"I'm da besssss"
- Build targets:
- Desktop (SDL, tested on OSX)
- iOS
- Graphics engine:
- Render TMX tile maps
- Parallax layers
- Camera tracking (Static, single entity, multi entity)
- Sprite animations
- Keyframe animations/Easer
- Static scenes
- Use Freetype to render strings with TTF and OTF fonts
- Overlay layers
- Physics engine:
- Integration with Chipmunk 2D physics engine
- Basic Hitboxes
- Collision Sensors
- Entity recording and playback
- Audio engine:
- OGG support
- Seamless music queueing and looping
- Sound effects
- Scripting engine:
- Lua scripting interface for most engine features
- Scene manager
- Audio - spatialization/panning
- Scripting - space bindings
- Scripting - tile map bindings
- Tile maps should be disposed of more thoroughly (destroy is leaking)
- Parallax zoom is sliiiightly weird
- Weird camera humping as tracked entity is rotating
- Easers have a tendency to introduce leaks
# Ya gonna need dis stuf!
brew install sdl sdl_image sdl_ttf sdl_mixer libogg libvorbis
# Also install OpenAL Soft
# http://kcat.strangesoft.net/openal.html
make submodules
make game
If you are trying to build the XCode project, you need to build the submodule
make submodules
Learn C the Hard Way by Zed Shaw
Chipmunk Physics by Howling Moon Software
Lua 5.2.1 by PUC-Rio
Asset Copyrights:
- Megaman is property of Capcom
- Ice Cap Zone is property of SEGA
- All other included graphics are public domain and are free for reuse
- All included music is Copyrighted to me, Hunter Bridges, and is not available for reuse