Todo Management WebApp is a full-stack application that allows users to manage their tasks efficiently. Users can create, update, delete, and view their todos. The application uses Recoil for state management, Tailwind CSS for styling, and connects to a backend API for data persistence.
- User Authentication
- Add New Todos
- Edit Existing Todos
- Delete Todos
- Mark Todos as Completed
- Responsive Design
- User-friendly UI
- Priority Levels
- Due Dates and Reminders
- Categories and Tags
- Attachments and many more to be added...
Client: React, Recoil, Tailwind CSS, Axios, React Icons, React Toastify
Server: Node.js, Express, MongoDB, JWT for authentication, Cookies for session management
- Clone the repository:
git clone
cd todo-fullstack
2.Install frontend dependencies:
cd frontend
npm i
3.Install backend dependencies:
cd backend
npm i
Set up environment variables:
- Start the backend server:
cd backend
node index.js
- Start the frontend:
cd frontend
npm run dev
Contributions are welcome! Please fork this repository and submit a pull request for any features, fixes, or improvements.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.