The following are the instructions to run minikube locally and to integrate Dex with it.
helm repo add dex
kubectl create ns dex
helm install --generate-name --wait dex/dex --values ./dex/Values.yaml -n dex
2.1. Configure the ingress tls configuration
kubectl -n dex create secret tls minikube-ingress-tls --key certs/server.key --cert certs/server.crt
2.2 Create the ingress
kubectl -n dex create ingress dex --rule="/dex*=dex:5556,tls=minikube-ingress-tls"
3.1. Apply the necessory changes in dex/config.yaml 3.2. Then apply the following:
kubectl create secret generic dex \
--from-file dex/config.yaml \
--save-config \
--dry-run=client -o yaml | \
kubectl apply -f -
kubectl oidc-login setup \
--oidc-issuer-url=https://minikube/dex \
--oidc-client-id=kubelogin \
--oidc-client-secret=kubelogin_password \