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v8-profiler-next provides node bindings for the v8 profiler.

I. Quick Start

  • Compatibility
    • node version: v4.x ~ v21.x
    • platform: mac, linux, windows

This module can also be used in worker_threads.

take cpu profile

'use strict';
const fs = require('fs');
const v8Profiler = require('v8-profiler-next');
const title = 'good-name';

// set generateType 1 to generate new format for cpuprofile
// to be compatible with cpuprofile parsing in vscode.

// ex. 5 mins cpu profile
v8Profiler.startProfiling(title, true);
setTimeout(() => {
  const profile = v8Profiler.stopProfiling(title);
  profile.export(function (error, result) {
    // if it doesn't have the extension .cpuprofile then
    // chrome's profiler tool won't like it.
    // examine the profile:
    //   Navigate to chrome://inspect
    //   Click Open dedicated DevTools for Node
    //   Select the profiler tab
    //   Load your file
    fs.writeFileSync(`${title}.cpuprofile`, result);
}, 5 * 60 * 1000);

Get .cpuprofile in worker_threads:

'use strict';

const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const v8Profiler = require('v8-profiler-next');
const workerThreads = require('worker_threads');


if (workerThreads.isMainThread) {
  const w = new workerThreads.Worker(__filename, {
    env: process.env,
  v8Profiler.startProfiling('main', true);
  w.once('exit', code => {
    // create cpu profile in main thread
    const profile = v8Profiler.stopProfiling('main');
    const mainProfile = path.join(__dirname, 'main.cpuprofile');
    fs.existsSync(mainProfile) && fs.unlinkSync(mainProfile);
    fs.writeFileSync(mainProfile, JSON.stringify(profile));
} else {
  v8Profiler.startProfiling('worker_threads', true);
  // create cpu profile in worker_threads
  const start =;
  while ( - start < 2000) { }
  const profile = v8Profiler.stopProfiling('worker_threads');
  const workerProfile = path.join(__dirname, 'worker_threads.cpuprofile');
  fs.existsSync(workerProfile) && fs.unlinkSync(workerProfile);
  fs.writeFileSync(workerProfile, JSON.stringify(profile));

take heapsnapshot

'use strict';
const v8Profiler = require('v8-profiler-next');
const snapshot = v8Profiler.takeSnapshot();
// 1. not as stream
snapshot.export(function (error, result) {
	if (error){
// 2. as stream
const transform = snapshot.export();
transform.on('finish', snapshot.delete.bind(snapshot));

Get .heapsnapshot in worker_threads:

'use strict';

const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const v8Profiler = require('v8-profiler-next');
const workerThreads = require('worker_threads');

function createSnapshot(filename) {
  const snapshot = v8Profiler.takeSnapshot();
  const file = path.join(__dirname, filename);
  const transform = snapshot.export();
  transform.on('finish', snapshot.delete.bind(snapshot));

if (workerThreads.isMainThread) {
  const w = new workerThreads.Worker(__filename, {
    env: process.env,

  // create heapsnapshot in main thread

} else {
  const start =;
  const array = [];
  while ( - start < 2000) { array.push(new Array(1e3).fill('*')); }

  // create heapsnapshot in worker_threads

take allocation profile

Attention: If node version < v12.x, please use sampling heap profiling alone without cpu profiling or taking snapshot.

'use strict';
const v8Profiler = require('v8-profiler-next');
// set a leak array
const arraytest = [];
setInterval(() => {
  arraytest.push(new Array(1e2).fill('*').join());
}, 20);
// start 1min sampling profile
setTimeout(() => {
	// stop and get allocation profile
	const profile = v8Profiler.stopSamplingHeapProfiling();
	// upload shf.heapprofile into chrome dev tools -> Memory -> ALLOCATION PRODILES
  require('fs').writeFileSync('./shf.heapprofile', JSON.stringify(profile));
}, 60 * 1000);

Get .heapprofile in worker_threads:

'use strict';

const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const v8Profiler = require('v8-profiler-next');
const workerThreads = require('worker_threads');

if (workerThreads.isMainThread) {
  const w = new workerThreads.Worker(__filename, {
    env: process.env,
  w.once('exit', code => {
    // create heap profile in main thread
    const profile = v8Profiler.stopSamplingHeapProfiling();
    const mainProfile = path.join(__dirname, 'main.heapprofile');
    fs.existsSync(mainProfile) && fs.unlinkSync(mainProfile);
    fs.writeFileSync(mainProfile, JSON.stringify(profile));
} else {
  // create heap profile in worker_threads
  const start =;
  const array = [];
  while ( - start < 2000) { array.push(new Array(1e3).fill('*')); }
  const profile = v8Profiler.stopSamplingHeapProfiling();
  const workerProfile = path.join(__dirname, 'worker_threads.heapprofile');
  fs.existsSync(workerProfile) && fs.unlinkSync(workerProfile);
  fs.writeFileSync(workerProfile, JSON.stringify(profile));

II. License

MIT License

Copyright (c) 2018 team of v8-profiler, hyj1991