Grouped-sliders based on ant-design
antd-group-slider provides a group of sliders that help to input multiple related range-data. It has data sync between sliders on every range change that which would help the user to avoid accidental missing range during actions.
Please first have a look at Ant Slider to have a general idea of the use case of this component.
Feel free to request a feature by opening an issue :)
Ant Design v4
npm install --save antd-group-slider
yarn add antd-group-slider
import React, { Component } from 'react'
import GroupSlider from 'antd-group-slider'
import 'antd-group-slider/dist/index.css'
class GroupSliderExample extends Component {
render() {
return <GroupSlider />
Name | Type | Meaning | Posible values | Default value |
min | number | Min value of range selection. This value takes place if initial ranges have value less than min. | Positive numbers | 0 |
max | number | Max value of range selection. This value takes place if initial ranges have value higher than max. | Positive numbers | 100 |
addButtonText | string | Display text of add range button | 'Add more range' | |
removeButtonText | string | Display text of remove range button | 'Remove last range' | |
onChange | function(data) | Callback when range or description changes Format of object of callback: - ranges: array of pairs of values of each range - descriptions: array of description, with order respectively to ranges - isFullRange: true if all the ranges from 0 to max is covered |
descriptionConfig | object | Object containing configuration of description fields. Format of object: - placeholder: string - description's placeholder string (*) - separator: string - separator between of a range pair values in placeholder - type: string - Type of description. 'none' value will hide the description section - leftText: string - Text to be displayed before description input (*) - rightText: string - Text to be displayed after description input (*) - leftAddonText: string - Text to be displayed as addon before of description input (*)(**) - rightAddonText: string - Text to be displayed as addon after of description input (*)(**) (*): If you want to put range values into the string, mark them as {{range}} inside your string (**): only applicable if type='input'. Refer to Ant-design Input to see addonBefore & addonAfter prop |
type: 'input', 'none', 'textarea' | placeholder: 'Description for range {{range}}' separator: '-' (dash symbol) type: 'textarea' |
marks | object | Value indicator of sliders Refer to Ant-design Input to see the marks props |
3 marks: - 0 - floor(max/2) - max |
initialValues | object | Initial data of component Format of object: - ranges: array of pairs of values of each range - descriptions: array of description, with order respectively to ranges |
ranges: [[0, max]] descriptions: [] |
initialValuesConfig | object | Format of object: - fillGaps: boolean - whether component should fill in the missing ranges of initial data |
fillGaps: true | |
showDivider | boolean | Show Divider between each ranges | false | |
lineExtras | array | Additional components to show under each slider line | [] |
MIT © huyennbl