Please use the ReflectASM discussion group for support.
This is the revised version, some differences from EsotericSoftware/reflectasm
- Supports
Java 8
only in order to remove the dependency ofasm-xxx.jar
- New class
as the base ofMethodAccess
- Provides the interface to dump the dynamic class for investigation purpose
- Provides the caching options for performance purpose(default as enabled)
- Optimize some logics for performance purpose
- Auto data type conversion for invoking or construction
- Accurately position the closest method for overloading
- Supports methods/constructors with variable parameters
- Removes the harcodes of the package name
- Supports accessing non-public class/method/field
- Uses of generic types to reduce unnecessary explicit/implicit casting
- Reduces the generation of proxy classes
- Supports MethodHandle
To support Java 7, just change the imports in class ClassAccess
to add back the dependency of asm-xxx.jar
ReflectASM is a very small Java library that provides high performance reflection by using code generation. An access class is generated to set/get fields, call methods, or create a new instance. The access class uses bytecode rather than Java's reflection, so it is much faster. It can also access primitive fields via bytecode to avoid boxing.
The benchmark code can be found in the benchmark
directory, test environment:
- CPU: Intel I7-3820QM
- VM : Java 8u112 x86
- OS : Win10 x64, and as a laptop, the result is not very stable
VM | Item | Direct | DirectMethodHandle | ReflectASM | Reflection |
Server VM | Field Set+Get | 1.17 ns | 7.83 ns | 6.88 ns | 12.51 ns |
Server VM | Method Call | 0.86 ns | 4.14 ns | 3.30 ns | 4.51 ns |
Server VM | Constructor | 5.10 ns | 7.51 ns | 6.86 ns | 8.62 ns |
Client VM | Field Set+Get | 2.49 ns | 16.30 ns | 13.75 ns | 209.21 ns |
Client VM | Method Call | 2.13 ns | 10.54 ns | 8.32 ns | 48.85 ns |
Client VM | Constructor | 71.00 ns | 192.87 ns | 74.80 ns | 154.43 ns |
&chs=700x237&chd=t:104886099,704401675,619611373,1125590088,77170418,372776726,296855382,405673821,458851833,675729992,616966498,775650205&chds=0,1125590088&chxl=0:|Constructor - Reflection|Constructor - ReflectASM|Constructor - DirectMethodHandle|Constructor - Direct|Method Call - Reflection|Method Call - ReflectASM|Method Call - DirectMethodHandle|Method Call - Direct|Field Set+Get - Reflection|Field Set+Get - ReflectASM|Field Set+Get - DirectMethodHandle|Field Set+Get - Direct&cht=bhg&chbh=10&chxt=y&chco=660000|660033|660066|660099|6600CC|6600FF|663300|663333|663366|663399|6633CC|6633FF|666600|666633|666666)
&chs=700x237&chd=t:74650984,489015485,412433873,6276273031,63781455,316114537,249572650,1465394076,2130048135,5786071571,2244086000,4632780627&chds=0,6276273031&chxl=0:|Constructor - Reflection|Constructor - ReflectASM|Constructor - DirectMethodHandle|Constructor - Direct|Method Call - Reflection|Method Call - ReflectASM|Method Call - DirectMethodHandle|Method Call - Direct|Field Set+Get - Reflection|Field Set+Get - ReflectASM|Field Set+Get - DirectMethodHandle|Field Set+Get - Direct&cht=bhg&chbh=10&chxt=y&chco=660000|660033|660066|660099|6600CC|6600FF|663300|663333|663366|663399|6633CC|6633FF|666600|666633|666666)
Considering this class:
public class TestObject {
static String fs;
public Double fd;
public int fi;
private long fl;
public TestObject() {fs = "TestObject0";}
public TestObject(int fi1, Double fd1, String fs1, long l) {}
static String func1(String str) {fs = str;return str;}
public String func2(int fi1, Double fd1, String fs1, long l) {return fs;}
Reflection with ReflectASM:
ClassAccess<TestObject> access = ClassAccess.access(TestObject.class);
TestObject obj;
// Construction
obj = access.newInstance();
obj = access.newInstance(1, 2, 3, 4);
// Set+Get field
access.set(null, "fs", 1); // static field
System.out.println((String)access.get(null, "fs"));
access.set(obj, "fd", 2);
System.out.println((String)access.get(obj, "fd"));
// Method invoke
access.invoke(null,"func1","a"); //static call
System.out.println((String)access.invoke(obj, "func2",1,2,3,4));
If same field/method/constructor is referenced frequently, for performance purpose, consider following code: ```java ClassAccess access = ClassAccess.access(TestObject.class); TestObject obj; //Identify the indexes for further use int newIndex=access.indexOfConstructor(int.class, Double.class, String.class, long.class); int fieldIndex=access.indexOfField("fd"); int methodIndex=access.indexOfMethod("func1",String.class); //Now use the index to access object in loop or other part for(int i=0;i<100;i++) { obj=access.newInstanceWithIndex(newIndex,1,2,3,4); access.set(obj,fieldIndex,123); String result=access.invokeWithIndex(null,methodIndex,"x"); } ```
