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Hygraph Utils


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You'll need the request body and headers to pass to verifyWebhookSignature.

If isValid is truthy then you can safely execute your webhook handler code knowing the request is genuine, otherwise you should abort any further action.

const { verifyWebhookSignature } = require("@hygraph/utils");

const secret = "rCNwyiloY3oJYYkxgpBXaleIiUv5MYlx";

const body = {}; // Typically req.body
const signature = "..."; // Typically req.headers['gcms-signature']

const isValid = verifyWebhookSignature({ body, signature, secret });

verifyWebhookSignature also accepts a rawPayload in the case that the body has not yet been parsed.

const { verifyWebhookSignature } = require("@hygraph/utils");

const secret = "rCNwyiloY3oJYYkxgpBXaleIiUv5MYlx";

const rawPayload = '{"hello":"world"}';
const signature = "..."; // Typically req.headers['gcms-signature']

const isValid = verifyWebhookSignature({ rawPayload, signature, secret });

Learn more about Webhooks.


This is useful for testing signed webhooks. You can generate a Hygraph webhook signature, and then use it to test your webhook.

const { generateWebhookSignature } = require("@hygraph/utils");

const secret = "rCNwyiloY3oJYYkxgpBXaleIiUv5MYlx";

const body = {
  hello: "world",

const signature = generateWebhookSignature({ body, secret });

Learn more about Webhooks.