [(pytest.raises TypeError)]
(thru "3"))
(assert [(pytest.raises ValueError)]
(thru 1 10 0)))

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