With above code, input arguments are auto-converted into the corresponding data types before the call. If auto-conversion is unnecessary in your code and all argument types are correct previously, for more performance purpose, replace as: ```java ClassAccess access = ClassAccess.access(TestObject.class); TestObject obj; //Identify the indexes for further use int newIndex=access.indexOfConstructor(int.class, Double.class, String.class, long.class); int fieldIndex=access.indexOfField("fd"); int methodIndex=access.indexOfMethod("func1",String.class); //Now use the index to access object in loop or other part for(int i=0;i<100;i++) { obj=access.accessor.newInstanceWithIndex(newIndex,1,Double.valueOf(2),"3",4L); access.accessor.set(obj,fieldIndex,Double.valueOf(123)); String result=access.accessor.invokeWithIndex(null,methodIndex,"x"); } ``` Class reflection with ReflectASM(F=FieldAccess,M=MethodAccess,C=ConstructorAccess, {}=Array):
ClassAccess.method | Equivalence | Description |
static access(Class,[dump dir]) | (F/M/C).access | returns a wrapper object of the underlying class, in case of the 2nd parameter is specified, dumps the dynamic classes into the target folder |
indexesOf(name,type) | returns an index array that matches the given name and type(field /method /<new> ) |
indexesOf(Class,name,type) | returns an index array that matches the given class,name and type(field /method /<new> ) |
indexOf(name,type) | returns the first element of indexesOf |
getHandleWithIndex(index,type) | returns a MethodHandle regards to the index(from indexOf ), type here can be set/get/method/<new> |
getHandle(Class,name,type,{argtypes}) | returns a MethodHandle regards to input parameter types | |
getHandleWithArgs(Class,name,type,{args}) | returns a MethodHandle regards to input parameter values | |
invokeWithMethodHandle(instance,index,type,{args} | if option invokeWithMethodHandle is true (default as false , then all below methods will use MethodHandle to process, instead of accessor |
indexOfField(name/Field) | F.getIndex | returns the field index that matches the given input |
indexOfField(Class,name) | returns the field index that defined in the target class | |
indexOfMethod(name/Method) | M.getIndex | returns the first method index that matches the given input |
indexOfMethod(Class,name,{argTypes}) | returns the first method index that defined in the target class | |
indexOfMethod(name,argCount/{argTypes}) | (M/C).getIndex | returns the first index that matches the given input |
indexOfConstructor(constructor) | C.getIndex | returns the index that matches the given constructor |
set(instance,Name/index,value) | F.set | Assign value to the specific field |
setPrimitive(instance,index,value) | F.setPrimitive | Assign primitive value to the specific field, primitive here can be Integer/Long/Double/etc |
get(instance,name/index) | F.get | Get field value |
getPrimitive(instance,index) | F.getPrimitive | Get field value and convert to target primitive type |
get(instance,name/index, Class) | F.get | Get field value and convert to target class type |
invoke(instance,name,{args}) | M.invoke | Executes method |
invokeWithIndex(instance,index,{args}) | M.invokeWithIndex | Executes method by specifying the exact index |
invokeWithWithTypes(instance,name/index,{argTypes},{args}) | M.invokeWithWithTypes | Invokes method by specifying parameter types in order to position the accurate method |
newInstance() | C.newInstance | Create underlying Object |
newInstance({args}) | C.newInstance | Create underlying Object |
newInstanceWithIndex(index,{args}) | C.newInstanceWithIndex | Create underlying Object with the specific constructor index |
newInstanceWithTypes({argTypes},{args}) | C.newInstanceWithTypes | Create underlying Object by specifying parameter types in order to position the accurate constructor |
getInfo | Get the underlying ClassInfo |
*accessor.*newInstanceWithIndex | Directly initializes the instance without validating/auto-conversion the input arguments | |
*accessor.*invokeWithIndex | Directly invokes the method without validating/auto-conversion the input arguments | |
*accessor.*set/get | Directly set/get the field without validating/auto-conversion the input arguments |
Other static fields:
: the prefix of the dynamic class name(format is<prefix>.<underlying_class_full_name>
), the default value isasm.
: The option to cache the method/constructor indexes and the dynamic classes, default istrue
. VM parameterreflectasm.is_cache
can also control this optionClassAccess.IS_STRICT_CONVERT
: controls the auto-conversion of the input arguments for the invoke/set/constructor functions, i.e., auto-conversionString
when a method only accepts theint
parameter. Default isfalse
(enabled conversion), and VM parameterreflectasm.is_strict_convert
can also control this option
ReflectASM can always access all members(public + non-public) that defined inside it + supper-classes + interfaces.
