GBProks is a set of tools to create and update your own prokaryotic genome repository containing all the bacterial and archaeal genomes (both draft and finished) from NCBI's GenBank database. These scripts will automatically download (in an incremental fashion) the microbial genomes from NCBI, calculate and record additional metadata such as MD5 checksums and GC content, and assist the user in running any tool they wish on each new genome in the repository.
####Perl requirements
These scripts have been tested on Perl 5.8+ and use Digest::MD5, File::Copy, File::Stat, IO::Uncompress, and LWP::Simple, all of which should be part of a standard Perl installation. The scripts expect perl to be in /usr/bin/perl, but you can bypass this by running them with
or edit the scripts to reflect the correct path to your Perl binary.
####Setting up the root directory
The scripts require that you set an environment variable ($NCBI_GENOME_ROOT) or specify the root directory at the script command line. The download script will create the repository in whichever root directory you specify.
To set the variable in bash, do:
export NCBI_GENOME_ROOT=/home/me/repository
In csh, do:
setenv NCBI_GENOME_ROOT /home/me/repository
Or, when you call each script, you can specify the root directory manually:
./ --root /home/me/repository
./ --root /home/me/repository
./ --root /home/me/repository
####Downloading the genomes
To download the genomes, do the following:
./ --root /home/me/repository
This will create the genome repository in /home/me/repository/. Each genome is represented by its assembly ID, a unique identifier created by NCBI for each genome assembly. (This means that a single strain may have multiple assemblies associated with it.)
Genomes from Refseq and INSDC are placed in the complete directories, i.e. complete_genome_fasta and complete_genome_gbk. Genomes from WGS projects (whole genome shotgun assemblies) are placed in the wgs directories, i.e. wgs_download, wgs_genome_fasta, and wgs_genome_gbk.
You can choose to download only genomes of one type (for example, only the complete genomes).
./ --root /home/me/repository --complete
./ --root /home/me/repository --wgsonly
For more details on the downloading process, see the Wiki. You can also do
./ --help
for a complete list of options.
####Processing the genomes
Once the genomes have been downloaded, the processing script can be used to record metadata for each genome and update the summary file with information for each genome. When proteins are available, the script also extracts the protein sequences from the Genbank flat files into the complete_genome_fasta and wgs_genome_fasta subdirectories.
To run the processing script, do:
./ --root /home/me/repository
where the root directory provided is the same as the one you used in the download script. The processing script creates (or updates) a tab-delimited file genbank.summary.txt in the genbank directory. This file contains a great deal of information about each genome project. For a detailed description of each column in this file, see the Wiki.
In addition to the summary file, the script creates a tab-delimited .txt file for each genome in the complete_metadata or wgs_metadata subdirectories, depending if the genome is Refseq/INSDC or WGS, respectively. These files contain metadata for each contig in the assembly. For a description of the content of these files, see the Wiki.
For a detailed list of options, do:
./ --help
####Running Prodigal on each genome
To run Prodigal on each genome, do the following:
./ --root /home/me/repository --prodigal /usr/bin/prodigal
providing the path to the repository as well as to the Prodigal binary. If the --prodigal option is omitted, the script calls the binary 'prodigal' and assumes it exists in the user's path. The script writes the various Prodigal output files to the complete_prodigal and wgs_prodigal subdirectories, including .faa files for proteins, .dna files for gene nucleotide sequences, .stt files for detailed information about each potential start site, .gff files for the lists of gene coordinates, and .smm files for summary statistics for each genome.
The script can be run serially, but it is also designed to be run in parallel. For more details on this, do:
./ --help
or see the Wiki.
####Running Other Tools on each Genome
The script provides a template for the user to run any tool on the genomes in the repository in an incremental fashion, provided the tool uses only one or more of the following as its inputs:
- The nucleotide FASTA genome sequences for the genome assembly.
- The Genbank flat files for the genome assembly.
- The FASTA file of the protein sequences extracted from the Genbank flat files.
- The FASTA file of the protein sequences calculated by Prodigal.
Example usage:
./ --config /home/me/aragorn.cfg
where the file aragorn.cfg contains instructions on which tool to run, which options to use, and which input and output files to read and write, respectively. For a detailed description of this configuration file format and script options, see the Wiki.
Direct questions and comments to the author, Doug Hyatt, at