I am a seasoned software producer at AES LLC. I am also a founding member at outsidethestacks.com. I am driven by a curiosity for technology and a love for learning by doing.
"Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Wishing is not enough; we must do."
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
- 🔭 I'm a founding member at OutsideTheTacks Inc. I am also an engineer and the CTO of Applied Expert Systems LLC
- 📝 I authored and notably produced four enterprise software solutions being used by many fortune-500 companies.
- 🌐 I regularly post technical papers on my company's blog and contribute to open source projects.
- ✍️ Content Writer at AES LLC
- 🚀 Being the best mediocre gardener, donating my garden bounty to the local food bank
- 🚀 Keeping an eye out for projects that get my blood pumping
⚡ Resume
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