To access a field/method defined in the class's super-class which is also samely defined in the class itself with the same parameters, then position the index firstly and invoke/get/set with it afterwards. For example:
int fieldIndex=access.indexOfField(<superClass>,<fieldName>);
int methodIndex=access.indexOfMethod(<superClass>,<methodName>,{<parameterTypes>});
Refer to test case com.hyee.reflectmeta.testOverload()/testOverloadWithLambda()
for more examples`
Stack traces when using ReflectASM are a bit cleaner. Here is Java's reflection calling a method that throws a RuntimeException:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at com.example.SomeCallingCode.doit(
Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException
at com.example.SomeClass.someMethod(
... 5 more
Here is the same but when ReflectASM is used:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException
at com.example.SomeClass.someMethod(
at com.example.SomeClassMethodAccess.invoke(Unknown Source)
at com.example.SomeCallingCode.doit(
If ReflectASM is used to invoke code that throws a checked exception, the checked exception is thrown. Because it is a compilation error to use try/catch with a checked exception around code that doesn't declare that exception as being thrown, you must catch Exception if you care about catching a checked exception in code you invoke with ReflectASM.
Each time to call ClassAccess.access(<target class>)
, a wrapper class is created and instanced, or if the wrapper object can be found from the cache, then return from cache directly. This wrapper object is assigned as ClassAccess.accessor
So any access(get/set field,invoke method,construction) to the target class, the process flow is:
User Calls
Is auto-conversion enabled?---Yes---> ClassAccess.reArgs&Call(invoke/get/set/etc)
\ \/
-----No---> ClassAccess.accessor.callIndex(invoke/get/set/etc)
Return result
The outstanding cost by comparing to direct call is only redirect once in minimum so the performance differences can be ignored(< 10 ns), the most time-consuming part is the target method itself.
To see how is the logic of the wrapper class, take below class TestObject
as example:
package test;
public class TestObject {
static String fs;
public Double fd;
public int fi;
private long fl;
public TestObject() {fs = "TestObject0";}
public TestObject(int fi1, Double fd1, String fs1, long l) {}
static String func1(String str) {fs = str;return str;}
public String func2(int fi1, Double fd1, String fs1, long l) {return fs;}
And then the auto-generated wrapper class is shown below, you can also call ClassAccess.access(TestObject.class,".")
to dump the wrapper class:
package asm.test;
import com.hyee.reflectmeta.Accessor;
import com.hyee.reflectmeta.ClassAccess;
import com.hyee.reflectmeta.ClassInfo;
import sun.reflect.MagicAccessorImpl;
public class TestObject extends MagicAccessorImpl implements Accessor<test.TestObject> {
static final ClassInfo<test.TestObject> classInfo = new ClassInfo();
public TestObject() {}
static {
classInfo.methodNames = new String[]{"func2", "func1"};
classInfo.methodParamTypes = new Class[][]{{Integer.TYPE, Double.class, String.class, Long.TYPE}, {String.class}};
classInfo.returnTypes = new Class[]{String.class, String.class};
classInfo.methodModifiers = new Integer[]{Integer.valueOf(1), Integer.valueOf(8)};
classInfo.methodDescs = new String[]{"(ILjava/lang/Double;Ljava/lang/String;J)Ljava/lang/String;", "(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;"};
classInfo.fieldNames = new String[]{"fs", "fd", "fi", "fl"};
classInfo.fieldTypes = new Class[]{String.class, Double.class, Integer.TYPE, Long.TYPE};
classInfo.fieldModifiers = new Integer[]{Integer.valueOf(8), Integer.valueOf(1), Integer.valueOf(1), Integer.valueOf(2)};
classInfo.fieldDescs = new String[]{"Ljava/lang/String;", "Ljava/lang/Double;", "I", "J"};
classInfo.constructorParamTypes = new Class[][]{new Class[0], {Integer.TYPE, Double.class, String.class, Long.TYPE}};
classInfo.constructorModifiers = new Integer[]{Integer.valueOf(1), Integer.valueOf(1)};
classInfo.constructorDescs = new String[]{"()V", "(ILjava/lang/Double;Ljava/lang/String;J)V"};
classInfo.baseClass = test.TestObject.class;
classInfo.isNonStaticMemberClass = false;
classInfo.bucket = 13;
public ClassInfo<test.TestObject> getInfo() {
return classInfo;
public <T, V> T invokeWithIndex(test.TestObject var1, int var2, V... var3) {
switch(var2) {
case 0:
return var1.func2(((Integer)var3[0]).intValue(), (Double)var3[1], (String)var3[2], ((Long)var3[3]).longValue());
case 1:
return test.TestObject.func1((String)var3[0]);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Method not found: " + var2);
public <T> T get(test.TestObject var1, int var2) {
switch(var2) {
case 0:
return test.TestObject.fs;
case 1:
return var1.fd;
case 2:
return Integer.valueOf(;
case 3:
return Long.valueOf(var1.fl);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Field not found: " + var2);
public <T, V> void set(test.TestObject var1, int var2, V var3) {
switch(var2) {
case 0:
test.TestObject.fs = (String)var3;
case 1:
var1.fd = (Double)var3;
case 2: = ((Integer)var3).intValue();
case 3:
var1.fl = ((Long)var3).longValue();
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Field not found: " + var2);
public <T> test.TestObject newInstanceWithIndex(int var1, T... var2) {
switch(var1) {
case 0:
return new test.TestObject();
case 1:
return new test.TestObject(((Integer)var2[0]).intValue(), (Double)var2[1], (String)var2[2], ((Long)var2[3]).longValue());
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Constructor not found: " + var1);
public test.TestObject newInstance() {
return new test.TestObject();